HEART standsfor ______________ ______________Got someone'scontact infofrom the DNCgroup to stayin touch.Signedin.Free!TheSustainabilityOffice is a partof the (City orCounty)government.Durham PoliceDepartmenthas a total of____ swornpositions.Spoke tosomeonenew I hadnot spokento tonight.The City ofDurham wasincorporatedin the year______.The SolidWasteDepartmenthas an appcalled__________.DPR'sslogan is_______.HEART standsfor ______________ ______________Got someone'scontact infofrom the DNCgroup to stayin touch.Signedin.Free!TheSustainabilityOffice is a partof the (City orCounty)government.Durham PoliceDepartmenthas a total of____ swornpositions.Spoke tosomeonenew I hadnot spokento tonight.The City ofDurham wasincorporatedin the year______.The SolidWasteDepartmenthas an appcalled__________.DPR'sslogan is_______.

Durham Neighborhood College Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. HEART stands for ______________ ______________
  2. Got someone's contact info from the DNC group to stay in touch.
  3. Signed in.
  4. Free!
  5. The Sustainability Office is a part of the (City or County) government.
  6. Durham Police Department has a total of ____ sworn positions.
  7. Spoke to someone new I had not spoken to tonight.
  8. The City of Durham was incorporated in the year ______.
  9. The Solid Waste Department has an app called __________.
  10. DPR's slogan is _______.