He was critical ofthe ‘poor laws’,which he feltencouraged largefamilies by helpingthe poor too much.by the end of thecentury it hadbecome the biggestannual celebrationand took on theform that werecognise todayIn addition to this,it was commonlythought that thepeople were poorbecause theylacked moral fiberand were lazy.The Victorianera is theperiod ofQueenVictoria's reignThere waslittlesympathy forthe plight ofthe poorSome peoplespoke out againstthe new Poor Law,calling theworkhouses‘Prisons for thePoor’.Poor Lawswereintroducedin 1984Workhouses werewhere poor peoplewho had no job orhome lived. Theyearned their keepby doing jobs inthe workhouse. Wealthy womenwere not allowedto work at thistime, and wereresponsible forrunning the house.Sir Thomas Malthusbelieved that theVictorian populationwas growing too fastand quickly to be ableto support itself andthis would eventuallylead to famine anddisease. He was critical ofthe ‘poor laws’,which he feltencouraged largefamilies by helpingthe poor too much.by the end of thecentury it hadbecome the biggestannual celebrationand took on theform that werecognise todayIn addition to this,it was commonlythought that thepeople were poorbecause theylacked moral fiberand were lazy.The Victorianera is theperiod ofQueenVictoria's reignThere waslittlesympathy forthe plight ofthe poorSome peoplespoke out againstthe new Poor Law,calling theworkhouses‘Prisons for thePoor’.Poor Lawswereintroducedin 1984Workhouses werewhere poor peoplewho had no job orhome lived. Theyearned their keepby doing jobs inthe workhouse. Wealthy womenwere not allowedto work at thistime, and wereresponsible forrunning the house.Sir Thomas Malthusbelieved that theVictorian populationwas growing too fastand quickly to be ableto support itself andthis would eventuallylead to famine anddisease. 

Victorian Context bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. He was critical of the ‘poor laws’, which he felt encouraged large families by helping the poor too much.
  2. by the end of the century it had become the biggest annual celebration and took on the form that we recognise today
  3. In addition to this, it was commonly thought that the people were poor because they lacked moral fiber and were lazy.
  4. The Victorian era is the period of Queen Victoria's reign
  5. There was little sympathy for the plight of the poor
  6. Some people spoke out against the new Poor Law, calling the workhouses ‘Prisons for the Poor’.
  7. Poor Laws were introduced in 1984
  8. Workhouses were where poor people who had no job or home lived. They earned their keep by doing jobs in the workhouse.
  9. Wealthy women were not allowed to work at this time, and were responsible for running the house.
  10. Sir Thomas Malthus believed that the Victorian population was growing too fast and quickly to be able to support itself and this would eventually lead to famine and disease.