A boringArmin scenelasts waytoo longArminsimpsfor AnnieArmindefends hisgenocidalbest friendNoacknowledgementof Armin's feelingsfor Annie comingfrom BertholdtA charactertries and fails toargue in favorof saving Arminover ErwinArmin gets ascene thatshould havegone to anothercharacterArmin and Anniehave a scenewhere the showtries and fails toconvince us theyhave anychemistryArmin gets amoment that issupposed to bebadass but itdoesn't landbecause he'sArminArmin'sColossal Titanpower is barelyused andamounts to littleArminscreams"EREN!" asa fullsentenceArminsaves theday with aspeechArmin is stilltrying tosave Erenpost-genocideArminknows theplot beforeit happensArmin actssurprised atsomethingthat isn'tsurprisingArminforgets howto use hismaneuvergearArmin isimmediatelyincapacitatedat the start ofa battleArminforgivesEren forbeating himupArmincontributesnothing to amajor fightArmin failsto have apersonalityArmin getsover thegenocidevery quicklyArminfails at acriticalmomentArminsurvivesdue toplot armorArmin makesanothercharacter'sstory abouthimArminneeds toberescuedA boringArmin scenelasts waytoo longArminsimpsfor AnnieArmindefends hisgenocidalbest friendNoacknowledgementof Armin's feelingsfor Annie comingfrom BertholdtA charactertries and fails toargue in favorof saving Arminover ErwinArmin gets ascene thatshould havegone to anothercharacterArmin and Anniehave a scenewhere the showtries and fails toconvince us theyhave anychemistryArmin gets amoment that issupposed to bebadass but itdoesn't landbecause he'sArminArmin'sColossal Titanpower is barelyused andamounts to littleArminscreams"EREN!" asa fullsentenceArminsaves theday with aspeechArmin is stilltrying tosave Erenpost-genocideArminknows theplot beforeit happensArmin actssurprised atsomethingthat isn'tsurprisingArminforgets howto use hismaneuvergearArmin isimmediatelyincapacitatedat the start ofa battleArminforgivesEren forbeating himupArmincontributesnothing to amajor fightArmin failsto have apersonalityArmin getsover thegenocidevery quicklyArminfails at acriticalmomentArminsurvivesdue toplot armorArmin makesanothercharacter'sstory abouthimArminneeds toberescued

Armin Attack on Titan Finale Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A boring Armin scene lasts way too long
  2. Armin simps for Annie
  3. Armin defends his genocidal best friend
  4. No acknowledgement of Armin's feelings for Annie coming from Bertholdt
  5. A character tries and fails to argue in favor of saving Armin over Erwin
  6. Armin gets a scene that should have gone to another character
  7. Armin and Annie have a scene where the show tries and fails to convince us they have any chemistry
  8. Armin gets a moment that is supposed to be badass but it doesn't land because he's Armin
  9. Armin's Colossal Titan power is barely used and amounts to little
  10. Armin screams "EREN!" as a full sentence
  11. Armin saves the day with a speech
  12. Armin is still trying to save Eren post-genocide
  13. Armin knows the plot before it happens
  14. Armin acts surprised at something that isn't surprising
  15. Armin forgets how to use his maneuver gear
  16. Armin is immediately incapacitated at the start of a battle
  17. Armin forgives Eren for beating him up
  18. Armin contributes nothing to a major fight
  19. Armin fails to have a personality
  20. Armin gets over the genocide very quickly
  21. Armin fails at a critical moment
  22. Armin survives due to plot armor
  23. Armin makes another character's story about him
  24. Armin needs to be rescued