A course that must becompleted (often with acertain minimum grade)or a skill that must bedemonstrated before astudent can enroll in amore advanced courseAn academicadministrator orofficial at a school,college, or university,especially one withresponsibility forstudentsFirst year in theprogram;A student who has sofar earned less than 45quarter credits or 30semester credits towarda baccalaureate degreeprogram is referred toas aA student who has sofar earned 45-90quarter credits or 30-60semester credits towarda baccalaureate degreeprogram is referred toas a (second yearstudent in the program)privately owned andoperated post-secondary schoolsorganized as eithernon-profit or profit-making venturesprimarily to teachvocational skillsA form offinancial aidthat must berepaid withinterestA unit ofmeasurefor collegecourseworkA federal grantprogram to assistlow-incomestudents inattendinginstitutions ofhigher educationA type of financialaid which paysstudents to workpart-time, often oncampus, duringthe academicyear.a self-supportinginstitution ofhighereducationoperated with4year2 yearTechnical orTrade schoolA supervised short-term apprenticeshipor temporary job in areal-world settingclosely related to astudent's field ofstudy.Free Application forFederal Student Aidis used to determinefinancial aid fromfederal resourcesand from many stateresources.To cancelregistration ina course afterenrolling intoit.An outline plan for aparticular class,including textbookrequirements, classmeeting dates, readingassignments,examination dates, andthe instructor's gradingstandards, etc.A diploma earnedafter successfullycompleting arequired programof study in acommunity ortechnical college.an institutionof highereducationoperated withstate fundsApproval fora student toattend aneducationalinstitutionA college degreethat can often beearned byfollowing a four-year instructionalprogram.Specializationin oneacademicdiscipline orfield of study.A type of financialaid that generallydoes not have tobe paid back afterthe student leavesschool.Generally acombination of grants,scholarships, loans,and work-study, this isthe total amount offinancial aid you receiveto help pay for collegecosts.the teachersandprofessors ata school orcollegeA comprehensiveresource listing collegeregulations, programand coursedescriptions, degreeand graduationrequirements, transferrequirements, and otheressential information.A course that must becompleted (often with acertain minimum grade)or a skill that must bedemonstrated before astudent can enroll in amore advanced courseAn academicadministrator orofficial at a school,college, or university,especially one withresponsibility forstudentsFirst year in theprogram;A student who has sofar earned less than 45quarter credits or 30semester credits towarda baccalaureate degreeprogram is referred toas aA student who has sofar earned 45-90quarter credits or 30-60semester credits towarda baccalaureate degreeprogram is referred toas a (second yearstudent in the program)privately owned andoperated post-secondary schoolsorganized as eithernon-profit or profit-making venturesprimarily to teachvocational skillsA form offinancial aidthat must berepaid withinterestA unit ofmeasurefor collegecourseworkA federal grantprogram to assistlow-incomestudents inattendinginstitutions ofhigher educationA type of financialaid which paysstudents to workpart-time, often oncampus, duringthe academicyear.a self-supportinginstitution ofhighereducationoperated with4year2 yearTechnical orTrade schoolA supervised short-term apprenticeshipor temporary job in areal-world settingclosely related to astudent's field ofstudy.Free Application forFederal Student Aidis used to determinefinancial aid fromfederal resourcesand from many stateresources.To cancelregistration ina course afterenrolling intoit.An outline plan for aparticular class,including textbookrequirements, classmeeting dates, readingassignments,examination dates, andthe instructor's gradingstandards, etc.A diploma earnedafter successfullycompleting arequired programof study in acommunity ortechnical college.an institutionof highereducationoperated withstate fundsApproval fora student toattend aneducationalinstitutionA college degreethat can often beearned byfollowing a four-year instructionalprogram.Specializationin oneacademicdiscipline orfield of study.A type of financialaid that generallydoes not have tobe paid back afterthe student leavesschool.Generally acombination of grants,scholarships, loans,and work-study, this isthe total amount offinancial aid you receiveto help pay for collegecosts.the teachersandprofessors ata school orcollegeA comprehensiveresource listing collegeregulations, programand coursedescriptions, degreeand graduationrequirements, transferrequirements, and otheressential information.

College Admissions Process Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A course that must be completed (often with a certain minimum grade) or a skill that must be demonstrated before a student can enroll in a more advanced course
  2. An academic administrator or official at a school, college, or university, especially one with responsibility for students
  3. First year in the program; A student who has so far earned less than 45 quarter credits or 30 semester credits toward a baccalaureate degree program is referred to as a
  4. A student who has so far earned 45-90 quarter credits or 30-60 semester credits toward a baccalaureate degree program is referred to as a (second year student in the program)
  5. privately owned and operated post-secondary schools organized as either non-profit or profit-making ventures primarily to teach vocational skills
  6. A form of financial aid that must be repaid with interest
  7. A unit of measure for college coursework
  8. A federal grant program to assist low-income students in attending institutions of higher education
  9. A type of financial aid which pays students to work part-time, often on campus, during the academic year.
  10. a self-supporting institution of higher education operated with
  11. 4year 2 year Technical or Trade school
  12. A supervised short-term apprenticeship or temporary job in a real-world setting closely related to a student's field of study.
  13. Free Application for Federal Student Aid is used to determine financial aid from federal resources and from many state resources.
  14. To cancel registration in a course after enrolling into it.
  15. An outline plan for a particular class, including textbook requirements, class meeting dates, reading assignments, examination dates, and the instructor's grading standards, etc.
  16. A diploma earned after successfully completing a required program of study in a community or technical college.
  17. an institution of higher education operated with state funds
  18. Approval for a student to attend an educational institution
  19. A college degree that can often be earned by following a four-year instructional program.
  20. Specialization in one academic discipline or field of study.
  21. A type of financial aid that generally does not have to be paid back after the student leaves school.
  22. Generally a combination of grants, scholarships, loans, and work-study, this is the total amount of financial aid you receive to help pay for college costs.
  23. the teachers and professors at a school or college
  24. A comprehensive resource listing college regulations, program and course descriptions, degree and graduation requirements, transfer requirements, and other essential information.