Ask someone ifthey couldcompletely get ridof one month outof the year, whichmonth would it beand why?Ask someonewhat exact datewould youtravel back togiven a timemachine?How wouldyou try tostop an alieninvasion?Say “There’s asnake in myboot” in yourbest countryaccent to ElenaDescribeyour perfectlast meal onearthFind someonein letters andrant about aspecialinterestWhatwould youname yourhorse?Whatsuperpowerwould youNOT want?Have someonedescribe theirwackiest dreamtravelexperience toyouWould you ratherhave the head of aperson and thebody of a fish orthe body of a fishand the head of aperson?If you couldbankrupt anyperson, company,country, ororganization…who would it be?If all animalswere the samesize, whichone would winin a fight?Three geniewishes GO(standardgenie rulesapply)If you had to hidea paper clip froman FBI agent for24 hours, wherewould you hide itand why?Play charadeswith someonewearinglettersIf you had to beroommates withany one superherofor a whole year,who would it beand why?Havesomeonedescribetheir dreamhouse to youAsk someonewhat would bethe smartestbarn animal ifthey could talk?Create asquaredance withsomeoneelseAsk someonewhat thestrongestanimal theycould beat in afight is?Whatcartoon/cartooncharacter wereyou inexplicablyafraid of as akid?Ask someonewhat onesuperpowerwould they giveto everyone inthe world?Kiss, marry, kill:Harry the Husky,Dubs II, andGeorgeWashington (doesnot alter thecourse of history)Say “Darntootin’” in yourbest countryaccent toPortiaFind threepeople tosing “OldTown Road”withSay “Somebodypoisoned thewaterhole” inyour bestcountry accentto KatieWould yoube friendswith a cloneof yourself?Whatcountry songwould yousing atkaraoke?If you could stealanyone one thingthroughout thecourse of history,what would it be?On an averageday, how manypigeons do youthink you couldreasonablycarry?Have someonedescribe theirdream witnessprotectionprogramidentity to youWould youever date aprofessionalbull rider? Whyor why not?Whatwould yourwalk upsong be?Ask someone ifthey couldcompletely get ridof one month outof the year, whichmonth would it beand why?Ask someonewhat exact datewould youtravel back togiven a timemachine?How wouldyou try tostop an alieninvasion?Say “There’s asnake in myboot” in yourbest countryaccent to ElenaDescribeyour perfectlast meal onearthFind someonein letters andrant about aspecialinterestWhatwould youname yourhorse?Whatsuperpowerwould youNOT want?Have someonedescribe theirwackiest dreamtravelexperience toyouWould you ratherhave the head of aperson and thebody of a fish orthe body of a fishand the head of aperson?If you couldbankrupt anyperson, company,country, ororganization…who would it be?If all animalswere the samesize, whichone would winin a fight?Three geniewishes GO(standardgenie rulesapply)If you had to hidea paper clip froman FBI agent for24 hours, wherewould you hide itand why?Play charadeswith someonewearinglettersIf you had to beroommates withany one superherofor a whole year,who would it beand why?Havesomeonedescribetheir dreamhouse to youAsk someonewhat would bethe smartestbarn animal ifthey could talk?Create asquaredance withsomeoneelseAsk someonewhat thestrongestanimal theycould beat in afight is?Whatcartoon/cartooncharacter wereyou inexplicablyafraid of as akid?Ask someonewhat onesuperpowerwould they giveto everyone inthe world?Kiss, marry, kill:Harry the Husky,Dubs II, andGeorgeWashington (doesnot alter thecourse of history)Say “Darntootin’” in yourbest countryaccent toPortiaFind threepeople tosing “OldTown Road”withSay “Somebodypoisoned thewaterhole” inyour bestcountry accentto KatieWould yoube friendswith a cloneof yourself?Whatcountry songwould yousing atkaraoke?If you could stealanyone one thingthroughout thecourse of history,what would it be?On an averageday, how manypigeons do youthink you couldreasonablycarry?Have someonedescribe theirdream witnessprotectionprogramidentity to youWould youever date aprofessionalbull rider? Whyor why not?Whatwould yourwalk upsong be?

And Bingo Was His Name-OH! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Ask someone if they could completely get rid of one month out of the year, which month would it be and why?
  2. Ask someone what exact date would you travel back to given a time machine?
  3. How would you try to stop an alien invasion?
  4. Say “There’s a snake in my boot” in your best country accent to Elena
  5. Describe your perfect last meal on earth
  6. Find someone in letters and rant about a special interest
  7. What would you name your horse?
  8. What superpower would you NOT want?
  9. Have someone describe their wackiest dream travel experience to you
  10. Would you rather have the head of a person and the body of a fish or the body of a fish and the head of a person?
  11. If you could bankrupt any person, company, country, or organization… who would it be?
  12. If all animals were the same size, which one would win in a fight?
  13. Three genie wishes GO (standard genie rules apply)
  14. If you had to hide a paper clip from an FBI agent for 24 hours, where would you hide it and why?
  15. Play charades with someone wearing letters
  16. If you had to be roommates with any one superhero for a whole year, who would it be and why?
  17. Have someone describe their dream house to you
  18. Ask someone what would be the smartest barn animal if they could talk?
  19. Create a square dance with someone else
  20. Ask someone what the strongest animal they could beat in a fight is?
  21. What cartoon/cartoon character were you inexplicably afraid of as a kid?
  22. Ask someone what one superpower would they give to everyone in the world?
  23. Kiss, marry, kill: Harry the Husky, Dubs II, and George Washington (does not alter the course of history)
  24. Say “Darn tootin’” in your best country accent to Portia
  25. Find three people to sing “Old Town Road” with
  26. Say “Somebody poisoned the waterhole” in your best country accent to Katie
  27. Would you be friends with a clone of yourself?
  28. What country song would you sing at karaoke?
  29. If you could steal anyone one thing throughout the course of history, what would it be?
  30. On an average day, how many pigeons do you think you could reasonably carry?
  31. Have someone describe their dream witness protection program identity to you
  32. Would you ever date a professional bull rider? Why or why not?
  33. What would your walk up song be?