ApplechecklistCharts,dictation,center signs,shelveslabeledWashChild's andteachershandsAfterchangingeachdiaperFoodItemsToxinscannot bestoredwithWordsandpicturesShelvesneed tobeBleachandwaterNeeds to bemade daily in alabeled bottleand kept out ofreach.Bathroomand toxiclogsNeed tobe keptup to dateMust bewrittenand datedin inkLessonplanToxins/pursesand bagsMust belocked upat alltimesAnythinglabeled"Keep out ofreach ofchildren"ToxinsareMust belabeledwith child'snameCupsandfoodTransitionlogsmust bemaintainedat all times.Counts mustmatchPapertowelWhenwashinghands weturn off thewater with3 andupage of childrenthat can be outof sight forshort periodsof timeScreentimeDCF limits to1/2 hour perweek for 2 andup. Must beeducational andon lesson plan.ActiveSupervisionChildren are insight andsound. Teacheris aware ofwhat is goingon.Entrancesand ExitsNeed tobe clearand clutterfreeSweepforChildrenBeforeleaving aclassroom a_____ musthappenPlaygroundmostdangerousarea in ourschool18inchesapartNap matsneed tobeEarlyLiteracyExperiencesLesson planshowsevidence ofplanned______GlovesNeed to beworn whenhandlingbodily fluidsand foodLessonPlansNeed to beposted by Fridayon Parent infoboard and onProcare byMonday morningAttendancerecords/transitionlogsUpdated whenchild arrives,leaves to go toanother group,or leaves forthe dayInfantsandWobblersMust besupervisedby both sightand soundChokingHazardshot dogs,grapes, nuts,popcorn, rawpeas, hardpretzels,TeachablemomentMoment whenyou stray awayfrom the plannedtopic because ofchildren'sinterestsAutomaticFailleaving a childunattended orunaccountedforHandWashingWhat we doupon enteringthe classroom,before/aftereating, etc...Scissors,staples, andall sharpmaterialsneed tobe kept ina lockedcabinetcellphonestakeyou outof ratioApplechecklistCharts,dictation,center signs,shelveslabeledWashChild's andteachershandsAfterchangingeachdiaperFoodItemsToxinscannot bestoredwithWordsandpicturesShelvesneed tobeBleachandwaterNeeds to bemade daily in alabeled bottleand kept out ofreach.Bathroomand toxiclogsNeed tobe keptup to dateMust bewrittenand datedin inkLessonplanToxins/pursesand bagsMust belocked upat alltimesAnythinglabeled"Keep out ofreach ofchildren"ToxinsareMust belabeledwith child'snameCupsandfoodTransitionlogsmust bemaintainedat all times.Counts mustmatchPapertowelWhenwashinghands weturn off thewater with3 andupage of childrenthat can be outof sight forshort periodsof timeScreentimeDCF limits to1/2 hour perweek for 2 andup. Must beeducational andon lesson plan.ActiveSupervisionChildren are insight andsound. Teacheris aware ofwhat is goingon.Entrancesand ExitsNeed tobe clearand clutterfreeSweepforChildrenBeforeleaving aclassroom a_____ musthappenPlaygroundmostdangerousarea in ourschool18inchesapartNap matsneed tobeEarlyLiteracyExperiencesLesson planshowsevidence ofplanned______GlovesNeed to beworn whenhandlingbodily fluidsand foodLessonPlansNeed to beposted by Fridayon Parent infoboard and onProcare byMonday morningAttendancerecords/transitionlogsUpdated whenchild arrives,leaves to go toanother group,or leaves forthe dayInfantsandWobblersMust besupervisedby both sightand soundChokingHazardshot dogs,grapes, nuts,popcorn, rawpeas, hardpretzels,TeachablemomentMoment whenyou stray awayfrom the plannedtopic because ofchildren'sinterestsAutomaticFailleaving a childunattended orunaccountedforHandWashingWhat we doupon enteringthe classroom,before/aftereating, etc...Scissors,staples, andall sharpmaterialsneed tobe kept ina lockedcabinetcellphonestakeyou outof ratio

APPLE - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Charts, dictation, center signs, shelves labeled
    Apple check list
  2. After changing each diaper
    Wash Child's and teachers hands
  3. Toxins cannot be stored with
    Food Items
  4. Shelves need to be
    Words and pictures
  5. Needs to be made daily in a labeled bottle and kept out of reach.
    Bleach and water
  6. Need to be kept up to date
    Bathroom and toxic logs
  7. Lesson plan
    Must be written and dated in ink
  8. Must be locked up at all times
    Toxins/purses and bags
  9. Toxins are
    Anything labeled "Keep out of reach of children"
  10. Cups and food
    Must be labeled with child's name
  11. must be maintained at all times. Counts must match
    Transition logs
  12. When washing hands we turn off the water with
    Paper towel
  13. age of children that can be out of sight for short periods of time
    3 and up
  14. DCF limits to 1/2 hour per week for 2 and up. Must be educational and on lesson plan.
    Screen time
  15. Children are in sight and sound. Teacher is aware of what is going on.
    Active Supervision
  16. Need to be clear and clutter free
    Entrances and Exits
  17. Before leaving a classroom a _____ must happen
    Sweep for Children
  18. most dangerous area in our school
  19. Nap mats need to be
    18 inches apart
  20. Lesson plan shows evidence of planned ______
    Early Literacy Experiences
  21. Need to be worn when handling bodily fluids and food
  22. Need to be posted by Friday on Parent info board and on Procare by Monday morning
    Lesson Plans
  23. Updated when child arrives, leaves to go to another group, or leaves for the day
    Attendance records/transition logs
  24. Must be supervised by both sight and sound
    Infants and Wobblers
  25. hot dogs, grapes, nuts, popcorn, raw peas, hard pretzels,
    Choking Hazards
  26. Moment when you stray away from the planned topic because of children's interests
    Teachable moment
  27. leaving a child unattended or unaccounted for
    Automatic Fail
  28. What we do upon entering the classroom, before/after eating, etc...
    Hand Washing
  29. need to be kept in a locked cabinet
    Scissors, staples, and all sharp materials
  30. take you out of ratio
    cell phones