Think about your values Practice Personal Space Don't share food Material boundaries Time boundaries Check in with your feelings Listen to your body Be respectful Use I statements Body language Practice Take time to collect yourself Plan Set limits Be aware No touching It's OK to say NO Listen Ask Emotional boundaries Use I statements Be mindful of language Make time for what you need Physical boundaries Think about your values Be direct Make time for what you need Be polite Think about your values Practice Personal Space Don't share food Material boundaries Time boundaries Check in with your feelings Listen to your body Be respectful Use I statements Body language Practice Take time to collect yourself Plan Set limits Be aware No touching It's OK to say NO Listen Ask Emotional boundaries Use I statements Be mindful of language Make time for what you need Physical boundaries Think about your values Be direct Make time for what you need Be polite
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
I-Think about your values
O-Personal Space
B-Don't share food
G-Material boundaries
I-Time boundaries
O-Check in with your feelings
G-Listen to your body
G-Be respectful
I-Use I statements
B-Body language
O-Take time to collect yourself
I-Set limits
B-Be aware
N-No touching
O-It's OK to say NO
B-Emotional boundaries
I-Use I statements
N-Be mindful of language
N-Make time for what you need
O-Physical boundaries
N-Think about your values
B-Be direct
B-Make time for what you need
I-Be polite