A constructionworker must findanother job duringthe winter monthsfrom December toMarch.Fred Flintstonewas laid off fromwork becausethe nation issuffering from arecession.Linda is a stay-at-home mother. Lastweek, she wasoccupied with hernormal householdactivities. She neitherheld a job nor lookedfor a job.Steve lost his jobwhen the localplant of an aircraftmanufacturingcompany closeddue to slow pacedeconomy.Mickey Mousevoluntarily quit hisjob at Disney &has decided thathe would seek ajob as a truckdriver.Yvonne has justgraduated with heraccounting degree.She reported that 2weeks ago she appliedfor jobs at a bank andat a mortgage lendingcompany.An unemployedcollegegraduate islooking for hisfirst job.A computerprogrammeris laid offbecause ofthe recession.Marcus was laid off fromthe local plant of a majorautomaker when the firmbegan retooling to producea new model car. Marcusknows he will be calledback to work as soon asthe model changeover iscompleted.Janet’s 80-year-old father wholives with her hasnot worked orlooked for workbecause of adisability.Ms. Jenkins tells theinterviewer that her 16-year-old daughter,Katherine Marie, wasthinking about lookingfor work in the prior 4weeks but knows of nospecific efforts she hasmade.Paul Bunyan losthis job as aLumberjackbecause the timbercompany he worksfor decided to buychainsaws.Scooby Doo islooking for a jobduring the Wintersince KingsIsland is closeduntil the Spring.A bank tellerloses her jobbecause she isreplaced by anATM machine.The Easter Bunnyfound out he wasbeing let go, sinceAmericansdecided not to buyeggs, which arehigh in cholesterol.John is a night stockmanand has been checkingfor openings at a localwarehouse store foreach of the past 3weeks, but last week hehad the flu and wasunavailable for workbecause of it.Lisa spends most ofher time taking care ofher home and children,but she helps in herhusband's computersoftware business allday, Friday andSaturday.Slumpingsales lead tothe cashierbeing laidoff.Advances intechnologymake theassembly-lineworker's jobobsolete.Frosty theSnowman isexpected to be outof work shortlyfollowing the lastbig snowstorm ofthe year.Garrett is 16 years old, andhe has no job from whichhe receives any pay orprofit. However, Garrettdoes help with the regularchores around his parents’farm and spends about 20hours each week doing so.Ronald McDonald,who justgraduated fromClown school islooking for his firstreal job.Julia told the interviewerthat she has submittedapplications with threecompanies for summerjobs. However, it is onlyApril and she doesn'twish to start work until atleast June 15, becauseshe is attending school.Elena reported tothe interviewer thatlast week sheworked 40 hours asa sales manager fora beveragecompany.A magazineeditor leaveshis job in NewYork to look fora new job inSan Francisco.A constructionworker must findanother job duringthe winter monthsfrom December toMarch.Fred Flintstonewas laid off fromwork becausethe nation issuffering from arecession.Linda is a stay-at-home mother. Lastweek, she wasoccupied with hernormal householdactivities. She neitherheld a job nor lookedfor a job.Steve lost his jobwhen the localplant of an aircraftmanufacturingcompany closeddue to slow pacedeconomy.Mickey Mousevoluntarily quit hisjob at Disney &has decided thathe would seek ajob as a truckdriver.Yvonne has justgraduated with heraccounting degree.She reported that 2weeks ago she appliedfor jobs at a bank andat a mortgage lendingcompany.An unemployedcollegegraduate islooking for hisfirst job.A computerprogrammeris laid offbecause ofthe recession.Marcus was laid off fromthe local plant of a majorautomaker when the firmbegan retooling to producea new model car. Marcusknows he will be calledback to work as soon asthe model changeover iscompleted.Janet’s 80-year-old father wholives with her hasnot worked orlooked for workbecause of adisability.Ms. Jenkins tells theinterviewer that her 16-year-old daughter,Katherine Marie, wasthinking about lookingfor work in the prior 4weeks but knows of nospecific efforts she hasmade.Paul Bunyan losthis job as aLumberjackbecause the timbercompany he worksfor decided to buychainsaws.Scooby Doo islooking for a jobduring the Wintersince KingsIsland is closeduntil the Spring.A bank tellerloses her jobbecause she isreplaced by anATM machine.The Easter Bunnyfound out he wasbeing let go, sinceAmericansdecided not to buyeggs, which arehigh in cholesterol.John is a night stockmanand has been checkingfor openings at a localwarehouse store foreach of the past 3weeks, but last week hehad the flu and wasunavailable for workbecause of it.Lisa spends most ofher time taking care ofher home and children,but she helps in herhusband's computersoftware business allday, Friday andSaturday.Slumpingsales lead tothe cashierbeing laidoff.Advances intechnologymake theassembly-lineworker's jobobsolete.Frosty theSnowman isexpected to be outof work shortlyfollowing the lastbig snowstorm ofthe year.Garrett is 16 years old, andhe has no job from whichhe receives any pay orprofit. However, Garrettdoes help with the regularchores around his parents’farm and spends about 20hours each week doing so.Ronald McDonald,who justgraduated fromClown school islooking for his firstreal job.Julia told the interviewerthat she has submittedapplications with threecompanies for summerjobs. However, it is onlyApril and she doesn'twish to start work until atleast June 15, becauseshe is attending school.Elena reported tothe interviewer thatlast week sheworked 40 hours asa sales manager fora beveragecompany.A magazineeditor leaveshis job in NewYork to look fora new job inSan Francisco.

Different Types of Unemployment - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A construction worker must find another job during the winter months from December to March.
  2. Fred Flintstone was laid off from work because the nation is suffering from a recession.
  3. Linda is a stay-at-home mother. Last week, she was occupied with her normal household activities. She neither held a job nor looked for a job.
  4. Steve lost his job when the local plant of an aircraft manufacturing company closed due to slow paced economy.
  5. Mickey Mouse voluntarily quit his job at Disney & has decided that he would seek a job as a truck driver.
  6. Yvonne has just graduated with her accounting degree. She reported that 2 weeks ago she applied for jobs at a bank and at a mortgage lending company.
  7. An unemployed college graduate is looking for his first job.
  8. A computer programmer is laid off because of the recession.
  9. Marcus was laid off from the local plant of a major automaker when the firm began retooling to produce a new model car. Marcus knows he will be called back to work as soon as the model changeover is completed.
  10. Janet’s 80-year-old father who lives with her has not worked or looked for work because of a disability.
  11. Ms. Jenkins tells the interviewer that her 16-year-old daughter, Katherine Marie, was thinking about looking for work in the prior 4 weeks but knows of no specific efforts she has made.
  12. Paul Bunyan lost his job as a Lumberjack because the timber company he works for decided to buy chainsaws.
  13. Scooby Doo is looking for a job during the Winter since Kings Island is closed until the Spring.
  14. A bank teller loses her job because she is replaced by an ATM machine.
  15. The Easter Bunny found out he was being let go, since Americans decided not to buy eggs, which are high in cholesterol.
  16. John is a night stockman and has been checking for openings at a local warehouse store for each of the past 3 weeks, but last week he had the flu and was unavailable for work because of it.
  17. Lisa spends most of her time taking care of her home and children, but she helps in her husband's computer software business all day, Friday and Saturday.
  18. Slumping sales lead to the cashier being laid off.
  19. Advances in technology make the assembly-line worker's job obsolete.
  20. Frosty the Snowman is expected to be out of work shortly following the last big snowstorm of the year.
  21. Garrett is 16 years old, and he has no job from which he receives any pay or profit. However, Garrett does help with the regular chores around his parents’ farm and spends about 20 hours each week doing so.
  22. Ronald McDonald, who just graduated from Clown school is looking for his first real job.
  23. Julia told the interviewer that she has submitted applications with three companies for summer jobs. However, it is only April and she doesn't wish to start work until at least June 15, because she is attending school.
  24. Elena reported to the interviewer that last week she worked 40 hours as a sales manager for a beverage company.
  25. A magazine editor leaves his job in New York to look for a new job in San Francisco.