Find someonethat’s interestedin a differentsociety you’realso interestedinHave a convowith someonewhere everyreply starts withthe next letterof the alphabetConvincesomeone thatyou’re aninternationalstudent if you’re ahome student, orvice versaIf you can pronouncethe word‘eichhörnchen’, teachsomeone whodoesn’t know how tosay it. If you don’t,find someone toteach youWink at Kitty(ourpresident), butdon’t explainwhy to herBe followingWarwickGermanSociety onInstagramGet someoneto say the word‘cheese’ or‘beer’ inconversationwith youName 4beers fromGermanspeakingcountriesFind someonewho lives in thesameaccommodationas youDo 10press upsor 10squatsFind someonewho’s namestarts with thesame letter asyoursFind out 3people’snames, andrememberthemFind someonewho took a gapyear and askthem aboutwhat they didFindsomeonewith a dualnationalityName aGermansong that’snot 99LuftballonsHave aconversation inGerman withsomeone. (Orjust try yourbest)Get someone’scontact detailsand make plansto come toanother eventwith themHave a staringcontest withsomeone. Youcan only tickthis off if youwinFind someonewho doesn’tlike pizza(there’salways one)Name 5cities inGermany or3 in AustriaPut a peg onsomeonewithout themnoticingDance in acircle with3 otherpeopleRemindsomeone notto commitflatcestRock paperscissors –best of three– winnerticks offFind someonethat’s interestedin a differentsociety you’realso interestedinHave a convowith someonewhere everyreply starts withthe next letterof the alphabetConvincesomeone thatyou’re aninternationalstudent if you’re ahome student, orvice versaIf you can pronouncethe word‘eichhörnchen’, teachsomeone whodoesn’t know how tosay it. If you don’t,find someone toteach youWink at Kitty(ourpresident), butdon’t explainwhy to herBe followingWarwickGermanSociety onInstagramGet someoneto say the word‘cheese’ or‘beer’ inconversationwith youName 4beers fromGermanspeakingcountriesFind someonewho lives in thesameaccommodationas youDo 10press upsor 10squatsFind someonewho’s namestarts with thesame letter asyoursFind out 3people’snames, andrememberthemFind someonewho took a gapyear and askthem aboutwhat they didFindsomeonewith a dualnationalityName aGermansong that’snot 99LuftballonsHave aconversation inGerman withsomeone. (Orjust try yourbest)Get someone’scontact detailsand make plansto come toanother eventwith themHave a staringcontest withsomeone. Youcan only tickthis off if youwinFind someonewho doesn’tlike pizza(there’salways one)Name 5cities inGermany or3 in AustriaPut a peg onsomeonewithout themnoticingDance in acircle with3 otherpeopleRemindsomeone notto commitflatcestRock paperscissors –best of three– winnerticks off

GSoc Icebreaker Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Find someone that’s interested in a different society you’re also interested in
  2. Have a convo with someone where every reply starts with the next letter of the alphabet
  3. Convince someone that you’re an international student if you’re a home student, or vice versa
  4. If you can pronounce the word ‘eichhörnchen’, teach someone who doesn’t know how to say it. If you don’t, find someone to teach you
  5. Wink at Kitty (our president), but don’t explain why to her
  6. Be following Warwick German Society on Instagram
  7. Get someone to say the word ‘cheese’ or ‘beer’ in conversation with you
  8. Name 4 beers from German speaking countries
  9. Find someone who lives in the same accommodation as you
  10. Do 10 press ups or 10 squats
  11. Find someone who’s name starts with the same letter as yours
  12. Find out 3 people’s names, and remember them
  13. Find someone who took a gap year and ask them about what they did
  14. Find someone with a dual nationality
  15. Name a German song that’s not 99 Luftballons
  16. Have a conversation in German with someone. (Or just try your best)
  17. Get someone’s contact details and make plans to come to another event with them
  18. Have a staring contest with someone. You can only tick this off if you win
  19. Find someone who doesn’t like pizza (there’s always one)
  20. Name 5 cities in Germany or 3 in Austria
  21. Put a peg on someone without them noticing
  22. Dance in a circle with 3 other people
  23. Remind someone not to commit flatcest
  24. Rock paper scissors – best of three – winner ticks off