Leave 2-3positive notes forstaff inmailboxes/rooms.Dosomethingkind foryourself.Assist Taraat the frontdesk for 10minutes.Email Mid City staff aphoto of a fun classactivity/moment withstudents. Include abrief description. Titlethe email subject:BINGOMake twopositivecontactshome aboutstudents.Do a favorfor anotherstaffmember.Reflect on whatis going well inyour positionand what youwould like toimprove on.Complimenta co-worker.Greet 5studentsby namein the hallsWrite athank younote to astaff memberor student.Chat with a staffmember whoyou don't knowvery well. Findout 3 new thingsabout them.Greetstudents atthe frontdoor onemorning.Do one actof kindnessfor a staffmember.AssistTammy &Rhonda withsomething inthe cafeteria.Help astudent orstaff memberwho isstruggling.Surprise a staffmember withsomething thatwill make theirday.Escort astudent inthe halls.Complimenta student.Write down 5things you loveabout yourself.Put itsomewhere youcan see it daily.Sharegood newswith a staffmember.Chat with astudent whoyou've neverspoken tobefore.Email Mid City staffa photo of a positivemoment or personin your life. Includea brief description.Title the emailsubject: BINGOAsk a co-worker ifthere'sanything theyneed help with.Completeonecustodialtask for Kellyor Ben.Leave 2-3positive notes forstaff inmailboxes/rooms.Dosomethingkind foryourself.Assist Taraat the frontdesk for 10minutes.Email Mid City staff aphoto of a fun classactivity/moment withstudents. Include abrief description. Titlethe email subject:BINGOMake twopositivecontactshome aboutstudents.Do a favorfor anotherstaffmember.Reflect on whatis going well inyour positionand what youwould like toimprove on.Complimenta co-worker.Greet 5studentsby namein the hallsWrite athank younote to astaff memberor student.Chat with a staffmember whoyou don't knowvery well. Findout 3 new thingsabout them.Greetstudents atthe frontdoor onemorning.Do one actof kindnessfor a staffmember.AssistTammy &Rhonda withsomething inthe cafeteria.Help astudent orstaff memberwho isstruggling.Surprise a staffmember withsomething thatwill make theirday.Escort astudent inthe halls.Complimenta student.Write down 5things you loveabout yourself.Put itsomewhere youcan see it daily.Sharegood newswith a staffmember.Chat with astudent whoyou've neverspoken tobefore.Email Mid City staffa photo of a positivemoment or personin your life. Includea brief description.Title the emailsubject: BINGOAsk a co-worker ifthere'sanything theyneed help with.Completeonecustodialtask for Kellyor Ben.

Mid City Staff Bingo Challenge! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Leave 2-3 positive notes for staff in mailboxes/rooms.
  2. Do something kind for yourself.
  3. Assist Tara at the front desk for 10 minutes.
  4. Email Mid City staff a photo of a fun class activity/moment with students. Include a brief description. Title the email subject: BINGO
  5. Make two positive contacts home about students.
  6. Do a favor for another staff member.
  7. Reflect on what is going well in your position and what you would like to improve on.
  8. Compliment a co-worker.
  9. Greet 5 students by name in the halls
  10. Write a thank you note to a staff member or student.
  11. Chat with a staff member who you don't know very well. Find out 3 new things about them.
  12. Greet students at the front door one morning.
  13. Do one act of kindness for a staff member.
  14. Assist Tammy & Rhonda with something in the cafeteria.
  15. Help a student or staff member who is struggling.
  16. Surprise a staff member with something that will make their day.
  17. Escort a student in the halls.
  18. Compliment a student.
  19. Write down 5 things you love about yourself. Put it somewhere you can see it daily.
  20. Share good news with a staff member.
  21. Chat with a student who you've never spoken to before.
  22. Email Mid City staff a photo of a positive moment or person in your life. Include a brief description. Title the email subject: BINGO
  23. Ask a co-worker if there's anything they need help with.
  24. Complete one custodial task for Kelly or Ben.