Adultlearningprogrammes= GoodAFI 2: Ensurethat apprenticesmake swiftprogress towardsachievingfunctional skills.Thearrangementsforsafeguardingare effective.Apprenticeships= RequiresimprovementLeadershipandmanagement= RequiresimprovementLearners andapprenticesspeak positivelyabout theirsessions.Behaviourandattitudes =GoodAFI 4: Ensure thatall employers areinvolved inreviewing theprogress thatapprentices make.Leaders andmanagersplace a strongfocus onsafeguarding.AFI 3: Ensure thatall apprenticesreceive sufficienttime to completeoff-the-job training.Apprentices whoremain on theirprogrammeachieve theirqualifications, anda high proportionattain high grades.On constructioncourses, tutorspreparelearners forsessions well.Learners andapprenticeswith additionallearning needsreceive goodsupport.AFI1: Improvethe quality ofteaching onapprenticeshipprogrammesOn adult learningcourses, learnersswiftly developnew skills andknowledge.Overalleffectiveness= RequiresimprovementPersonaldevelopment= RequiresimprovementLearners andapprentices areprovided witheffectivecareers adviceand guidance.AFI 5: Continueto reduce thenumber ofapprentices wholeave theirprogramme early.The qualityof education= RequiresimprovementTutors and skillscoaches sequenceprogrammes in alogical order tobuild learners’ andapprentices’ skillsand knowledge.Leaders andmanagers have aclear rationale todeliver programmesthat meet local,regional and nationalskills needs.Learners andapprenticesbenefit from calmand welcominglearningenvironments.AFI 6: Providean effectivepersonaldevelopmentprogramme forapprentices.Learners feelwell supportedby their tutorsand skillscoaches.Adultlearningprogrammes= GoodAFI 2: Ensurethat apprenticesmake swiftprogress towardsachievingfunctional skills.Thearrangementsforsafeguardingare effective.Apprenticeships= RequiresimprovementLeadershipandmanagement= RequiresimprovementLearners andapprenticesspeak positivelyabout theirsessions.Behaviourandattitudes =GoodAFI 4: Ensure thatall employers areinvolved inreviewing theprogress thatapprentices make.Leaders andmanagersplace a strongfocus onsafeguarding.AFI 3: Ensure thatall apprenticesreceive sufficienttime to completeoff-the-job training.Apprentices whoremain on theirprogrammeachieve theirqualifications, anda high proportionattain high grades.On constructioncourses, tutorspreparelearners forsessions well.Learners andapprenticeswith additionallearning needsreceive goodsupport.AFI1: Improvethe quality ofteaching onapprenticeshipprogrammesOn adult learningcourses, learnersswiftly developnew skills andknowledge.Overalleffectiveness= RequiresimprovementPersonaldevelopment= RequiresimprovementLearners andapprentices areprovided witheffectivecareers adviceand guidance.AFI 5: Continueto reduce thenumber ofapprentices wholeave theirprogramme early.The qualityof education= RequiresimprovementTutors and skillscoaches sequenceprogrammes in alogical order tobuild learners’ andapprentices’ skillsand knowledge.Leaders andmanagers have aclear rationale todeliver programmesthat meet local,regional and nationalskills needs.Learners andapprenticesbenefit from calmand welcominglearningenvironments.AFI 6: Providean effectivepersonaldevelopmentprogramme forapprentices.Learners feelwell supportedby their tutorsand skillscoaches.

Ofsted Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Adult learning programmes = Good
  2. AFI 2: Ensure that apprentices make swift progress towards achieving functional skills.
  3. The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
  4. Apprenticeships = Requires improvement
  5. Leadership and management = Requires improvement
  6. Learners and apprentices speak positively about their sessions.
  7. Behaviour and attitudes = Good
  8. AFI 4: Ensure that all employers are involved in reviewing the progress that apprentices make.
  9. Leaders and managers place a strong focus on safeguarding.
  10. AFI 3: Ensure that all apprentices receive sufficient time to complete off-the-job training.
  11. Apprentices who remain on their programme achieve their qualifications, and a high proportion attain high grades.
  12. On construction courses, tutors prepare learners for sessions well.
  13. Learners and apprentices with additional learning needs receive good support.
  14. AFI1: Improve the quality of teaching on apprenticeship programmes
  15. On adult learning courses, learners swiftly develop new skills and knowledge.
  16. Overall effectiveness = Requires improvement
  17. Personal development = Requires improvement
  18. Learners and apprentices are provided with effective careers advice and guidance.
  19. AFI 5: Continue to reduce the number of apprentices who leave their programme early.
  20. The quality of education = Requires improvement
  21. Tutors and skills coaches sequence programmes in a logical order to build learners’ and apprentices’ skills and knowledge.
  22. Leaders and managers have a clear rationale to deliver programmes that meet local, regional and national skills needs.
  23. Learners and apprentices benefit from calm and welcoming learning environments.
  24. AFI 6: Provide an effective personal development programme for apprentices.
  25. Learners feel well supported by their tutors and skills coaches.