Has acollection ofsomethingunique orunusual.Hasparticipated in acookingcompetition orfood challenge.Has watchedall seasonsof a popularTV show.Has worked inmore thanonedepartment ofthe companyHas completeda DIY homeimprovementproject in thelast year.Has a uniquetalent or skill(e.g.,juggling,magic tricks).Has aninteresting oruncommonpet.Has traveledto more thanthreecountries.Has a favoritehistorical figureor time periodthey'repassionateabout.Hasvolunteeredfor a charityor non-profitorganization.Is avegetarianor vegan.Is left-handed.Has writtenor performedin a song ormusical onstage.Has aspecial skillrelated totechnologyor coding.Has given apublicpresentationor speech.Speaksmore thanonelanguage.Has a hobbyrelated to artor crafts.Has been featured onTV or in anewspaper/magazinearticleHaspublished abook orwritten for apublication.Has ahidden talentthey'rewilling toshare.Has visited afamouslandmark (e.g.,Eiffel Tower,Great Wall ofChina).Has won anaward orrecognitionfor theirwork.Has ablack beltin a martialart.Has met acelebrityin person.Has attended alive performance,such as a concertor theater show, inthe past month.Hasparticipated in ateam sport orclub outside ofwork.Has afavorite bookthat they'veread multipletimes.Has workedat thecompany forover fiveyears.Has run amarathonor half-marathon.Has acollection ofsomethingunique orunusual.Hasparticipated in acookingcompetition orfood challenge.Has watchedall seasonsof a popularTV show.Has worked inmore thanonedepartment ofthe companyHas completeda DIY homeimprovementproject in thelast year.Has a uniquetalent or skill(e.g.,juggling,magic tricks).Has aninteresting oruncommonpet.Has traveledto more thanthreecountries.Has a favoritehistorical figureor time periodthey'repassionateabout.Hasvolunteeredfor a charityor non-profitorganization.Is avegetarianor vegan.Is left-handed.Has writtenor performedin a song ormusical onstage.Has aspecial skillrelated totechnologyor coding.Has given apublicpresentationor speech.Speaksmore thanonelanguage.Has a hobbyrelated to artor crafts.Has been featured onTV or in anewspaper/magazinearticleHaspublished abook orwritten for apublication.Has ahidden talentthey'rewilling toshare.Has visited afamouslandmark (e.g.,Eiffel Tower,Great Wall ofChina).Has won anaward orrecognitionfor theirwork.Has ablack beltin a martialart.Has met acelebrityin person.Has attended alive performance,such as a concertor theater show, inthe past month.Hasparticipated in ateam sport orclub outside ofwork.Has afavorite bookthat they'veread multipletimes.Has workedat thecompany forover fiveyears.Has run amarathonor half-marathon.

Planning & Performance Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Has a collection of something unique or unusual.
  2. Has participated in a cooking competition or food challenge.
  3. Has watched all seasons of a popular TV show.
  4. Has worked in more than one department of the company
  5. Has completed a DIY home improvement project in the last year.
  6. Has a unique talent or skill (e.g., juggling, magic tricks).
  7. Has an interesting or uncommon pet.
  8. Has traveled to more than three countries.
  9. Has a favorite historical figure or time period they're passionate about.
  10. Has volunteered for a charity or non-profit organization.
  11. Is a vegetarian or vegan.
  12. Is left-handed.
  13. Has written or performed in a song or musical on stage.
  14. Has a special skill related to technology or coding.
  15. Has given a public presentation or speech.
  16. Speaks more than one language.
  17. Has a hobby related to art or crafts.
  18. Has been featured on TV or in a newspaper/magazine article
  19. Has published a book or written for a publication.
  20. Has a hidden talent they're willing to share.
  21. Has visited a famous landmark (e.g., Eiffel Tower, Great Wall of China).
  22. Has won an award or recognition for their work.
  23. Has a black belt in a martial art.
  24. Has met a celebrity in person.
  25. Has attended a live performance, such as a concert or theater show, in the past month.
  26. Has participated in a team sport or club outside of work.
  27. Has a favorite book that they've read multiple times.
  28. Has worked at the company for over five years.
  29. Has run a marathon or half-marathon.