i have toresist theurge tosuibait themindirectly ordirectlysaying "letpeople enjoythings"insinuationthat myfeelings aretoo extreme"You'renot beingentirelyfair to me""Sorry I tooka while, thisis reallystressing meout"questionableplacement of"lol" and/or"lmao"ends withourfriendshipunofficiallyending"Oh my godyourecompletely right.I apologize formy ignorance."(rare space)over-apologizing(also rarebecause idk ifshe'llapologize)ends withourfriendshipofficiallyendingsomethingalong the linesof "idk what youwant fromme/want me todo"they takeover 4days torespondpassiveagressive useof severalquestion marksat the end of asentence"i wishyou'd toldme thisearlier"complaint aboutawkwardness(ie: "this putsme in a reallyuncomfortableposition)"you don't knowmy friends wellenough to saythat" (defendingtheir friends'ignorance)it turns out thereason theydidnt respondright away isbecause theydidnt see it"Iunderstandwhere you'recoming from,but""I don't think itmakes you abad person todo [thing thatis wrong]"i almost getgaslit intothinking i didsomethingwrongi have toresist theurge tosuibait themindirectly ordirectlysaying "letpeople enjoythings"insinuationthat myfeelings aretoo extreme"You'renot beingentirelyfair to me""Sorry I tooka while, thisis reallystressing meout"questionableplacement of"lol" and/or"lmao"ends withourfriendshipunofficiallyending"Oh my godyourecompletely right.I apologize formy ignorance."(rare space)over-apologizing(also rarebecause idk ifshe'llapologize)ends withourfriendshipofficiallyendingsomethingalong the linesof "idk what youwant fromme/want me todo"they takeover 4days torespondpassiveagressive useof severalquestion marksat the end of asentence"i wishyou'd toldme thisearlier"complaint aboutawkwardness(ie: "this putsme in a reallyuncomfortableposition)"you don't knowmy friends wellenough to saythat" (defendingtheir friends'ignorance)it turns out thereason theydidnt respondright away isbecause theydidnt see it"Iunderstandwhere you'recoming from,but""I don't think itmakes you abad person todo [thing thatis wrong]"i almost getgaslit intothinking i didsomethingwrong

POV: when you try to diplomatically confront a white person about something they did wrong - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. i have to resist the urge to suibait them
  2. indirectly or directly saying "let people enjoy things"
  3. insinuation that my feelings are too extreme
  4. "You're not being entirely fair to me"
  5. "Sorry I took a while, this is really stressing me out"
  6. questionable placement of "lol" and/or "lmao"
  7. ends with our friendship unofficially ending
  8. "Oh my god youre completely right. I apologize for my ignorance." (rare space)
  9. over-apologizing (also rare because idk if she'll apologize)
  10. ends with our friendship officially ending
  11. something along the lines of "idk what you want from me/want me to do"
  12. they take over 4 days to respond
  13. passive agressive use of several question marks at the end of a sentence
  14. "i wish you'd told me this earlier"
  15. complaint about awkwardness (ie: "this puts me in a really uncomfortable position)
  16. "you don't know my friends well enough to say that" (defending their friends' ignorance)
  17. it turns out the reason they didnt respond right away is because they didnt see it
  18. "I understand where you're coming from, but"
  19. "I don't think it makes you a bad person to do [thing that is wrong]"
  20. i almost get gaslit into thinking i did something wrong