WWIIIt was during WW IIwhen women werefirst given full militarystatus with theestablishment of theWomen’s Army Corps(WAC) by Congressin 1943.The first 12Coast Guardwomenassigned tosea duty.CWT4. VA Program tohelp Veteransdevelop work skillswhile continuing toengage in their healthcare, often leading tomore permanentworkMarineCorpsWomen'sReserveFebruary 1943,the MarineCorps Women’sReserve wasestablishedWVPM2. Every VA has one toact as an advocate forwomen Veterans, anadvisor to leadership onthe provision of servicesto women Veterans, anda resource for womenVeterans in thecommunityDD2141. What formdo you needto enroll forVA healthcare benefitsFirst BlackFemalePromoted toNavy Captain1978WomenVeteransCall Center1-855-VA-WOMEN3. Started in 2011, itsmission is “to reach everywoman Veteran and makesure she is aware ofbenefits and servicesavailable to her through theVA, to assist withenrollment in VA healthcare and benefits, and toprovide contact assistancesho214,098Women Active DutyMilitary StatisticsNumber Percent ofBranch Totalnumber of womenserving in themilitary 214,09863,0006. TheapproximateNo. of womenVeterans whoreside inPennsylvania—POWER5. The name of theCoatesville VAMCprogram that offersinpatient and residentialtreatment to eligiblefemale Veterans withsubstance use disorders,mental health problems,and Homelessness1980establishmentof the VAAdvisoryCommittee onWomenVeteransWomenVeteransHistoryMonthMarchSpanishAmericanWarThe institutionalization of thenursing corps as an auxiliary ofthe Army, whichstarted during the Spanish-American War in 1901 (Thomas,p. 3) by an act of2  Congress, is generallyrecognized as the event thatestablished women as aformal pNon-VAmaternityCare8. Service offeredoutside of the VA toeligible womenVeterans who receivecare at the VA,particularly importantbecause of the youngaverage age of thesewomenMarineVeteranVSO10. This personis in each cityor townthroughout MAto help you withyour benefitsFirst AfricanAmericanWoman toenlist in theArmyBrigadierGeneralAnna MaeHaysIn1970, BrigadierGeneral Anna MaeHays, head of theArmy Nurse Corps,became the firstwoman to attain starrank in nursing14.6%Which branchof service has14 percent ofwomenVeterans? ArmyVetCenterProgram11. Established byCongress in 1979, thisprogram’s goal is to providereadjustment counseling,outreach, and referral toVeterans who servedduring periods of armedhostilities and their families400WomenLater during the CivilWar, at least 400women on both sidesof theconflict disguisedthemselves as menand assumed combatroles alongside men. JosephineBakeractress turnWWII SpyStatewideAdvocacy forVeterans'Empowerment(SAVE) team7. Name or nickname ofthe Pennsylvania teamwhose mission isprevention of suicide andmental health distress byhelping Veterans findservices that may addressthese issues and result inpositive transitions back tocivilian lifeWWIIIt was during WW IIwhen women werefirst given full militarystatus with theestablishment of theWomen’s Army Corps(WAC) by Congressin 1943.The first 12Coast Guardwomenassigned tosea duty.CWT4. VA Program tohelp Veteransdevelop work skillswhile continuing toengage in their healthcare, often leading tomore permanentworkMarineCorpsWomen'sReserveFebruary 1943,the MarineCorps Women’sReserve wasestablishedWVPM2. Every VA has one toact as an advocate forwomen Veterans, anadvisor to leadership onthe provision of servicesto women Veterans, anda resource for womenVeterans in thecommunityDD2141. What formdo you needto enroll forVA healthcare benefitsFirst BlackFemalePromoted toNavy Captain1978WomenVeteransCall Center1-855-VA-WOMEN3. Started in 2011, itsmission is “to reach everywoman Veteran and makesure she is aware ofbenefits and servicesavailable to her through theVA, to assist withenrollment in VA healthcare and benefits, and toprovide contact assistancesho214,098Women Active DutyMilitary StatisticsNumber Percent ofBranch Totalnumber of womenserving in themilitary 214,09863,0006. TheapproximateNo. of womenVeterans whoreside inPennsylvania—POWER5. The name of theCoatesville VAMCprogram that offersinpatient and residentialtreatment to eligiblefemale Veterans withsubstance use disorders,mental health problems,and Homelessness1980establishmentof the VAAdvisoryCommittee onWomenVeteransWomenVeteransHistoryMonthMarchSpanishAmericanWarThe institutionalization of thenursing corps as an auxiliary ofthe Army, whichstarted during the Spanish-American War in 1901 (Thomas,p. 3) by an act of2  Congress, is generallyrecognized as the event thatestablished women as aformal pNon-VAmaternityCare8. Service offeredoutside of the VA toeligible womenVeterans who receivecare at the VA,particularly importantbecause of the youngaverage age of thesewomenMarineVeteranVSO10. This personis in each cityor townthroughout MAto help you withyour benefitsFirst AfricanAmericanWoman toenlist in theArmyBrigadierGeneralAnna MaeHaysIn1970, BrigadierGeneral Anna MaeHays, head of theArmy Nurse Corps,became the firstwoman to attain starrank in nursing14.6%Which branchof service has14 percent ofwomenVeterans? ArmyVetCenterProgram11. Established byCongress in 1979, thisprogram’s goal is to providereadjustment counseling,outreach, and referral toVeterans who servedduring periods of armedhostilities and their families400WomenLater during the CivilWar, at least 400women on both sidesof theconflict disguisedthemselves as menand assumed combatroles alongside men.JosephineBakeractress turnWWII SpyStatewideAdvocacy forVeterans'Empowerment(SAVE) team7. Name or nickname ofthe Pennsylvania teamwhose mission isprevention of suicide andmental health distress byhelping Veterans findservices that may addressthese issues and result inpositive transitions back tocivilian life

Women Veterans History Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. It was during WW II when women were first given full military status with the establishment of the Women’s Army Corps (WAC) by Congress in 1943.
    WW II
  2. The first 12 Coast Guard women assigned to sea duty.
  3. 4. VA Program to help Veterans develop work skills while continuing to engage in their health care, often leading to more permanent work
  4. February 1943, the Marine Corps Women’s Reserve was established
    Marine Corps Women's Reserve
  5. 2. Every VA has one to act as an advocate for women Veterans, an advisor to leadership on the provision of services to women Veterans, and a resource for women Veterans in the community
  6. 1. What form do you need to enroll for VA health care benefits
  7. First Black Female Promoted to Navy Captain 1978
  8. 3. Started in 2011, its mission is “to reach every woman Veteran and make sure she is aware of benefits and services available to her through the VA, to assist with enrollment in VA health care and benefits, and to provide contact assistance sho
    Women Veterans Call Center 1-855-VA-WOMEN
  9. Women Active Duty Military Statistics Number Percent of Branch Total number of women serving in the military 214,098
  10. 6. The approximate No. of women Veterans who reside in Pennsylvania—
  11. 5. The name of the Coatesville VAMC program that offers inpatient and residential treatment to eligible female Veterans with substance use disorders, mental health problems, and Homelessness
  12. establishment of the VA Advisory Committee on Women Veterans
  13. March
    Women Veterans History Month
  14. The institutionalization of the nursing corps as an auxiliary of the Army, which started during the Spanish-American War in 1901 (Thomas, p. 3) by an act of 2 Congress, is generally recognized as the event that established women as a formal p
    Spanish American War
  15. 8. Service offered outside of the VA to eligible women Veterans who receive care at the VA, particularly important because of the young average age of these women
    Non-VA maternity Care
  16. Marine Veteran
  17. 10. This person is in each city or town throughout MA to help you with your benefits
  18. First African American Woman to enlist in the Army
  19. In 1970, Brigadier General Anna Mae Hays, head of the Army Nurse Corps, became the first woman to attain star rank in nursing
    Brigadier General Anna Mae Hays
  20. Which branch of service has 14 percent of women Veterans? Army
  21. 11. Established by Congress in 1979, this program’s goal is to provide readjustment counseling, outreach, and referral to Veterans who served during periods of armed hostilities and their families
    Vet Center Program
  22. Later during the Civil War, at least 400 women on both sides of the conflict disguised themselves as men and assumed combat roles alongside men.
    400 Women
  23. Josephine Baker actress turn WWII Spy
  24. 7. Name or nickname of the Pennsylvania team whose mission is prevention of suicide and mental health distress by helping Veterans find services that may address these issues and result in positive transitions back to civilian life
    Statewide Advocacy for Veterans' Empowerment (SAVE) team