People thinkthat they arthuran his crew arealiens and theygo all over thenews!Arthurbecomesthe newsanta clausGrandsantascamera istotallybanjaxed, howwill he get hispicture now!!They all fallout of thesleigh intoa desertBryony says toarthur 'is this yourfirst time' - thisworks in thecontext of eitherchristmas, or inthe bedroomGrandsanta, inhisgrumpyness,refuses todeliver thepresentsteve tries tocontact themusing an oldfashionedcontactythingimabobthey escapethe lions byhypnotizingthem withsilent nightthey getchasedby lionsTheyarrive atthe wronghouseThis leads to therealisation that theonly reasongrandsanta camewas to prove that hewas better than steveand malcolm, not forgwenGrandsantareveals healmoststartedWWIII /O_O\one of thereindeergoes missingin torontoWhen delivering thepresent, arthur andhis grandsantadiscover a stowawayelf who want to showher worth in giftwrappingA green bikepresent goesundelivered andarthur has tolaunch a secretmission to deliveritthey replace themissing reindeerwith a brassreindeer but itsonly one half ofa reindeer :Pthis wakes upthe sleepinglions and theystart chasingarthur and hiscrewbut thegiftwrapping elfshows off herbadassgiftwrapping skillsand basically killsall the lionsWhendelivering thepresent, arthurand bryony setoff the housealarmArthur enlists thehelp of hisgrandsanta andthey use the oldsleigh in order toget to cornwall intimeArthurs brother,steve, really wantsto be santa clausbut his fatherdoesn't want togive up his titleArthur andbryony getelopedSteverefusesto help!SantaClausdies :oPeople thinkthat they arthuran his crew arealiens and theygo all over thenews!Arthurbecomesthe newsanta clausGrandsantascamera istotallybanjaxed, howwill he get hispicture now!!They all fallout of thesleigh intoa desertBryony says toarthur 'is this yourfirst time' - thisworks in thecontext of eitherchristmas, or inthe bedroomGrandsanta, inhisgrumpyness,refuses todeliver thepresentsteve tries tocontact themusing an oldfashionedcontactythingimabobthey escapethe lions byhypnotizingthem withsilent nightthey getchasedby lionsTheyarrive atthe wronghouseThis leads to therealisation that theonly reasongrandsanta camewas to prove that hewas better than steveand malcolm, not forgwenGrandsantareveals healmoststartedWWIII /O_O\one of thereindeergoes missingin torontoWhen delivering thepresent, arthur andhis grandsantadiscover a stowawayelf who want to showher worth in giftwrappingA green bikepresent goesundelivered andarthur has tolaunch a secretmission to deliveritthey replace themissing reindeerwith a brassreindeer but itsonly one half ofa reindeer :Pthis wakes upthe sleepinglions and theystart chasingarthur and hiscrewbut thegiftwrapping elfshows off herbadassgiftwrapping skillsand basically killsall the lionsWhendelivering thepresent, arthurand bryony setoff the housealarmArthur enlists thehelp of hisgrandsanta andthey use the oldsleigh in order toget to cornwall intimeArthurs brother,steve, really wantsto be santa clausbut his fatherdoesn't want togive up his titleArthur andbryony getelopedSteverefusesto help!SantaClausdies :o

Arthir christmar Bing Go - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. People think that they arthur an his crew are aliens and they go all over the news!
  2. Arthur becomes the new santa claus
  3. Grandsantas camera is totally banjaxed, how will he get his picture now!!
  4. They all fall out of the sleigh into a desert
  5. Bryony says to arthur 'is this your first time' - this works in the context of either christmas, or in the bedroom
  6. Grandsanta, in his grumpyness, refuses to deliver the present
  7. steve tries to contact them using an old fashioned contacty thingimabob
  8. they escape the lions by hypnotizing them with silent night
  9. they get chased by lions
  10. They arrive at the wrong house
  11. This leads to the realisation that the only reason grandsanta came was to prove that he was better than steve and malcolm, not for gwen
  12. Grandsanta reveals he almost started WWIII /O_O\
  13. one of the reindeer goes missing in toronto
  14. When delivering the present, arthur and his grandsanta discover a stowaway elf who want to show her worth in gift wrapping
  15. A green bike present goes undelivered and arthur has to launch a secret mission to deliver it
  16. they replace the missing reindeer with a brass reindeer but its only one half of a reindeer :P
  17. this wakes up the sleeping lions and they start chasing arthur and his crew
  18. but the giftwrapping elf shows off her badass giftwrapping skills and basically kills all the lions
  19. When delivering the present, arthur and bryony set off the house alarm
  20. Arthur enlists the help of his grandsanta and they use the old sleigh in order to get to cornwall in time
  21. Arthurs brother, steve, really wants to be santa claus but his father doesn't want to give up his title
  22. Arthur and bryony get eloped
  23. Steve refuses to help!
  24. Santa Claus dies :o