Find someone who can tellyou when France began toattack Britain what didWashington decide wouldbe his plan of action andWhy?Answer:  Name: Find someone who canidentify the first SupremeCourt Chief Justice (hint-he was sent to make atreaty with Britain)Answer:  Name: Find someone who canname Washington’sSecretary of State.Answer:   Name: Find someone who canname Washington’sSecretary of Treasury.Answer:  Name: Find someone who canstate two of Hamilton’spoints in his financialplan for the new nation.Answer:   Name: Find someone who canname the domestic issueduring Washington’spresidency regarding angryfarmers.Answer:   Name: Find someone who canname the domestic issueduring Washington’spresidency regarding angryfarmers.Answer:   Name: Find someone who cangive one precedentthat Washington beganas President.Answer:  Name: Find someone who cangive one piece ofadvice that Washingtonleft for the country inhis Farewell Address.Answer:  Name: Find someonewho can give youthe reason that thenation’s capital isin the South.Answer: Find someone who can tellyou when France began toattack Britain what didWashington decide wouldbe his plan of action andWhy?Answer:  Name: Find someone who canidentify the first SupremeCourt Chief Justice (hint-he was sent to make atreaty with Britain)Answer:  Name: Find someone who canname Washington’sSecretary of State.Answer:   Name: Find someone who canname Washington’sSecretary of Treasury.Answer:  Name: Find someone who canstate two of Hamilton’spoints in his financialplan for the new nation.Answer:   Name: Find someone who canname the domestic issueduring Washington’spresidency regarding angryfarmers.Answer:   Name: Find someone who canname the domestic issueduring Washington’spresidency regarding angryfarmers.Answer:   Name: Find someone who cangive one precedentthat Washington beganas President.Answer:  Name: Find someone who cangive one piece ofadvice that Washingtonleft for the country inhis Farewell Address.Answer:  Name: Find someonewho can give youthe reason that thenation’s capital isin the South.Answer: 

Washington Review Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Find someone who can tell you when France began to attack Britain what did Washington decide would be his plan of action and Why? Answer: Name:
  2. Find someone who can identify the first Supreme Court Chief Justice (hint- he was sent to make a treaty with Britain) Answer: Name:
  3. Find someone who can name Washington’s Secretary of State. Answer: Name:
  4. Find someone who can name Washington’s Secretary of Treasury. Answer: Name:
  5. Find someone who can state two of Hamilton’s points in his financial plan for the new nation. Answer: Name:
  6. Find someone who can name the domestic issue during Washington’s presidency regarding angry farmers. Answer: Name:
  7. Find someone who can name the domestic issue during Washington’s presidency regarding angry farmers. Answer: Name:
  8. Find someone who can give one precedent that Washington began as President. Answer: Name:
  9. Find someone who can give one piece of advice that Washington left for the country in his Farewell Address. Answer: Name:
  10. Find someone who can give you the reason that the nation’s capital is in the South. Answer: