Zombie bribedout of turningin player codewithfood/money,'P2W is themostimportantachievement',Human playerof 3+ previousgames dieson Day 1 (notto suicide),Someone arguesthat bingo is moreimportant than theHvZ objective (note:doesn't count ifdone by you),Player diesbecause ofblaster jamat finale,Missionreleased withanunreasonablemission typeStarting zedgetscramps/injuredbefore finale,A specificadmin ispresent ateverymission,'What is the best wayto get from X locationto Y location? inhuman chat (note:does not count if byposted by you)',Kill disputedue to beingunable tofeel nerfdarts,Humancampedinsidebuilding for4+ hours,More zedsthan humansby end ofThursday,More than halfof the humanspresent at finaleattended exactly3 missions,Zombie getsa kill with anunstun tokenA humandies en routeto or leavingfrom amission,Newcopypastain thediscordHumansbail amission,A player dies asthey were pullingout a stunningdevice (note:doesn't count ifdone by you),3+ humans unable toattend finale due toothercommitments/school,Dining hallambushleads to 4 ormore kills,Someoneachieveslonewarrior,A human usesa blowgun atleast once tostun azombie,High riskhighreward ispurchased,websitegoesdown,Zombie uses5 unstuntoken in onedayFirst timeplayergets ahat,Chad human/virginzed meme postedin discord (note:does not count ifyou post it yourself),Person whodoesn’t go toTech playsdiscordgoesdown,Samenameconfusionin comms,Zombie actuallytags anonplayermistaking themfor a human,Last fight ofthe gamehappens atTech Green,Sockfoldingpartyhappens,Bounty put on ahuman by azed/admin forfun (note: doesnot count if byposted by you),Referencesto Fall-2017games (orearlier),Nosurvivors,Human dieswhile talkingto a differentzombie,An antidote(could bemission-specific) getsburned,Human diesverifying abingo square(note: doesn'tcount if done byyou),Admins givefree passagefor humans forsigning in orleaving amission,Info leaked in thewrong chat suchthat other factioncan see it (note:does not count ifdone by you),'Now I amthe Masterachievementunlocked',A human is ruledalive becausezombie fails toreport their playercode on time,Humandies duringadminchallenge,Zombie incorrectlyuses unstun token(Note: Doesn’tcount if done orencouraged byyou)Announcements/missiondetails released beforemidnight for the next day,Someone earnscosplayachievementbut by lookinglike a literalzombie,Over halfthe playersget purged‘Do socksneed to beregistered?’Human wins1v5+ toattend theirexam/test,Dabbing picturetaken outdoorswith humansand zombiesduringgameplay,ZombiescampSkiles,Stun timergoes to orbelow 1minute,5 stunshappen in acharge witha blowgun,Admin(s) create amoral alignmentchart (note: doesnot count if you arean admin and youmake it yourself),Human goes toclass before 7am (note: doesnot count ifdone by you),3+ escortmissionsoccur,Escortmissionhappens,Triple+ killachievementunlocked,Missioncanceledto rain,Humanfactionwins thefinale,Starting zedattendseverymission,First-timeplayermakes it tofinale as ahuman,Hidden messagedeciphered from adminposts/announcements,A human shows upfor every mission(including finale andinfo session) to get10+ missions (AlwaysRunningachievement),Zombie tries toexchangemarshmallows forunstun token (Note:Doesn’t count if doneor encouraged byyou)Admin NPC thatcan directlyantagonizehumans viaspecialmechanic,Adminsmake insidejoke no oneelse gets,HumantrackszombieelectronicallyZombie bribedout of turningin player codewithfood/money,'P2W is themostimportantachievement',Human playerof 3+ previousgames dieson Day 1 (notto suicide),Someone arguesthat bingo is moreimportant than theHvZ objective (note:doesn't count ifdone by you),Player diesbecause ofblaster jamat finale,Missionreleased withanunreasonablemission typeStarting zedgetscramps/injuredbefore finale,A specificadmin ispresent ateverymission,'What is the best wayto get from X locationto Y location? inhuman chat (note:does not count if byposted by you)',Kill disputedue to beingunable tofeel nerfdarts,Humancampedinsidebuilding for4+ hours,More zedsthan humansby end ofThursday,More than halfof the humanspresent at finaleattended exactly3 missions,Zombie getsa kill with anunstun tokenA humandies en routeto or leavingfrom amission,Newcopypastain thediscordHumansbail amission,A player dies asthey were pullingout a stunningdevice (note:doesn't count ifdone by you),3+ humans unable toattend finale due toothercommitments/school,Dining hallambushleads to 4 ormore kills,Someoneachieveslonewarrior,A human usesa blowgun atleast once tostun azombie,High riskhighreward ispurchased,websitegoesdown,Zombie uses5 unstuntoken in onedayFirst timeplayergets ahat,Chad human/virginzed meme postedin discord (note:does not count ifyou post it yourself),Person whodoesn’t go toTech playsdiscordgoesdown,Samenameconfusionin comms,Zombie actuallytags anonplayermistaking themfor a human,Last fight ofthe gamehappens atTech Green,Sockfoldingpartyhappens,Bounty put on ahuman by azed/admin forfun (note: doesnot count if byposted by you),Referencesto Fall-2017games (orearlier),Nosurvivors,Human dieswhile talkingto a differentzombie,An antidote(could bemission-specific) getsburned,Human diesverifying abingo square(note: doesn'tcount if done byyou),Admins givefree passagefor humans forsigning in orleaving amission,Info leaked in thewrong chat suchthat other factioncan see it (note:does not count ifdone by you),'Now I amthe Masterachievementunlocked',A human is ruledalive becausezombie fails toreport their playercode on time,Humandies duringadminchallenge,Zombie incorrectlyuses unstun token(Note: Doesn’tcount if done orencouraged byyou)Announcements/missiondetails released beforemidnight for the next day,Someone earnscosplayachievementbut by lookinglike a literalzombie,Over halfthe playersget purged‘Do socksneed to beregistered?’Human wins1v5+ toattend theirexam/test,Dabbing picturetaken outdoorswith humansand zombiesduringgameplay,ZombiescampSkiles,Stun timergoes to orbelow 1minute,5 stunshappen in acharge witha blowgun,Admin(s) create amoral alignmentchart (note: doesnot count if you arean admin and youmake it yourself),Human goes toclass before 7am (note: doesnot count ifdone by you),3+ escortmissionsoccur,Escortmissionhappens,Triple+ killachievementunlocked,Missioncanceledto rain,Humanfactionwins thefinale,Starting zedattendseverymission,First-timeplayermakes it tofinale as ahuman,Hidden messagedeciphered from adminposts/announcements,A human shows upfor every mission(including finale andinfo session) to get10+ missions (AlwaysRunningachievement),Zombie tries toexchangemarshmallows forunstun token (Note:Doesn’t count if doneor encouraged byyou)Admin NPC thatcan directlyantagonizehumans viaspecialmechanic,Adminsmake insidejoke no oneelse gets,Humantrackszombieelectronically

HvZ Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Zombie bribed out of turning in player code with food/money,
  2. 'P2W is the most important achievement',
  3. Human player of 3+ previous games dies on Day 1 (not to suicide),
  4. Someone argues that bingo is more important than the HvZ objective (note: doesn't count if done by you),
  5. Player dies because of blaster jam at finale,
  6. Mission released with an unreasonable mission type
  7. Starting zed gets cramps/injured before finale,
  8. A specific admin is present at every mission,
  9. 'What is the best way to get from X location to Y location? in human chat (note: does not count if by posted by you)',
  10. Kill dispute due to being unable to feel nerf darts,
  11. Human camped inside building for 4+ hours,
  12. More zeds than humans by end of Thursday,
  13. More than half of the humans present at finale attended exactly 3 missions,
  14. Zombie gets a kill with an unstun token
  15. A human dies en route to or leaving from a mission,
  16. New copypasta in the discord
  17. Humans bail a mission,
  18. A player dies as they were pulling out a stunning device (note: doesn't count if done by you),
  19. 3+ humans unable to attend finale due to other commitments/school,
  20. Dining hall ambush leads to 4 or more kills,
  21. Someone achieves lone warrior,
  22. A human uses a blowgun at least once to stun a zombie,
  23. High risk high reward is purchased,
  24. website goes down,
  25. Zombie uses 5 unstun token in one day
  26. First time player gets a hat,
  27. Chad human/virgin zed meme posted in discord (note: does not count if you post it yourself),
  28. Person who doesn’t go to Tech plays
  29. discord goes down,
  30. Same name confusion in comms,
  31. Zombie actually tags a nonplayer mistaking them for a human,
  32. Last fight of the game happens at Tech Green,
  33. Sockfolding party happens,
  34. Bounty put on a human by a zed/admin for fun (note: does not count if by posted by you),
  35. References to Fall-2017 games (or earlier),
  36. No survivors,
  37. Human dies while talking to a different zombie,
  38. An antidote (could be mission-specific) gets burned,
  39. Human dies verifying a bingo square (note: doesn't count if done by you),
  40. Admins give free passage for humans for signing in or leaving a mission,
  41. Info leaked in the wrong chat such that other faction can see it (note: does not count if done by you),
  42. 'Now I am the Master achievement unlocked',
  43. A human is ruled alive because zombie fails to report their player code on time,
  44. Human dies during admin challenge,
  45. Zombie incorrectly uses unstun token (Note: Doesn’t count if done or encouraged by you)
  46. Announcements/mission details released before midnight for the next day,
  47. Someone earns cosplay achievement but by looking like a literal zombie,
  48. Over half the players get purged
  49. ‘Do socks need to be registered?’
  50. Human wins 1v5+ to attend their exam/test,
  51. Dabbing picture taken outdoors with humans and zombies during gameplay,
  52. Zombies camp Skiles,
  53. Stun timer goes to or below 1 minute,
  54. 5 stuns happen in a charge with a blowgun,
  55. Admin(s) create a moral alignment chart (note: does not count if you are an admin and you make it yourself),
  56. Human goes to class before 7 am (note: does not count if done by you),
  57. 3+ escort missions occur,
  58. Escort mission happens,
  59. Triple+ kill achievement unlocked,
  60. Mission canceled to rain,
  61. Human faction wins the finale,
  62. Starting zed attends every mission,
  63. First-time player makes it to finale as a human,
  64. Hidden message deciphered from admin posts/announcements,
  65. A human shows up for every mission (including finale and info session) to get 10+ missions (Always Running achievement),
  66. Zombie tries to exchange marshmallows for unstun token (Note: Doesn’t count if done or encouraged by you)
  67. Admin NPC that can directly antagonize humans via special mechanic,
  68. Admins make inside joke no one else gets,
  69. Human tracks zombie electronically