Completelyencircle a citystate or opposingCiv city with unitswithout being atwar with themCollectivelyown nomore than12 cities500gold/turnAs a team, have 1 of eachadjacency district with 0adjacency (or 1/3 of maxforneighborhoods/preserves)Own any 3 of thesewonders, but no individualcan have more than one(Terracotta Army, Statue ofZeus, Colosseum,Mahadobhi Temple,Alhambra, Huey Teocalli). Ifa single player builds morethan one of these wonders,their team is ineligible forA missionary,apostle, andinquisitor ofdifferent religionsgather around anEntertainmentcomplex500faith/turnAs a team,have one ofeach governor(only need 1secret societygovernor)Settle a city on atundra or deserttile with no basehousing bonusand growing it to7 populationHave 3 Heroesgatheredaround a singleholy site(adjacent toeach other)500science/turnAs a team,have at least 1unit from 3different eraswith 10 or fewerHP500culture/turnAs a team,have 1 of eachadjacencydistrict with 3+bonusSettle a cityon a 1 tileisland andgrow it to 7populationHave any 3 greatpeople of differenttypes gather arounda harbor (adjacentto each other).Each must be froma different Civ.Have all worldcongressproposalspositivelyaffecting yourteamAs a team,take overand hold 4city statesAs a team,own 90 eachof horses,iron, andniterAs a team,have 3governmentsfrom 3different erasAs a team, ontrol 3 ormore tiles containingthe same luxuryresource, but worknone of them (placinga city on the luxurycounts as working it)500dominationscoreAs a team, ave3 barbarianencampmentsactive within 3tiles of yourteam's citiesAs a team,Have a dark,normal, andgolden (orheroic) age atthe same timeCompletelyencircle a citystate or opposingCiv city with unitswithout being atwar with themCollectivelyown nomore than12 cities500gold/turnAs a team, have 1 of eachadjacency district with 0adjacency (or 1/3 of maxforneighborhoods/preserves)Own any 3 of thesewonders, but no individualcan have more than one(Terracotta Army, Statue ofZeus, Colosseum,Mahadobhi Temple,Alhambra, Huey Teocalli). Ifa single player builds morethan one of these wonders,their team is ineligible forA missionary,apostle, andinquisitor ofdifferent religionsgather around anEntertainmentcomplex500faith/turnAs a team,have one ofeach governor(only need 1secret societygovernor)Settle a city on atundra or deserttile with no basehousing bonusand growing it to7 populationHave 3 Heroesgatheredaround a singleholy site(adjacent toeach other)500science/turnAs a team,have at least 1unit from 3different eraswith 10 or fewerHP500culture/turnAs a team,have 1 of eachadjacencydistrict with 3+bonusSettle a cityon a 1 tileisland andgrow it to 7populationHave any 3 greatpeople of differenttypes gather arounda harbor (adjacentto each other).Each must be froma different Civ.Have all worldcongressproposalspositivelyaffecting yourteamAs a team,take overand hold 4city statesAs a team,own 90 eachof horses,iron, andniterAs a team,have 3governmentsfrom 3different erasAs a team, ontrol 3 ormore tiles containingthe same luxuryresource, but worknone of them (placinga city on the luxurycounts as working it)500dominationscoreAs a team, ave3 barbarianencampmentsactive within 3tiles of yourteam's citiesAs a team,Have a dark,normal, andgolden (orheroic) age atthe same time

Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Completely encircle a city state or opposing Civ city with units without being at war with them
  2. Collectively own no more than 12 cities
  3. 500 gold/turn
  4. As a team, have 1 of each adjacency district with 0 adjacency (or 1/3 of max for neighborhoods/preserves)
  5. Own any 3 of these wonders, but no individual can have more than one (Terracotta Army, Statue of Zeus, Colosseum, Mahadobhi Temple, Alhambra, Huey Teocalli). If a single player builds more than one of these wonders, their team is ineligible for
  6. A missionary, apostle, and inquisitor of different religions gather around an Entertainment complex
  7. 500 faith/turn
  8. As a team, have one of each governor (only need 1 secret society governor)
  9. Settle a city on a tundra or desert tile with no base housing bonus and growing it to 7 population
  10. Have 3 Heroes gathered around a single holy site (adjacent to each other)
  11. 500 science/turn
  12. As a team, have at least 1 unit from 3 different eras with 10 or fewer HP
  13. 500 culture/turn
  14. As a team, have 1 of each adjacency district with 3+ bonus
  15. Settle a city on a 1 tile island and grow it to 7 population
  16. Have any 3 great people of different types gather around a harbor (adjacent to each other). Each must be from a different Civ.
  17. Have all world congress proposals positively affecting your team
  18. As a team, take over and hold 4 city states
  19. As a team, own 90 each of horses, iron, and niter
  20. As a team, have 3 governments from 3 different eras
  21. As a team, ontrol 3 or more tiles containing the same luxury resource, but work none of them (placing a city on the luxury counts as working it)
  22. 500 domination score
  23. As a team, ave 3 barbarian encampments active within 3 tiles of your team's cities
  24. As a team, Have a dark, normal, and golden (or heroic) age at the same time