Omitting certainrelevant costsfrom thecalculation ofinventory or costof goods soldMisclassifyingexpensesrelated to PPEas operatingexpenses orvice versaIncorrectapplicationof the equitymethodThe accountingdepartmentprocessespayments to avendor thatdoesn't existMisjudging the usefullife or residual valueof PPE assetsUsing inappropriatevaluation methods todetermine the valueof PPE assetsAn employeeintentionallyinflates paymentamounts madeto legitimatevendorsIncorrectlycategorizingcertainexpenses aspart of the costof goods soldSending excessiveinventory tocustomers at theend of a reportingperiod to artificiallyinflate salesfiguresCreatingfalse salestransactionsChoosing aninappropriateinventory valuationmethod thatdoesn't align withthe actual flow ofinventoryIntentionallyrecords only aportion of the dailycash sales topocket theunrecordedamountExpenses incurredfor personalpurposes areincorrectly recordedas legitimatebusiness expensesDeliberatelyreducing theamount ofdepreciationexpensesInvestmentsare mistakenlycategorized aslong-term whenthey should beshort-termManagementinaccuratelyestimates the fairvalue of complexfinancialinstrumentsPocketing aportion of the cashpayments receivedfrom customersbefore recordingthe transactionsManagement failsto recognize asignificant declinein the value of itslong-terminvestmentsEmployeessubmit falseor inflatedexpensereportAccidentallyallocates asignificant portion ofcash receipts froma particularbusiness division toa different divisionFailing tomakeappropriateprovisions fordoubtful debtsFailing toaccount forinventory lossesdue to theft,damage, orobsolescencedelays therecording ofclient paymentsreceived incashRecordingrevenuebefore it'sactuallyearnedUsinginappropriatevaluation methodsto determine thevalue of PPEassetsOmitting certainrelevant costsfrom thecalculation ofinventory or costof goods soldMisclassifyingexpensesrelated to PPEas operatingexpenses orvice versaIncorrectapplicationof the equitymethodThe accountingdepartmentprocessespayments to avendor thatdoesn't existMisjudging the usefullife or residual valueof PPE assetsUsing inappropriatevaluation methods todetermine the valueof PPE assetsAn employeeintentionallyinflates paymentamounts madeto legitimatevendorsIncorrectlycategorizingcertainexpenses aspart of the costof goods soldSending excessiveinventory tocustomers at theend of a reportingperiod to artificiallyinflate salesfiguresCreatingfalse salestransactionsChoosing aninappropriateinventory valuationmethod thatdoesn't align withthe actual flow ofinventoryIntentionallyrecords only aportion of the dailycash sales topocket theunrecordedamountExpenses incurredfor personalpurposes areincorrectly recordedas legitimatebusiness expensesDeliberatelyreducing theamount ofdepreciationexpensesInvestmentsare mistakenlycategorized aslong-term whenthey should beshort-termManagementinaccuratelyestimates the fairvalue of complexfinancialinstrumentsPocketing aportion of the cashpayments receivedfrom customersbefore recordingthe transactionsManagement failsto recognize asignificant declinein the value of itslong-terminvestmentsEmployeessubmit falseor inflatedexpensereportAccidentallyallocates asignificant portion ofcash receipts froma particularbusiness division toa different divisionFailing tomakeappropriateprovisions fordoubtful debtsFailing toaccount forinventory lossesdue to theft,damage, orobsolescencedelays therecording ofclient paymentsreceived incashRecordingrevenuebefore it'sactuallyearnedUsinginappropriatevaluation methodsto determine thevalue of PPEassets

LET'S PLAY! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Omitting certain relevant costs from the calculation of inventory or cost of goods sold
  2. Misclassifying expenses related to PPE as operating expenses or vice versa
  3. Incorrect application of the equity method
  4. The accounting department processes payments to a vendor that doesn't exist
  5. Misjudging the useful life or residual value of PPE assets Using inappropriate valuation methods to determine the value of PPE assets
  6. An employee intentionally inflates payment amounts made to legitimate vendors
  7. Incorrectly categorizing certain expenses as part of the cost of goods sold
  8. Sending excessive inventory to customers at the end of a reporting period to artificially inflate sales figures
  9. Creating false sales transactions
  10. Choosing an inappropriate inventory valuation method that doesn't align with the actual flow of inventory
  11. Intentionally records only a portion of the daily cash sales to pocket the unrecorded amount
  12. Expenses incurred for personal purposes are incorrectly recorded as legitimate business expenses
  13. Deliberately reducing the amount of depreciation expenses
  14. Investments are mistakenly categorized as long-term when they should be short-term
  15. Management inaccurately estimates the fair value of complex financial instruments
  16. Pocketing a portion of the cash payments received from customers before recording the transactions
  17. Management fails to recognize a significant decline in the value of its long-term investments
  18. Employees submit false or inflated expense report
  19. Accidentally allocates a significant portion of cash receipts from a particular business division to a different division
  20. Failing to make appropriate provisions for doubtful debts
  21. Failing to account for inventory losses due to theft, damage, or obsolescence
  22. delays the recording of client payments received in cash
  23. Recording revenue before it's actually earned
  24. Using inappropriate valuation methods to determine the value of PPE assets