An instance whenyou had to navigatea misunderstandingwith someone andhow empathyplayed a role inresolving itA time when yourecognized andaddressed yourown biases tobetter understandsomeone elseA moment when youfelt challenged tounderstand someonewith a differentcultural backgroundand how youapproached itA momentwhen you feltvulnerable andappreciatedsomeone'sempathyA situation whereyou practiced self-compassion andhow it influencedyour ability toempathize withothersAn experiencewhere you learnedsomething newabout someonethat changed yourperspectiveA story about atime when youofferedemotionalsupport tosomeoneFreeSpaceAn experience whereyou realized theimportance ofvalidating someone'sfeelings, even if youdidn't agree with theirperspectiveFreeSpaceA challengingexperiencethat helpedyou developempathyFreeSpaceA story aboutwhen youoffered help orsupport withoutbeing askedA situation whereyou had tonavigate adisagreement withsomeone usingempathy as aguide.FreeSpaceA moment when youhad to acknowledgeand learn from amistake in yourcommunication thatimpacted someoneelse An instance whenyou had to navigatea misunderstandingwith someone andhow empathyplayed a role inresolving itA time when yourecognized andaddressed yourown biases tobetter understandsomeone elseA moment when youfelt challenged tounderstand someonewith a differentcultural backgroundand how youapproached itA momentwhen you feltvulnerable andappreciatedsomeone'sempathyA situation whereyou practiced self-compassion andhow it influencedyour ability toempathize withothersAn experiencewhere you learnedsomething newabout someonethat changed yourperspectiveA story about atime when youofferedemotionalsupport tosomeoneFreeSpaceAn experience whereyou realized theimportance ofvalidating someone'sfeelings, even if youdidn't agree with theirperspectiveFreeSpaceA challengingexperiencethat helpedyou developempathyFreeSpaceA story aboutwhen youoffered help orsupport withoutbeing askedA situation whereyou had tonavigate adisagreement withsomeone usingempathy as aguide.FreeSpaceA moment when youhad to acknowledgeand learn from amistake in yourcommunication thatimpacted someoneelse 

Empathy Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. An instance when you had to navigate a misunderstanding with someone and how empathy played a role in resolving it
  2. A time when you recognized and addressed your own biases to better understand someone else
  3. A moment when you felt challenged to understand someone with a different cultural background and how you approached it
  4. A moment when you felt vulnerable and appreciated someone's empathy
  5. A situation where you practiced self-compassion and how it influenced your ability to empathize with others
  6. An experience where you learned something new about someone that changed your perspective
  7. A story about a time when you offered emotional support to someone
  8. Free Space
  9. An experience where you realized the importance of validating someone's feelings, even if you didn't agree with their perspective
  10. Free Space
  11. A challenging experience that helped you develop empathy
  12. Free Space
  13. A story about when you offered help or support without being asked
  14. A situation where you had to navigate a disagreement with someone using empathy as a guide.
  15. Free Space
  16. A moment when you had to acknowledge and learn from a mistake in your communication that impacted someone else