Days of the weekin person classesare offered atDominican College_______________You asked asecondquestion toany speaker.OT ProgramJacobcurrentlyattends__________3 states TenderTouch contractsservices in_____________LocationwhereNivia works________2 types of settingsTender Touchcontracts with________________True/False -Tender Touch hasa mentorshipprogram for newgrads_______________Location whereJameil works_________________1 tip fromNivia on thelicensureprocess_________Contact info forrepresentativefrom ReliantRehabilitation___________Population Niviaworks with_______________1 tip fromKimberly onhow to preparefor NBCOTexam____________1 employeebenefit offeredby FellowshipLIFE___________Number ofsemesters forRutgers OTProgram___________1training/educationbenefit offered atTender Touch______________Contact info forrepresentativefrom FellowshipTherapy atHome Program_____________Type of OTprogram offered atRutgers_______________LocationwhereKimberlyworks____________1 employeebenefit offeredby ReliantRehabilitation____________Location (city)of Rutgers OTprogram____________True/False - ReliantRehabilitation has amentorship program fornew grads_____________________.Campus whereDominican College's OTprogram classes are held___________________1 tip from Jacob onjob searching_________________True/False - Youneed to have aBachelor's degree toapply to DominicanCollege's OTprogram_____________1 tip fromJameil on howto prepare forNBCOT examDays of the weekin person classesare offered atDominican College_______________You asked asecondquestion toany speaker.OT ProgramJacobcurrentlyattends__________3 states TenderTouch contractsservices in_____________LocationwhereNivia works________2 types of settingsTender Touchcontracts with________________True/False -Tender Touch hasa mentorshipprogram for newgrads_______________Location whereJameil works_________________1 tip fromNivia on thelicensureprocess_________Contact info forrepresentativefrom ReliantRehabilitation___________Population Niviaworks with_______________1 tip fromKimberly onhow to preparefor NBCOTexam____________1 employeebenefit offeredby FellowshipLIFE___________Number ofsemesters forRutgers OTProgram___________1training/educationbenefit offered atTender Touch______________Contact info forrepresentativefrom FellowshipTherapy atHome Program_____________Type of OTprogram offered atRutgers_______________LocationwhereKimberlyworks____________1 employeebenefit offeredby ReliantRehabilitation____________Location (city)of Rutgers OTprogram____________True/False - ReliantRehabilitation has amentorship program fornew grads_____________________.Campus whereDominican College's OTprogram classes are held___________________1 tip from Jacob onjob searching_________________True/False - Youneed to have aBachelor's degree toapply to DominicanCollege's OTprogram_____________1 tip fromJameil on howto prepare forNBCOT exam

Professional Colloquium BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Days of the week in person classes are offered at Dominican College _______________
  2. You asked a second question to any speaker.
  3. OT Program Jacob currently attends __________
  4. 3 states Tender Touch contracts services in _____________
  5. Location where Nivia works ________
  6. 2 types of settings Tender Touch contracts with ________________
  7. True/False - Tender Touch has a mentorship program for new grads _______________
  8. Location where Jameil works _________________
  9. 1 tip from Nivia on the licensure process _________
  10. Contact info for representative from Reliant Rehabilitation ___________
  11. Population Nivia works with _______________
  12. 1 tip from Kimberly on how to prepare for NBCOT exam ____________
  13. 1 employee benefit offered by Fellowship LIFE ___________
  14. Number of semesters for Rutgers OT Program ___________
  15. 1 training/education benefit offered at Tender Touch ______________
  16. Contact info for representative from Fellowship Therapy at Home Program _____________
  17. Type of OT program offered at Rutgers _______________
  18. Location where Kimberly works ____________
  19. 1 employee benefit offered by Reliant Rehabilitation ____________
  20. Location (city) of Rutgers OT program ____________
  21. True/False - Reliant Rehabilitation has a mentorship program for new grads _____________________.
  22. Campus where Dominican College's OT program classes are held ___________________
  23. 1 tip from Jacob on job searching _________________
  24. True/False - You need to have a Bachelor's degree to apply to Dominican College's OT program _____________
  25. 1 tip from Jameil on how to prepare for NBCOT exam