Get an enemyto tunnelvision on youwithout dyingto themSay "ThisWay" to leada teammatesomewhere tomake a playFlank anenemy bysneaking upbehind themKill someone whohas a glowingspecial but hasn'tused it yet. (If theyuse it in panic, aslong as it doesnothing, it counts)Parry a shotfromsomeoneusing asquid rollFlank an enemyby walking orswimming and notturfing, surprisingthem by being inan uninked areaGet adoublekillPlay a roletemporarily thatyour weapondoesn't usuallyplay, and make aplay because ofthat roleSquid roll offa wall to getto anotherplatform fastInk nearyour baseto chargea specialSquid surgeup apartiallyuninked wallSuper jump outof a situationwhere youwould havedied otherwiseInk near theopponent'sbase tocharge aspecialKill someoneafterbreakingtheir spawnarmorSuccessfullykill someoneattemptingto sharkOpen up themap to seewhere theopponent isinkingSuper jump,and killsomeone < 3seconds aftersuper jumpingSuccessfullysharksomeonePlay a roletemporarily thatyour weapondoesn't typicallyplay (frontline,midline, backline)Say "Booyah"when ateammatemakes agood playGet an enemyto waste theirspecial on youwithout dyingOpen up themap during afight to locatean opponentyou couldn'tsee otherwiseGet atriplekillParry a shotfromsomeoneusing asquid surgeGet an enemyto tunnelvision on youwithout dyingto themSay "ThisWay" to leada teammatesomewhere tomake a playFlank anenemy bysneaking upbehind themKill someone whohas a glowingspecial but hasn'tused it yet. (If theyuse it in panic, aslong as it doesnothing, it counts)Parry a shotfromsomeoneusing asquid rollFlank an enemyby walking orswimming and notturfing, surprisingthem by being inan uninked areaGet adoublekillPlay a roletemporarily thatyour weapondoesn't usuallyplay, and make aplay because ofthat roleSquid roll offa wall to getto anotherplatform fastInk nearyour baseto chargea specialSquid surgeup apartiallyuninked wallSuper jump outof a situationwhere youwould havedied otherwiseInk near theopponent'sbase tocharge aspecialKill someoneafterbreakingtheir spawnarmorSuccessfullykill someoneattemptingto sharkOpen up themap to seewhere theopponent isinkingSuper jump,and killsomeone < 3seconds aftersuper jumpingSuccessfullysharksomeonePlay a roletemporarily thatyour weapondoesn't typicallyplay (frontline,midline, backline)Say "Booyah"when ateammatemakes agood playGet an enemyto waste theirspecial on youwithout dyingOpen up themap during afight to locatean opponentyou couldn'tsee otherwiseGet atriplekillParry a shotfromsomeoneusing asquid surge

Splatoon 3 gameplay - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Get an enemy to tunnel vision on you without dying to them
  2. Say "This Way" to lead a teammate somewhere to make a play
  3. Flank an enemy by sneaking up behind them
  4. Kill someone who has a glowing special but hasn't used it yet. (If they use it in panic, as long as it does nothing, it counts)
  5. Parry a shot from someone using a squid roll
  6. Flank an enemy by walking or swimming and not turfing, surprising them by being in an uninked area
  7. Get a double kill
  8. Play a role temporarily that your weapon doesn't usually play, and make a play because of that role
  9. Squid roll off a wall to get to another platform fast
  10. Ink near your base to charge a special
  11. Squid surge up a partially uninked wall
  12. Super jump out of a situation where you would have died otherwise
  13. Ink near the opponent's base to charge a special
  14. Kill someone after breaking their spawn armor
  15. Successfully kill someone attempting to shark
  16. Open up the map to see where the opponent is inking
  17. Super jump, and kill someone < 3 seconds after super jumping
  18. Successfully shark someone
  19. Play a role temporarily that your weapon doesn't typically play (frontline, midline, backline)
  20. Say "Booyah" when a teammate makes a good play
  21. Get an enemy to waste their special on you without dying
  22. Open up the map during a fight to locate an opponent you couldn't see otherwise
  23. Get a triple kill
  24. Parry a shot from someone using a squid surge