free citizen vehemently repeating themselves to no avail Fake crying or real crying "you're hurting me" Screaming personal means of conveyance The old switch- a-roo You are brainwashed/asleep Refuses to give ID meltdown Moorish citizens I will sue you very patient officer article 4 Custodial arrest tough guy Weird about the gold standard What crime was committed Badass window break Constitution castle doctrine You don’t know the law I have no ID My hands are up Name and badge number screaming like a woman You work for me Articles of confederation I know my rights yelling for help Call your supervisor do me a favor Asks officer for ID Ask for explanation when it’s not needed METH I’m being polite ticket/citation Weird about corporations Taser or pepper spray BLACK us code Weird about their name I don’t answer questions Maritime law Broken window I didn’t do anything What is the emergency? Too violent officer probable cause I don’t consent Unintelligible Screaming You are under arrest You need a warrant This is illegal Attempts to flee "violent" officer Traveling Black’s law dictionary people v battle 5th amendment I’m not driving commercially a crime requires a victim Referring to car as private property screaming woman excessive cursing road pirate Traffic law not crime im being harassed/ you're harassing me female officer I’m not contracting with you affidavit of truth "RAPE!!" joinder Hands fake id papers Polite officer interfering with a traffic stop You’re getting fired I am not your citizen Am I being detained/arrested This is extortion terry v ohio marijuana Taxation is theft Don’t touch me God traffic violations aren't crimes You can’t do this Resist arrest free inhabitant corpus delecti racist Kidnap No license plates Kids free citizen vehemently repeating themselves to no avail Fake crying or real crying "you're hurting me" Screaming personal means of conveyance The old switch- a-roo You are brainwashed/asleep Refuses to give ID meltdown Moorish citizens I will sue you very patient officer article 4 Custodial arrest tough guy Weird about the gold standard What crime was committed Badass window break Constitution castle doctrine You don’t know the law I have no ID My hands are up Name and badge number screaming like a woman You work for me Articles of confederation I know my rights yelling for help Call your supervisor do me a favor Asks officer for ID Ask for explanation when it’s not needed METH I’m being polite ticket/citation Weird about corporations Taser or pepper spray BLACK us code Weird about their name I don’t answer questions Maritime law Broken window I didn’t do anything What is the emergency? Too violent officer probable cause I don’t consent Unintelligible Screaming You are under arrest You need a warrant This is illegal Attempts to flee "violent" officer Traveling Black’s law dictionary people v battle 5th amendment I’m not driving commercially a crime requires a victim Referring to car as private property screaming woman excessive cursing road pirate Traffic law not crime im being harassed/ you're harassing me female officer I’m not contracting with you affidavit of truth "RAPE!!" joinder Hands fake id papers Polite officer interfering with a traffic stop You’re getting fired I am not your citizen Am I being detained/arrested This is extortion terry v ohio marijuana Taxation is theft Don’t touch me God traffic violations aren't crimes You can’t do this Resist arrest free inhabitant corpus delecti racist Kidnap No license plates Kids
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
free citizen
vehemently repeating themselves to no avail
Fake crying or real crying
"you're hurting me"
personal means of conveyance
The old switch-a-roo
You are brainwashed/asleep
Refuses to give ID
Moorish citizens
I will sue you
very patient officer
article 4
Custodial arrest
tough guy
Weird about the gold standard
What crime was committed
Badass window break
castle doctrine
You don’t know the law
I have no ID
My hands are up
Name and badge number
screaming like a woman
You work for me
Articles of confederation
I know my rights
yelling for help
Call your supervisor
do me a favor
Asks officer for ID
Ask for explanation when it’s not needed
I’m being polite
Weird about corporations
Taser or pepper spray
us code
Weird about their name
I don’t answer questions
Maritime law
Broken window
I didn’t do anything
What is the emergency?
Too violent officer
probable cause
I don’t consent
Unintelligible Screaming
You are under arrest
You need a warrant
This is illegal
Attempts to flee
"violent" officer
Black’s law dictionary
people v battle
5th amendment
I’m not driving commercially
a crime requires a victim
Referring to car as private property
screaming woman
excessive cursing
road pirate
Traffic law not crime
im being harassed/ you're harassing me
female officer
I’m not contracting with you
affidavit of truth
Hands fake id papers
Polite officer
interfering with a traffic stop
You’re getting fired
I am not your citizen
Am I being detained/arrested
This is extortion
terry v ohio
Taxation is theft
Don’t touch me
traffic violations aren't crimes
You can’t do this
Resist arrest
free inhabitant
corpus delecti
No license plates