Write from thepoint of viewof a virusabout to infecta personcome up withand write out 10good reasonsyou shouldn'twrite your lifestoryDesign aposter thatshows whatyour old roomlooked likecreate a postershowing the 10best reasons toshare a roomwith your bestfriendmake acard forthe nextholidaywrite fromthe point ofview of aweddingcakecreate anacrostic poemusing Alice anddescribing themovie Alice inWonderlandwrite a poemabout why afashion modelwould refuse tohave pictures inher homecreate a playusing the lastdream youhad as theplotcreate adiagramshowing thesigns its timeto take a bathwrite a "facebook"status about abusiness womanwho gets the firstcellphone implantcomplete this tagline: "Please don'tsqueeze the....."write it as a publicserviceannouncementcreate a salesflier thatshows 10things you canbuy for $20create a wantad listing 10 ofthe mostunusual jobsyou areinterested increate atimelinelisting 20rules you'vebrokenwrite a self expressionstory using a cabdriver as the maincharacter and a fireescape as the keyobject set the story ina funeral homecreate a wantad for a jobyou NEVERwant to havewrite a comicstrip about arunaway bridewith 9 reasonsshe called offthe weddingwrite from thepoint of viewof a spooninside adishwasherwrite a rapthat gives 9good reasonsto eat yourcookingwrite a letterto someonefamous giving8 goodreasons to lieIllustrate a bookcover for a storyabout a femalechemist who isafraid ofsomething (youpick the fear)create a comicstrip about aman whoteaches his petcockroaches totap dancecreate a newsstory with theheadline: "Doctorsays hockey isdamaging hisspine"Write from thepoint of viewof a virusabout to infecta personcome up withand write out 10good reasonsyou shouldn'twrite your lifestoryDesign aposter thatshows whatyour old roomlooked likecreate a postershowing the 10best reasons toshare a roomwith your bestfriendmake acard forthe nextholidaywrite fromthe point ofview of aweddingcakecreate anacrostic poemusing Alice anddescribing themovie Alice inWonderlandwrite a poemabout why afashion modelwould refuse tohave pictures inher homecreate a playusing the lastdream youhad as theplotcreate adiagramshowing thesigns its timeto take a bathwrite a "facebook"status about abusiness womanwho gets the firstcellphone implantcomplete this tagline: "Please don'tsqueeze the....."write it as a publicserviceannouncementcreate a salesflier thatshows 10things you canbuy for $20create a wantad listing 10 ofthe mostunusual jobsyou areinterested increate atimelinelisting 20rules you'vebrokenwrite a self expressionstory using a cabdriver as the maincharacter and a fireescape as the keyobject set the story ina funeral homecreate a wantad for a jobyou NEVERwant to havewrite a comicstrip about arunaway bridewith 9 reasonsshe called offthe weddingwrite from thepoint of viewof a spooninside adishwasherwrite a rapthat gives 9good reasonsto eat yourcookingwrite a letterto someonefamous giving8 goodreasons to lieIllustrate a bookcover for a storyabout a femalechemist who isafraid ofsomething (youpick the fear)create a comicstrip about aman whoteaches his petcockroaches totap dancecreate a newsstory with theheadline: "Doctorsays hockey isdamaging hisspine"

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Write from the point of view of a virus about to infect a person
  2. come up with and write out 10 good reasons you shouldn't write your life story
  3. Design a poster that shows what your old room looked like
  4. create a poster showing the 10 best reasons to share a room with your best friend
  5. make a card for the next holiday
  6. write from the point of view of a wedding cake
  7. create an acrostic poem using Alice and describing the movie Alice in Wonderland
  8. write a poem about why a fashion model would refuse to have pictures in her home
  9. create a play using the last dream you had as the plot
  10. create a diagram showing the signs its time to take a bath
  11. write a "facebook" status about a business woman who gets the first cellphone implant
  12. complete this tag line: "Please don't squeeze the....." write it as a public service announcement
  13. create a sales flier that shows 10 things you can buy for $20
  14. create a want ad listing 10 of the most unusual jobs you are interested in
  15. create a timeline listing 20 rules you've broken
  16. write a self expression story using a cab driver as the main character and a fire escape as the key object set the story in a funeral home
  17. create a want ad for a job you NEVER want to have
  18. write a comic strip about a runaway bride with 9 reasons she called off the wedding
  19. write from the point of view of a spoon inside a dishwasher
  20. write a rap that gives 9 good reasons to eat your cooking
  21. write a letter to someone famous giving 8 good reasons to lie
  22. Illustrate a book cover for a story about a female chemist who is afraid of something (you pick the fear)
  23. create a comic strip about a man who teaches his pet cockroaches to tap dance
  24. create a news story with the headline: "Doctor says hockey is damaging his spine"