Within Utopia, those whogrew too old to carry outtheir tasks or possessedterminal illnesses wereurged to accept deathbecause they no longeroffered anything to society.What are your thoughtsand opinions on this?Utopia possesses anideal of constantsurveillance of othersin order to maintainsocietal order. Whatis your stance on thevalue of privacy?In Utopia, marriageis seen as a sacredthing withpromiscuity beingpunished. How hasthe idea of marriagechanged over time?Utopians hate warand try to avoid itat all cost. Do youthink thistranslates into ourworld today?One Utopian value isthat pleasure comesto those who arewilling to sacrificetheir own happinessfor others. Do youthink this isreasonable or not?According to Utopia,the people who wereput in positions ofpolitical office werethose who did not wantit. Could you efficientlydo a job if you weren’tnot passionate aboutit?In Utopia everyoneis treated equally.Do you think this isattainable withinour world today?Free!What's yourdefinition ofa UtopianSociety?The rules within Utopiaare strict. For example,the punishment fortraveling twice withoutpermission is slavery. Doyou think strict rules andharsh discipline result inbetter or worse behaviorwithin society?What wouldwe need to fixin our societytoday to makeit ideal?Women are supposedto marry at age 18while men aresupposed to marry at22. Can people createmeaningful, committedrelationships withthese conditions?Within Utopiathere is apatriarchal society.Do you think oursociety reflectsthis or not?Within Utopia, yourfamily is a result ofyour profession/trade.In what ways do youthink this is reasonableor not? Would you becontent in oneprofession for the restof your life?Many Utopians believethat good health is the"greatest pleasure ofall”. Is health thegreatest thing we canachieve in our society?What factors contributeto a happy life?"You createthieves and thenpunish them forstealing" (49).Thoughts and/oropinions on thisquote?Within Utopia, those whogrew too old to carry outtheir tasks or possessedterminal illnesses wereurged to accept deathbecause they no longeroffered anything to society.What are your thoughtsand opinions on this?Utopia possesses anideal of constantsurveillance of othersin order to maintainsocietal order. Whatis your stance on thevalue of privacy?In Utopia, marriageis seen as a sacredthing withpromiscuity beingpunished. How hasthe idea of marriagechanged over time?Utopians hate warand try to avoid itat all cost. Do youthink thistranslates into ourworld today?One Utopian value isthat pleasure comesto those who arewilling to sacrificetheir own happinessfor others. Do youthink this isreasonable or not?According to Utopia,the people who wereput in positions ofpolitical office werethose who did not wantit. Could you efficientlydo a job if you weren’tnot passionate aboutit?In Utopia everyoneis treated equally.Do you think this isattainable withinour world today?Free!What's yourdefinition ofa UtopianSociety?The rules within Utopiaare strict. For example,the punishment fortraveling twice withoutpermission is slavery. Doyou think strict rules andharsh discipline result inbetter or worse behaviorwithin society?What wouldwe need to fixin our societytoday to makeit ideal?Women are supposedto marry at age 18while men aresupposed to marry at22. Can people createmeaningful, committedrelationships withthese conditions?Within Utopiathere is apatriarchal society.Do you think oursociety reflectsthis or not?Within Utopia, yourfamily is a result ofyour profession/trade.In what ways do youthink this is reasonableor not? Would you becontent in oneprofession for the restof your life?Many Utopians believethat good health is the"greatest pleasure ofall”. Is health thegreatest thing we canachieve in our society?What factors contributeto a happy life?"You createthieves and thenpunish them forstealing" (49).Thoughts and/oropinions on thisquote?

Utopia Bingo!!! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Within Utopia, those who grew too old to carry out their tasks or possessed terminal illnesses were urged to accept death because they no longer offered anything to society. What are your thoughts and opinions on this?
  2. Utopia possesses an ideal of constant surveillance of others in order to maintain societal order. What is your stance on the value of privacy?
  3. In Utopia, marriage is seen as a sacred thing with promiscuity being punished. How has the idea of marriage changed over time?
  4. Utopians hate war and try to avoid it at all cost. Do you think this translates into our world today?
  5. One Utopian value is that pleasure comes to those who are willing to sacrifice their own happiness for others. Do you think this is reasonable or not?
  6. According to Utopia, the people who were put in positions of political office were those who did not want it. Could you efficiently do a job if you weren’t not passionate about it?
  7. In Utopia everyone is treated equally. Do you think this is attainable within our world today?
  8. Free!
  9. What's your definition of a Utopian Society?
  10. The rules within Utopia are strict. For example, the punishment for traveling twice without permission is slavery. Do you think strict rules and harsh discipline result in better or worse behavior within society?
  11. What would we need to fix in our society today to make it ideal?
  12. Women are supposed to marry at age 18 while men are supposed to marry at 22. Can people create meaningful, committed relationships with these conditions?
  13. Within Utopia there is a patriarchal society. Do you think our society reflects this or not?
  14. Within Utopia, your family is a result of your profession/trade. In what ways do you think this is reasonable or not? Would you be content in one profession for the rest of your life?
  15. Many Utopians believe that good health is the "greatest pleasure of all”. Is health the greatest thing we can achieve in our society? What factors contribute to a happy life?
  16. "You create thieves and then punish them for stealing" (49). Thoughts and/or opinions on this quote?