is a morning person can change a tire Has a child has a garden gone kayaking never been to Disney had a broken bone has a brother is a vegetarian has a food allergy has blue eyes can bake a cake from scratch has more than 3 animals hates Winter met a celebrity been to a concert in the last year has a side hustle can do a cartwheel is an only child has been in car accident drives a minivan likes spicy food favorite food is a dessert has gotten a speeding ticket traveled out of the country favorite season is fall is a night person favorite holiday is halloween left handed never been on an airplane knows how to sew volunteers has more than 2 tatoos is the youngest child favorite color is pink favorite place to eat is fast food wears socks to bed drinks tea over coffee plays an instrument is a morning person can change a tire Has a child has a garden gone kayaking never been to Disney had a broken bone has a brother is a vegetarian has a food allergy has blue eyes can bake a cake from scratch has more than 3 animals hates Winter met a celebrity been to a concert in the last year has a side hustle can do a cartwheel is an only child has been in car accident drives a minivan likes spicy food favorite food is a dessert has gotten a speeding ticket traveled out of the country favorite season is fall is a night person favorite holiday is halloween left handed never been on an airplane knows how to sew volunteers has more than 2 tatoos is the youngest child favorite color is pink favorite place to eat is fast food wears socks to bed drinks tea over coffee plays an instrument
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
is a morning person
can change a tire
Has a child
has a garden
gone kayaking
never been to Disney
had a broken bone
has a brother
is a vegetarian
has a food allergy
has blue eyes
can bake a cake from scratch
has more than 3 animals
hates Winter
met a celebrity
been to a concert in the last year
has a side hustle
can do a cartwheel
is an only child
has been in car accident
drives a minivan
likes spicy food
favorite food is a dessert
has gotten a speeding ticket
traveled out of the country
favorite season is fall
is a night person
favorite holiday is halloween
left handed
never been on an airplane
knows how to sew
has more than 2 tatoos
is the youngest child
favorite color is pink
favorite place to eat is fast food
wears socks to bed
drinks tea over coffee
plays an instrument