If... you see abald-headedpolitician... puta hat or a wigon your head.If... a reportermistakenly getsChris Luxon andChris Hipkins mixedup... do any of theother actions on thissheet. If... Labour isahead of Nationalat any stage... putyour head in yourhands and hit thefloor five times.If... the Actparty winsand electorateseat... pull afunny face.If... Nationalwins anelectorateseat... get upand do the bop. If... the phrase"landslide" isused... do 2star jumps If... A politicianscratches hisnose... openthe door andyell "Pinocchio"outside.If... ChrisHipkins winsthe Remutakaelectorateseat... have 5chips/crisps.If... SimeonBrown wins thePakurangaelectorateseat... do aMexican wave.If...the NZ Firstparty is in thelead at anypoint... do anundie run(males only)If... the Greenparty wins anelectorateseat... turn offall of the lights.If... WinstonPeters appearson TV... walkaround theroom like an oldman.If... the word"Coalition" ismentioned...close your eyesand count to10.If... SimonO'Connor loses theTamaki electorateseat... groan onceand run to the frontdoor and backtwice.If... Te Pati Māoriwins andelectorate seat...say a word orsentence inMāori.If...Labour winsan electorateseat... get upand do thehead dance.If... you see abald-headedpolitician... puta hat or a wigon your head.If... a reportermistakenly getsChris Luxon andChris Hipkins mixedup... do any of theother actions on thissheet. If... Labour isahead of Nationalat any stage... putyour head in yourhands and hit thefloor five times.If... the Actparty winsand electorateseat... pull afunny face.If... Nationalwins anelectorateseat... get upand do the bop. If... the phrase"landslide" isused... do 2star jumps If... A politicianscratches hisnose... openthe door andyell "Pinocchio"outside.If... ChrisHipkins winsthe Remutakaelectorateseat... have 5chips/crisps.If... SimeonBrown wins thePakurangaelectorateseat... do aMexican wave.If...the NZ Firstparty is in thelead at anypoint... do anundie run(males only)If... the Greenparty wins anelectorateseat... turn offall of the lights.If... WinstonPeters appearson TV... walkaround theroom like an oldman.If... the word"Coalition" ismentioned...close your eyesand count to10.If... SimonO'Connor loses theTamaki electorateseat... groan onceand run to the frontdoor and backtwice.If... Te Pati Māoriwins andelectorate seat...say a word orsentence inMāori.If...Labour winsan electorateseat... get upand do thehead dance.

Election Night 2023 Actions Activity - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. If... you see a bald-headed politician... put a hat or a wig on your head.
  2. If... a reporter mistakenly gets Chris Luxon and Chris Hipkins mixed up... do any of the other actions on this sheet.
  3. If... Labour is ahead of National at any stage... put your head in your hands and hit the floor five times.
  4. If... the Act party wins and electorate seat... pull a funny face.
  5. If... National wins an electorate seat... get up and do the bop.
  6. If... the phrase "landslide" is used... do 2 star jumps
  7. If... A politician scratches his nose... open the door and yell "Pinocchio" outside.
  8. If... Chris Hipkins wins the Remutaka electorate seat... have 5 chips/crisps.
  9. If... Simeon Brown wins the Pakuranga electorate seat... do a Mexican wave.
  10. If...the NZ First party is in the lead at any point... do an undie run (males only)
  11. If... the Green party wins an electorate seat... turn off all of the lights.
  12. If... Winston Peters appears on TV... walk around the room like an old man.
  13. If... the word "Coalition" is mentioned... close your eyes and count to 10.
  14. If... Simon O'Connor loses the Tamaki electorate seat... groan once and run to the front door and back twice.
  15. If... Te Pati Māori wins and electorate seat... say a word or sentence in Māori.
  16. If...Labour wins an electorate seat... get up and do the head dance.