We haveanotherre-usedsongJulianne interviews aceleb in the skyboxafter an emotionaldance and they get sochoked up that theybreak down in tearswhile their pro oranother celeb comfortsthemCAI mentionsto a celeb thattheir deceasedloved onewould be proudof themCelebcontestantswipe tearsaway from anemotionaldanceWe get anemotionalcontemporary orwaltz that leaveseveryonespeechlessA celeb dedicatesa dance to theirloved one andthey are in theaudience and theyrun off to hug them🥺😭Alfonso orJulianneconsoles thecelebritycontestantWe get amention ofhow Len wouldhave loved thecelebs routineA celeb doesa memorableyear thatwas a happymemoryWe get adedicationto Suzannesomers?Old prosreturn forLentributeEveryoneis in tearsby the LentributeA celebritiesloved one visitsthem in thepackage duringrehearsalsWe getchildhoodphotos of theceleb with theirparents orrelativeJudges are leftchoked up by aroutine and onejudge breaksdown in tearsA proconsolestheir celebpartner aftertheir danceA celebcontestant’s kidvisits them inthe rehearsalpackageCelebritycontestants openthe show with avoice over of whatyear to them wasmemorablePeople hugeach other inthe skyboxafter theirdanceA celebcontestant getsa standingovation thatgets them all10’sMiradedicates adance to herfather PaulSorvinoWe have apastcontestant inthe audienceA celebconsolesanother celeb inthe skybox aftertheir emotionaldanceA celeb dancesto a song thatwas a favorite oftheir deceasedrelative or lovedone that is aliveWe haveanotherre-usedsongJulianne interviews aceleb in the skyboxafter an emotionaldance and they get sochoked up that theybreak down in tearswhile their pro oranother celeb comfortsthemCAI mentionsto a celeb thattheir deceasedloved onewould be proudof themCelebcontestantswipe tearsaway from anemotionaldanceWe get anemotionalcontemporary orwaltz that leaveseveryonespeechlessA celeb dedicatesa dance to theirloved one andthey are in theaudience and theyrun off to hug them🥺😭Alfonso orJulianneconsoles thecelebritycontestantWe get amention ofhow Len wouldhave loved thecelebs routineA celeb doesa memorableyear thatwas a happymemoryWe get adedicationto Suzannesomers?Old prosreturn forLentributeEveryoneis in tearsby the LentributeA celebritiesloved one visitsthem in thepackage duringrehearsalsWe getchildhoodphotos of theceleb with theirparents orrelativeJudges are leftchoked up by aroutine and onejudge breaksdown in tearsA proconsolestheir celebpartner aftertheir danceA celebcontestant’s kidvisits them inthe rehearsalpackageCelebritycontestants openthe show with avoice over of whatyear to them wasmemorablePeople hugeach other inthe skyboxafter theirdanceA celebcontestant getsa standingovation thatgets them all10’sMiradedicates adance to herfather PaulSorvinoWe have apastcontestant inthe audienceA celebconsolesanother celeb inthe skybox aftertheir emotionaldanceA celeb dancesto a song thatwas a favorite oftheir deceasedrelative or lovedone that is alive

DWTS most memorable year - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. We have another re-used song
  2. Julianne interviews a celeb in the skybox after an emotional dance and they get so choked up that they break down in tears while their pro or another celeb comforts them
  3. CAI mentions to a celeb that their deceased loved one would be proud of them
  4. Celeb contestants wipe tears away from an emotional dance
  5. We get an emotional contemporary or waltz that leaves everyone speechless
  6. A celeb dedicates a dance to their loved one and they are in the audience and they run off to hug them 🥺😭
  7. Alfonso or Julianne consoles the celebrity contestant
  8. We get a mention of how Len would have loved the celebs routine
  9. A celeb does a memorable year that was a happy memory
  10. We get a dedication to Suzanne somers?
  11. Old pros return for Len tribute
  12. Everyone is in tears by the Len tribute
  13. A celebrities loved one visits them in the package during rehearsals
  14. We get childhood photos of the celeb with their parents or relative
  15. Judges are left choked up by a routine and one judge breaks down in tears
  16. A pro consoles their celeb partner after their dance
  17. A celeb contestant’s kid visits them in the rehearsal package
  18. Celebrity contestants open the show with a voice over of what year to them was memorable
  19. People hug each other in the skybox after their dance
  20. A celeb contestant gets a standing ovation that gets them all 10’s
  21. Mira dedicates a dance to her father Paul Sorvino
  22. We have a past contestant in the audience
  23. A celeb consoles another celeb in the skybox after their emotional dance
  24. A celeb dances to a song that was a favorite of their deceased relative or loved one that is alive