Weird old whitecreepy mysticalSanta sidecharacter. Extrapoints if whimsicalchimes play.ObnoxiousChristmaspuns.Boy starts offas rich andcold but turnsout to be warmand caring.A simplemisunderstan-ding that couldeasily havebeen avoided."But, we willnever make itback in time forthe [insertChristmastradition]!!"Snowball fightmontage. Extrapoints if theyend up on topof each other.Someone slipsand falls on icefor comic relief orto "oh come backwith me I'll takecare of you."Main characteris amisunderstoodartiste.girl leavessuccessfulbusiness for aflannel wearingsingle dad whoputs family first.An extraspecialChristmastreeornament.One characterstruggles withChristmas-related pasttrauma.Final Party,boy wasn'tsupposed tocome, butshows up.Maincharacter isat least half-orphaned.Girl haseverything inlife figured outbut can't befulfilled withoutboy.Queercodedbackgroundcharacter.One of themaincharactersdoesn't knowhow to skate.Snowmagicallystarts righton cue.Snow ispainfully andobviouslyfake. Extrapoints if foam."We are stuckin the storm,oh no!! Betterget close toshare warmth.""I will loveanything yougift me as longas --" andreceives exactgift.Weird familytradition just forthe sake ofbeing uniquebut is actuallyjust weird.Shoppingmontage.Boy hates it,girl loves it.A cheeryChristmas spiritgoes an absurdlylong way towardssolving acomplex issue.Boy savesgirl fromdanger.Extra pointsif wolves.Weird old whitecreepy mysticalSanta sidecharacter. Extrapoints if whimsicalchimes play.ObnoxiousChristmaspuns.Boy starts offas rich andcold but turnsout to be warmand caring.A simplemisunderstan-ding that couldeasily havebeen avoided."But, we willnever make itback in time forthe [insertChristmastradition]!!"Snowball fightmontage. Extrapoints if theyend up on topof each other.Someone slipsand falls on icefor comic relief orto "oh come backwith me I'll takecare of you."Main characteris amisunderstoodartiste.girl leavessuccessfulbusiness for aflannel wearingsingle dad whoputs family first.An extraspecialChristmastreeornament.One characterstruggles withChristmas-related pasttrauma.Final Party,boy wasn'tsupposed tocome, butshows up.Maincharacter isat least half-orphaned.Girl haseverything inlife figured outbut can't befulfilled withoutboy.Queercodedbackgroundcharacter.One of themaincharactersdoesn't knowhow to skate.Snowmagicallystarts righton cue.Snow ispainfully andobviouslyfake. Extrapoints if foam."We are stuckin the storm,oh no!! Betterget close toshare warmth.""I will loveanything yougift me as longas --" andreceives exactgift.Weird familytradition just forthe sake ofbeing uniquebut is actuallyjust weird.Shoppingmontage.Boy hates it,girl loves it.A cheeryChristmas spiritgoes an absurdlylong way towardssolving acomplex issue.Boy savesgirl fromdanger.Extra pointsif wolves.

Christmas Movie Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Weird old white creepy mystical Santa side character. Extra points if whimsical chimes play.
  2. Obnoxious Christmas puns.
  3. Boy starts off as rich and cold but turns out to be warm and caring.
  4. A simple misunderstan-ding that could easily have been avoided.
  5. "But, we will never make it back in time for the [insert Christmas tradition]!!"
  6. Snowball fight montage. Extra points if they end up on top of each other.
  7. Someone slips and falls on ice for comic relief or to "oh come back with me I'll take care of you."
  8. Main character is a misunderstood artiste.
  9. girl leaves successful business for a flannel wearing single dad who puts family first.
  10. An extra special Christmas tree ornament.
  11. One character struggles with Christmas-related past trauma.
  12. Final Party, boy wasn't supposed to come, but shows up.
  13. Main character is at least half-orphaned.
  14. Girl has everything in life figured out but can't be fulfilled without boy.
  15. Queer coded background character.
  16. One of the main characters doesn't know how to skate.
  17. Snow magically starts right on cue.
  18. Snow is painfully and obviously fake. Extra points if foam.
  19. "We are stuck in the storm, oh no!! Better get close to share warmth."
  20. "I will love anything you gift me as long as --" and receives exact gift.
  21. Weird family tradition just for the sake of being unique but is actually just weird.
  22. Shopping montage. Boy hates it, girl loves it.
  23. A cheery Christmas spirit goes an absurdly long way towards solving a complex issue.
  24. Boy saves girl from danger. Extra points if wolves.