What issomethingyou wouldlike to bebetter at?Share apositive traityou admirein othersFinish thesentence,"When I'msad, my body__________'Sharesomethingthat makesyou feel reallystressed outFinish thesentence,"When I'msad, I usually__________"What makesyou feelbetter whenyou areworried?Give anexample ofsomethingyou avoidSharesomethingsomeone can doto make you feelbetter whenyou're upsetFinish thesentence, "Ifeel worriedwhen__________"Sharesomethingyou areproud ofHow doesyour bodyfeel whenyou areangry?Share abouta time whenyou felt goodaboutyourselfSharesomething youare thinkingabout whenyou are happyTalk about atime you onlylooked at thenegative of asituationShare athought youhave aboutyour familyTell about a timeyou blamedsomeone elsefor somethingthat was yourfaultShare anexample of apositivethought aboutyourselfTell about atime youblamed yourselffor somethingthat wasn't yourfaultFinish thesentence,"When I'mworried, mybody___________"Share abehavior thatyou wouldlike to domoreShare acoping skillyou can usewhen you'reangrySharesomethingyou dowellSharesomethingadults wouldlike you todo differentlyShare acoping skillyou can usewhen youare sadWhat issomethingyou wouldlike to bebetter at?Share apositive traityou admirein othersFinish thesentence,"When I'msad, my body__________'Sharesomethingthat makesyou feel reallystressed outFinish thesentence,"When I'msad, I usually__________"What makesyou feelbetter whenyou areworried?Give anexample ofsomethingyou avoidSharesomethingsomeone can doto make you feelbetter whenyou're upsetFinish thesentence, "Ifeel worriedwhen__________"Sharesomethingyou areproud ofHow doesyour bodyfeel whenyou areangry?Share abouta time whenyou felt goodaboutyourselfSharesomething youare thinkingabout whenyou are happyTalk about atime you onlylooked at thenegative of asituationShare athought youhave aboutyour familyTell about a timeyou blamedsomeone elsefor somethingthat was yourfaultShare anexample of apositivethought aboutyourselfTell about atime youblamed yourselffor somethingthat wasn't yourfaultFinish thesentence,"When I'mworried, mybody___________"Share abehavior thatyou wouldlike to domoreShare acoping skillyou can usewhen you'reangrySharesomethingyou dowellSharesomethingadults wouldlike you todo differentlyShare acoping skillyou can usewhen youare sad

Therapeutic Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What is something you would like to be better at?
  2. Share a positive trait you admire in others
  3. Finish the sentence, "When I'm sad, my body __________'
  4. Share something that makes you feel really stressed out
  5. Finish the sentence, "When I'm sad, I usually __________"
  6. What makes you feel better when you are worried?
  7. Give an example of something you avoid
  8. Share something someone can do to make you feel better when you're upset
  9. Finish the sentence, "I feel worried when __________"
  10. Share something you are proud of
  11. How does your body feel when you are angry?
  12. Share about a time when you felt good about yourself
  13. Share something you are thinking about when you are happy
  14. Talk about a time you only looked at the negative of a situation
  15. Share a thought you have about your family
  16. Tell about a time you blamed someone else for something that was your fault
  17. Share an example of a positive thought about yourself
  18. Tell about a time you blamed yourself for something that wasn't your fault
  19. Finish the sentence, "When I'm worried, my body ___________"
  20. Share a behavior that you would like to do more
  21. Share a coping skill you can use when you're angry
  22. Share something you do well
  23. Share something adults would like you to do differently
  24. Share a coping skill you can use when you are sad