CFCs standfor?    What type of gasisreleased inlandfills?(methane or CO2)   What is thissign?    What type ofgreenhouse gas isreleased whencoalis burned?   say the word“carbon dioxide“ina scary way   Yes or No: Writingon both sides ofpaper is calledreusing.   Say the word“renewable” 10times    Which do you rideto go to school,busor a tricycle?   Do you use aglasswhen drinkingwater?    Which doyou prefer touse showeror tabo?  Can say “ClimateChange” 7 timeswhile covering thenose   Which do youprefer touse; paper bag orplasticbag?   A type ofrenewabletechnology thatuses energy fromthe sun   Name 3things thatcan bereused.  Are greenhousegasses importantto Earth? Why?    Give 2examples onhow toconserveelectricity  A renewableenergythat uses water toproduce energy   Is Energyefficiencybeing “sulit”?    Which is cleanernonrenewableenergy orrenewableenergy?   What type ofpollution youobserved daily?   What is climatechange?    What does3Rsstand for?   A person whouses blackcoloredumbrella   A person who iswearingsomethingwhite   CFCs standfor?    What type of gasisreleased inlandfills?(methane or CO2)   What is thissign?    What type ofgreenhouse gas isreleased whencoalis burned?   say the word“carbon dioxide“ina scary way   Yes or No: Writingon both sides ofpaper is calledreusing.   Say the word“renewable” 10times    Which do you rideto go to school,busor a tricycle?   Do you use aglasswhen drinkingwater?    Which doyou prefer touse showeror tabo?  Can say “ClimateChange” 7 timeswhile covering thenose   Which do youprefer touse; paper bag orplasticbag?   A type ofrenewabletechnology thatuses energy fromthe sun   Name 3things thatcan bereused.  Are greenhousegasses importantto Earth? Why?    Give 2examples onhow toconserveelectricity  A renewableenergythat uses water toproduce energy   Is Energyefficiencybeing “sulit”?    Which is cleanernonrenewableenergy orrenewableenergy?   What type ofpollution youobserved daily?   What is climatechange?    What does3Rsstand for?   A person whouses blackcoloredumbrella   A person who iswearingsomethingwhite   

Climate Change Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. CFCs stand for?
  2. What type of gas is released in landfills? (methane or CO2)
  3. What is this sign?
  4. What type of greenhouse gas is released when coal is burned?
  5. say the word “carbon dioxide “in a scary way
  6. Yes or No: Writing on both sides of paper is called reusing.
  7. Say the word “renewable” 10 times
  8. Which do you ride to go to school, bus or a tricycle?
  9. Do you use a glass when drinking water?
  10. Which do you prefer to use shower or tabo?
  11. Can say “Climate Change” 7 times while covering the nose
  12. Which do you prefer to use; paper bag or plastic bag?
  13. A type of renewable technology that uses energy from the sun
  14. Name 3 things that can be reused.
  15. Are greenhouse gasses important to Earth? Why?
  16. Give 2 examples on how to conserve electricity
  17. A renewable energy that uses water to produce energy
  18. Is Energy efficiency being “sulit”?
  19. Which is cleaner nonrenewable energy or renewable energy?
  20. What type of pollution you observed daily?
  21. What is climate change?
  22. What does 3Rs stand for?
  23. A person who uses black colored umbrella
  24. A person who is wearing something white