poorpeopleand drugaddictspyramidwithdictionaryinsidegive it atry, maybeneeds afrienddoes notwant KillerKane tofind outpromises Maxhe would nothave to doanything hedid not want toreading is away oflistening butwriting is liketalkingHis fathersneaksinto hisroom.Sure it willhurt, Life isdangerous.he likeshaving asmart brainon hisshouldersHe tellsMax henever killedanybody.Grim wantsto get a gunbut Gramdoesn't.The veryidea strikesfear in herheart.Mrs. Addisonis going to puthim back inlearningdisabled classhismotherwon't talkabout itshowingMax howto read abookHe takes Maxto Iggy andLoretta'sapartment inthe NewTestaments.They allhave dinnerand pretendeverything isnormal.Max alwaysfeared hisfather wouldcome for himin the night.the NewTestamentsboss ofthePanheadsFreak isgrowing onthe insidebut not onthe outside.chantingFreak theMightyGrim tellsMax hisfather is upfor parole.Freakchokes onchop sueypoorpeopleand drugaddictspyramidwithdictionaryinsidegive it atry, maybeneeds afrienddoes notwant KillerKane tofind outpromises Maxhe would nothave to doanything hedid not want toreading is away oflistening butwriting is liketalkingHis fathersneaksinto hisroom.Sure it willhurt, Life isdangerous.he likeshaving asmart brainon hisshouldersHe tellsMax henever killedanybody.Grim wantsto get a gunbut Gramdoesn't.The veryidea strikesfear in herheart.Mrs. Addisonis going to puthim back inlearningdisabled classhismotherwon't talkabout itshowingMax howto read abookHe takes Maxto Iggy andLoretta'sapartment inthe NewTestaments.They allhave dinnerand pretendeverything isnormal.Max alwaysfeared hisfather wouldcome for himin the night.the NewTestamentsboss ofthePanheadsFreak isgrowing onthe insidebut not onthe outside.chantingFreak theMightyGrim tellsMax hisfather is upfor parole.Freakchokes onchop suey

Freak the Mighty Chapters 14-16 Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. poor people and drug addicts
  2. pyramid with dictionary inside
  3. give it a try, maybe needs a friend
  4. does not want Killer Kane to find out
  5. promises Max he would not have to do anything he did not want to
  6. reading is a way of listening but writing is like talking
  7. His father sneaks into his room.
  8. Sure it will hurt, Life is dangerous.
  9. he likes having a smart brain on his shoulders
  10. He tells Max he never killed anybody.
  11. Grim wants to get a gun but Gram doesn't.
  12. The very idea strikes fear in her heart.
  13. Mrs. Addison is going to put him back in learning disabled class
  14. his mother won't talk about it
  15. showing Max how to read a book
  16. He takes Max to Iggy and Loretta's apartment in the New Testaments.
  17. They all have dinner and pretend everything is normal.
  18. Max always feared his father would come for him in the night.
  19. the New Testaments
  20. boss of the Panheads
  21. Freak is growing on the inside but not on the outside.
  22. chanting Freak the Mighty
  23. Grim tells Max his father is up for parole.
  24. Freak chokes on chop suey