Had a websiteshow youadvertisementsbased on thingsyou had previouslysearched for orlikedRidden ina self-driving carHad a socialmedia app put theposts that it thinksyou are mostlikely to beinterested in at thetop of your feedHad an app likeSpotify create aplaylist ofsongs youwould likeUsed an app toidentify an object,plant, animal, orconstellation thatit sees with thedevice's cameraUsed an appto listen to andidentify a songthat you heardon the radioHad aconversationwith acomputerchatbot onlinePlayed a videogame, like chessor Super SmashBros, against acomputer playerUsed a mapsapp tonavigate fromone locationto anotherSpoken to avirtual assistantlike Alexa, Siri,or GoogleAssistantUsed a searchengine likeGoogle or Bingto do researchfor schoolBeen in a homewith a smartthermostat thatautomaticallyadjusts thetemperatureUsed anAI-poweredrobotvacuumBeen writing anemail and hadthe computersuggest words tocomplete thesentenceUse theautocorrectfunctionwhile typingUsed a Ringdoorbell thatuses a camerato tell whensomeone is atthe doorUsed faceID to unlockasmartphoneUsed therecommendationsin YouTube orNetflix to pick outa video or movieHad a websiteshow youadvertisementsbased on thingsyou had previouslysearched for orlikedRidden ina self-driving carHad a socialmedia app put theposts that it thinksyou are mostlikely to beinterested in at thetop of your feedHad an app likeSpotify create aplaylist ofsongs youwould likeUsed an app toidentify an object,plant, animal, orconstellation thatit sees with thedevice's cameraUsed an appto listen to andidentify a songthat you heardon the radioHad aconversationwith acomputerchatbot onlinePlayed a videogame, like chessor Super SmashBros, against acomputer playerUsed a mapsapp tonavigate fromone locationto anotherSpoken to avirtual assistantlike Alexa, Siri,or GoogleAssistantUsed a searchengine likeGoogle or Bingto do researchfor schoolBeen in a homewith a smartthermostat thatautomaticallyadjusts thetemperatureUsed anAI-poweredrobotvacuumBeen writing anemail and hadthe computersuggest words tocomplete thesentenceUse theautocorrectfunctionwhile typingUsed a Ringdoorbell thatuses a camerato tell whensomeone is atthe doorUsed faceID to unlockasmartphoneUsed therecommendationsin YouTube orNetflix to pick outa video or movie

AI Interactions - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Had a website show you advertisements based on things you had previously searched for or liked
  2. Ridden in a self-driving car
  3. Had a social media app put the posts that it thinks you are most likely to be interested in at the top of your feed
  4. Had an app like Spotify create a playlist of songs you would like
  5. Used an app to identify an object, plant, animal, or constellation that it sees with the device's camera
  6. Used an app to listen to and identify a song that you heard on the radio
  7. Had a conversation with a computer chatbot online
  8. Played a video game, like chess or Super Smash Bros, against a computer player
  9. Used a maps app to navigate from one location to another
  10. Spoken to a virtual assistant like Alexa, Siri, or Google Assistant
  11. Used a search engine like Google or Bing to do research for school
  12. Been in a home with a smart thermostat that automatically adjusts the temperature
  13. Used an AI-powered robot vacuum
  14. Been writing an email and had the computer suggest words to complete the sentence
  15. Use the autocorrect function while typing
  16. Used a Ring doorbell that uses a camera to tell when someone is at the door
  17. Used face ID to unlock a smartphone
  18. Used the recommendations in YouTube or Netflix to pick out a video or movie