Commenton a postshared byU-CARE.Share anitem fromyourprofessionalbucket listShare a recentnews articlerelated to yourresearch areaand provideyour insightsShare acolleague'spost and ada personalinsightEngagewith acolleague'spost.Pose a questionrelated to yourresearch,seeking inputfrom yournetworkHighlight aResearchTool YouLoveShare yourfavouriteresearch tool orsoftware andexplain why it'shelpful.Post aninspiring quoteor messagerelated toresearch andacademiaProvide a briefreview orsummary of abook/paper youfoundinterestingShare agraphicalabstractExplain thesignificance ofyour work andits potentialimpactExplain thesignificance ofyour work andits potentialimpact.Mention keychallengesor trends inyour fieldPromote acollaborator'sworkShare acolleague's recentachievement,publication, orproject to supportthem.Highlight a recentpublication,conferencepresentation, orsuccessfulmeetingHighlight a recentpublication,conferencepresentation, orsuccessfulmeeting.Celebrate apersonalachievement, suchas a grant awardor a successfuldefenseExplaina currentprojectOffer a briefexplanation ofwhat you'recurrentlyworking on.Share insightsfrom a courseyou havegiven/attended.Discuss a specificresearchmethodology orapproach that youfind particularlyeffectiveRecommenda book,researchpaper, orarticleDiscuss howother fieldsthat haveinfluencedyour researchShare a difficultproblem youencountered inyour researchand how yousolved itAdvertise anupcoming seminar,workshop, orconference relatedto your field.Highlightrecent articles,publications, orprojects in U-CAREShowcaseyourworkspacePost a photoor videofrom yourworkspace.Mention arecentcollaborationwith anotherresearcher orinstitutionJoin a trendinghashtagchallengerelated to yourresearch fieldCommenton a postshared byU-CARE.Share anitem fromyourprofessionalbucket listShare a recentnews articlerelated to yourresearch areaand provideyour insightsShare acolleague'spost and ada personalinsightEngagewith acolleague'spost.Pose a questionrelated to yourresearch,seeking inputfrom yournetworkHighlight aResearchTool YouLoveShare yourfavouriteresearch tool orsoftware andexplain why it'shelpful.Post aninspiring quoteor messagerelated toresearch andacademiaProvide a briefreview orsummary of abook/paper youfoundinterestingShare agraphicalabstractExplain thesignificance ofyour work andits potentialimpactExplain thesignificance ofyour work andits potentialimpact.Mention keychallengesor trends inyour fieldPromote acollaborator'sworkShare acolleague's recentachievement,publication, orproject to supportthem.Highlight a recentpublication,conferencepresentation, orsuccessfulmeetingHighlight a recentpublication,conferencepresentation, orsuccessfulmeeting.Celebrate apersonalachievement, suchas a grant awardor a successfuldefenseExplaina currentprojectOffer a briefexplanation ofwhat you'recurrentlyworking on.Share insightsfrom a courseyou havegiven/attended.Discuss a specificresearchmethodology orapproach that youfind particularlyeffectiveRecommenda book,researchpaper, orarticleDiscuss howother fieldsthat haveinfluencedyour researchShare a difficultproblem youencountered inyour researchand how yousolved itAdvertise anupcoming seminar,workshop, orconference relatedto your field.Highlightrecent articles,publications, orprojects in U-CAREShowcaseyourworkspacePost a photoor videofrom yourworkspace.Mention arecentcollaborationwith anotherresearcher orinstitutionJoin a trendinghashtagchallengerelated to yourresearch field

U-CARE Social Media Challenge - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Comment on a post shared by U-CARE.
  2. Share an item from your professional bucket list
  3. Share a recent news article related to your research area and provide your insights
  4. Engage with a colleague's post.
    Share a colleague's post and ad a personal insight
  5. Pose a question related to your research, seeking input from your network
  6. Share your favourite research tool or software and explain why it's helpful.
    Highlight a Research Tool You Love
  7. Post an inspiring quote or message related to research and academia
  8. Provide a brief review or summary of a book/paper you found interesting
  9. Share a graphical abstract
  10. Explain the significance of your work and its potential impact.
    Explain the significance of your work and its potential impact
  11. Mention key challenges or trends in your field
  12. Share a colleague's recent achievement, publication, or project to support them.
    Promote a collaborator's work
  13. Highlight a recent publication, conference presentation, or successful meeting.
    Highlight a recent publication, conference presentation, or successful meeting
  14. Celebrate a personal achievement, such as a grant award or a successful defense
  15. Offer a brief explanation of what you're currently working on.
    Explain a current project
  16. Share insights from a course you have given/attended.
  17. Discuss a specific research methodology or approach that you find particularly effective
  18. Recommend a book, research paper, or article
  19. Discuss how other fields that have influenced your research
  20. Share a difficult problem you encountered in your research and how you solved it
  21. Advertise an upcoming seminar, workshop, or conference related to your field.
  22. Highlight recent articles, publications, or projects in U-CARE
  23. Post a photo or video from your workspace.
    Showcase your workspace
  24. Mention a recent collaboration with another researcher or institution
  25. Join a trending hashtag challenge related to your research field