ChicagoWheream Ifrom?InterestingWhat wordis forbiddenin thisclass?Free!RitaMorenoFirst PuertoRican to winan academyaward?MacarioGarciaRefusedservice at acafebecause ofhis race. The GreatDepressionWhat eventcaused men to beunemployed butactually increasedemployment ratesfor women?NineHow manyvisits did weneed forservicelearning?HectorP.GarciaWhose credentials werequestioned because of hisrace. He was a Mexican-American doctor who wastrying to complete hisresidency. He went into themilitary where he shouldhave been captain, butbecause they doubted hiscredentials he was put inRacialGerrymanderingWhat is the termused for whenredistricting occurs toenhance or reducethe chances that aracial or ethnic groupwill elect members tothe legislature?GradesWhat is not tobe discussedin class andONLY duringoffice hours?HaileyWhat wasmy kid'sname?BioWhat'smymajor?CxCWhat kind ofmeeting did wehave toschedule to getfeedback for ournewspapers?ChicanoRoot word forMexico. ManyMexican-Americanscalledthemselves this.JoseMartiCubanrevolutionaryleader?G.I.BillBenefits were goingaround for veteransbut the Mexican-American veteransthat Garcia wasseeing in his practicewere having a hardtime getting these.ChicagoWheream Ifrom?InterestingWhat wordis forbiddenin thisclass?Free!RitaMorenoFirst PuertoRican to winan academyaward?MacarioGarciaRefusedservice at acafebecause ofhis race. The GreatDepressionWhat eventcaused men to beunemployed butactually increasedemployment ratesfor women?NineHow manyvisits did weneed forservicelearning?HectorP.GarciaWhose credentials werequestioned because of hisrace. He was a Mexican-American doctor who wastrying to complete hisresidency. He went into themilitary where he shouldhave been captain, butbecause they doubted hiscredentials he was put inRacialGerrymanderingWhat is the termused for whenredistricting occurs toenhance or reducethe chances that aracial or ethnic groupwill elect members tothe legislature?GradesWhat is not tobe discussedin class andONLY duringoffice hours?HaileyWhat wasmy kid'sname?BioWhat'smymajor?CxCWhat kind ofmeeting did wehave toschedule to getfeedback for ournewspapers?ChicanoRoot word forMexico. ManyMexican-Americanscalledthemselves this.JoseMartiCubanrevolutionaryleader?G.I.BillBenefits were goingaround for veteransbut the Mexican-American veteransthat Garcia wasseeing in his practicewere having a hardtime getting these.

Latinos in Louisiana - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Where am I from?
  2. What word is forbidden in this class?
  3. Free!
  4. First Puerto Rican to win an academy award?
    Rita Moreno
  5. Refused service at a cafe because of his race.
    Macario Garcia
  6. What event caused men to be unemployed but actually increased employment rates for women?
    The Great Depression
  7. How many visits did we need for service learning?
  8. Whose credentials were questioned because of his race. He was a Mexican-American doctor who was trying to complete his residency. He went into the military where he should have been captain, but because they doubted his credentials he was put in
    Hector P. Garcia
  9. What is the term used for when redistricting occurs to enhance or reduce the chances that a racial or ethnic group will elect members to the legislature?
    Racial Gerrymandering
  10. What is not to be discussed in class and ONLY during office hours?
  11. What was my kid's name?
  12. What's my major?
  13. What kind of meeting did we have to schedule to get feedback for our newspapers?
  14. Root word for Mexico. Many Mexican-Americans called themselves this.
  15. Cuban revolutionary leader?
    Jose Marti
  16. Benefits were going around for veterans but the Mexican-American veterans that Garcia was seeing in his practice were having a hard time getting these.
    G.I. Bill