someonewho hasmoved theirmoney out ofVanguardsomeone whohassuccessfullyrecruitedsomeone to joinan EQAT eventsomeonewho joined inthe BLAM!campaignsomeonewho wasborn in thesame monthas yousomeonewho learneda new songat an EQATactionsomeonewho wishesthey had aknit EQAThatsomeone whohas written ablog or mediapiece forEQATsomeone whothis is theirfirst in-persongeneralmeetingsomeonewho riskedarrest withEQATsomeonewho hasbroughtsnacks to anEQAT eventsomeonehow hasattendedQuakermeetingsomeone whohas been aspiritualanchor for anEQAT actionsomeonewho livesoutsidePhiladelphiacountysomeonewho hasphonebankedbeforesomeonewith abirthday inthe nextmonthsomeonewho hasbeen amarshalsomeonewho joined inthe VanguardSOScampaignsomeone whomet a friend,roommate, orsignificant otherthrough EQATsomeone whohas signedthe NeverVangaurdpledgesomeone whohas hosted anEQATmeeting attheir homesomeonewho livesinsidePhiladelphiacountysomeonewho joinedin the PLGJcampaignsomeone whotook directaction for thefirst time withEQATsomeonewho hasbeenaction leadsomeonewho haspainted asign orbannersomeonewho hasmoved theirmoney out ofVanguardsomeone whohassuccessfullyrecruitedsomeone to joinan EQAT eventsomeonewho joined inthe BLAM!campaignsomeonewho wasborn in thesame monthas yousomeonewho learneda new songat an EQATactionsomeonewho wishesthey had aknit EQAThatsomeone whohas written ablog or mediapiece forEQATsomeone whothis is theirfirst in-persongeneralmeetingsomeonewho riskedarrest withEQATsomeonewho hasbroughtsnacks to anEQAT eventsomeonehow hasattendedQuakermeetingsomeone whohas been aspiritualanchor for anEQAT actionsomeonewho livesoutsidePhiladelphiacountysomeonewho hasphonebankedbeforesomeonewith abirthday inthe nextmonthsomeonewho hasbeen amarshalsomeonewho joined inthe VanguardSOScampaignsomeone whomet a friend,roommate, orsignificant otherthrough EQATsomeone whohas signedthe NeverVangaurdpledgesomeone whohas hosted anEQATmeeting attheir homesomeonewho livesinsidePhiladelphiacountysomeonewho joinedin the PLGJcampaignsomeone whotook directaction for thefirst time withEQATsomeonewho hasbeenaction leadsomeonewho haspainted asign orbanner

EQAT Mingle Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. someone who has moved their money out of Vanguard
  2. someone who has successfully recruited someone to join an EQAT event
  3. someone who joined in the BLAM! campaign
  4. someone who was born in the same month as you
  5. someone who learned a new song at an EQAT action
  6. someone who wishes they had a knit EQAT hat
  7. someone who has written a blog or media piece for EQAT
  8. someone who this is their first in-person general meeting
  9. someone who risked arrest with EQAT
  10. someone who has brought snacks to an EQAT event
  11. someone how has attended Quaker meeting
  12. someone who has been a spiritual anchor for an EQAT action
  13. someone who lives outside Philadelphia county
  14. someone who has phonebanked before
  15. someone with a birthday in the next month
  16. someone who has been a marshal
  17. someone who joined in the Vanguard SOS campaign
  18. someone who met a friend, roommate, or significant other through EQAT
  19. someone who has signed the Never Vangaurd pledge
  20. someone who has hosted an EQAT meeting at their home
  21. someone who lives inside Philadelphia county
  22. someone who joined in the PLGJ campaign
  23. someone who took direct action for the first time with EQAT
  24. someone who has been action lead
  25. someone who has painted a sign or banner