LindisfarneThe Vikings raided thisMonastery where themonks first assumedthe Vikings were thereto trade. Instead oftrading, the Vikingsplundered the Church,stole riches and killedseveral monks.ParisCharles the Fatpaid the Vikings tosail past this cityand raid andpillage Burgundy(who was rebellingat that time).KingAlfredHe was the First King ofthe English. He resistedViking invasions andeventually regainedcontrol of much ofEngland.He is the ONLYmonarch in Englishhistory known as "theGreat".ScandinaviaThe Vikings camefrom this area thatcomprises modernday Denmark,Norway andSweden.TrueTrue or false. Rolf (aViking leader)became Duke ofNormandy afterconverting toChristianity. andpaying homage toCharles the Simple.Odin,Frigg,ThorGodsworshipedby theVikingsHelThe Vikings believedthose who dieddishonorably (not inbattle or childbirth)would live here (adark and drearyrealm) after death.homageOffering loyaltyand support toa person who issuperior to you,like a lord orKing.Thesack ofParisThe Viking Ragnarled 120 Vikingships down theSeine River andcaptured theFrench city in thisattack.paythemsilverBased on prior Kings'acts, Vikings startedto believe that if theycaptured animportant city, theKing would do this toget them to stop.RolfThis Viking, whoattacked Paris, raidedBurgundy at the King'srequest and was latergiven Normandy andthe title of Duke if hewould help stop Vikingraids.NormansRolf and his followersbecame this groupafter settling down inNormandy, repellingViking raids andlearning to be skilledwarriors onhorseback.Free!FalseTrue or False.The Vikinglongships wereheavy and couldnot be picked upeasily by crew.CharlestheBaldThis unpopular Kingpaid lots of silver to theVikings in an effort toget them to stop theSack of Paris that tookplace over severaldays and consisted ofpillaging Paris.longboatsThis allowedVikings to sail longdistances acrossoceans and alsosail up rivers toattack towns.LindisfarneThe Vikings raided thisMonastery where themonks first assumedthe Vikings were thereto trade. Instead oftrading, the Vikingsplundered the Church,stole riches and killedseveral monks.ParisCharles the Fatpaid the Vikings tosail past this cityand raid andpillage Burgundy(who was rebellingat that time).KingAlfredHe was the First King ofthe English. He resistedViking invasions andeventually regainedcontrol of much ofEngland.He is the ONLYmonarch in Englishhistory known as "theGreat".ScandinaviaThe Vikings camefrom this area thatcomprises modernday Denmark,Norway andSweden.TrueTrue or false. Rolf (aViking leader)became Duke ofNormandy afterconverting toChristianity. andpaying homage toCharles the Simple.Odin,Frigg,ThorGodsworshipedby theVikingsHelThe Vikings believedthose who dieddishonorably (not inbattle or childbirth)would live here (adark and drearyrealm) after death.homageOffering loyaltyand support toa person who issuperior to you,like a lord orKing.Thesack ofParisThe Viking Ragnarled 120 Vikingships down theSeine River andcaptured theFrench city in thisattack.paythemsilverBased on prior Kings'acts, Vikings startedto believe that if theycaptured animportant city, theKing would do this toget them to stop.RolfThis Viking, whoattacked Paris, raidedBurgundy at the King'srequest and was latergiven Normandy andthe title of Duke if hewould help stop Vikingraids.NormansRolf and his followersbecame this groupafter settling down inNormandy, repellingViking raids andlearning to be skilledwarriors onhorseback.Free!FalseTrue or False.The Vikinglongships wereheavy and couldnot be picked upeasily by crew.CharlestheBaldThis unpopular Kingpaid lots of silver to theVikings in an effort toget them to stop theSack of Paris that tookplace over severaldays and consisted ofpillaging Paris.longboatsThis allowedVikings to sail longdistances acrossoceans and alsosail up rivers toattack towns.

Medieval History -Chapter 10 Vikings - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. The Vikings raided this Monastery where the monks first assumed the Vikings were there to trade. Instead of trading, the Vikings plundered the Church, stole riches and killed several monks.
  2. Charles the Fat paid the Vikings to sail past this city and raid and pillage Burgundy (who was rebelling at that time).
  3. He was the First King of the English. He resisted Viking invasions and eventually regained control of much of England.He is the ONLY monarch in English history known as "the Great".
    King Alfred
  4. The Vikings came from this area that comprises modern day Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
  5. True or false. Rolf (a Viking leader) became Duke of Normandy after converting to Christianity. and paying homage to Charles the Simple.
  6. Gods worshiped by the Vikings
    Odin, Frigg, Thor
  7. The Vikings believed those who died dishonorably (not in battle or childbirth) would live here (a dark and dreary realm) after death.
  8. Offering loyalty and support to a person who is superior to you, like a lord or King.
  9. The Viking Ragnar led 120 Viking ships down the Seine River and captured the French city in this attack.
    The sack of Paris
  10. Based on prior Kings' acts, Vikings started to believe that if they captured an important city, the King would do this to get them to stop.
    pay them silver
  11. This Viking, who attacked Paris, raided Burgundy at the King's request and was later given Normandy and the title of Duke if he would help stop Viking raids.
  12. Rolf and his followers became this group after settling down in Normandy, repelling Viking raids and learning to be skilled warriors on horseback.
  13. Free!
  14. True or False. The Viking longships were heavy and could not be picked up easily by crew.
  15. This unpopular King paid lots of silver to the Vikings in an effort to get them to stop the Sack of Paris that took place over several days and consisted of pillaging Paris.
    Charles the Bald
  16. This allowed Vikings to sail long distances across oceans and also sail up rivers to attack towns.