24ChromiumCr51.996 Chromium is usedto harden steel, tomanufacturestainless steel(named as it won'trust) and to produceseveral alloys.30ZincZn65.380Zinc usesrange frommetal productsto rubber andmedicines.28NickelNi58.693Nickel steel is usedfor armour plating.Other alloys of nickelare used in boatpropeller shafts andturbine blades. Nickelis used in batteries26IronFe55.845Uses of iron in dailylife include machineryand tools, as well asvehicles, hulls ofships, structuralelements forbuildings, bridgesand aircraft.41NiobiumNb92.906Niobium isused in alloysincludingstainlesssteel.22TitaniumTi47.867Its low densitymakes it ideal forwatches, laptops,computers andmobile phonestoo.23VanadiumV50.942 Vanadium can beused to make steelalloys, for use inspace vehicles,nuclear reactorsand aircraftcarriers, etc.40ZirconiumZr91.224Zirconiumcompounds areused in ceramics,abrasives, lampfilaments, jetengines and spaceshuttle parts.25MaganeseMn54.938Manganese isused to produce avariety ofimportant alloysand to deoxidizesteel anddesulfurize.27CobaltCo58.933Cobalt is also usedto make airbags inautomobiles;catalysts for thepetroleum andchemical industries45RhodiumRh102.91It is used to coatoptic fibres andoptical mirrors, andfor crucibles,thermocoupleelements andheadlight reflectors.44RutheniumRu101.07 Rutheniumcompounds canbe used in solarcells, which turnlight energy intoelectrical energy.89ActiniumAc227As a radioactiveelement, theprimary use ofactinium is as asource ofradiation.43TechnetiumTc98Technetium (Tc-99m) is an isotopecommonly used ina number ofmedical diagnosticimaging scans.29CopperCu63.546Most copper isused inelectricalequipment suchas wiring andmotors.42MolybdenumMo95.95It is used in steelalloys to increasestrength, hardness,electricalconductivity andresistance tocorrosion and wear.24ChromiumCr51.996Chromium is usedto harden steel, tomanufacturestainless steel(named as it won'trust) and to produceseveral alloys.30ZincZn65.380Zinc usesrange frommetal productsto rubber andmedicines.28NickelNi58.693Nickel steel is usedfor armour plating.Other alloys of nickelare used in boatpropeller shafts andturbine blades. Nickelis used in batteries26IronFe55.845Uses of iron in dailylife include machineryand tools, as well asvehicles, hulls ofships, structuralelements forbuildings, bridgesand aircraft.41NiobiumNb92.906Niobium isused in alloysincludingstainlesssteel.22TitaniumTi47.867Its low densitymakes it ideal forwatches, laptops,computers andmobile phonestoo.23VanadiumV50.942Vanadium can beused to make steelalloys, for use inspace vehicles,nuclear reactorsand aircraftcarriers, etc.40ZirconiumZr91.224Zirconiumcompounds areused in ceramics,abrasives, lampfilaments, jetengines and spaceshuttle parts.25MaganeseMn54.938Manganese isused to produce avariety ofimportant alloysand to deoxidizesteel anddesulfurize.27CobaltCo58.933Cobalt is also usedto make airbags inautomobiles;catalysts for thepetroleum andchemical industries45RhodiumRh102.91It is used to coatoptic fibres andoptical mirrors, andfor crucibles,thermocoupleelements andheadlight reflectors.44RutheniumRu101.07Rutheniumcompounds canbe used in solarcells, which turnlight energy intoelectrical energy.89ActiniumAc227As a radioactiveelement, theprimary use ofactinium is as asource ofradiation.43TechnetiumTc98Technetium (Tc-99m) is an isotopecommonly used ina number ofmedical diagnosticimaging scans.29CopperCu63.546Most copper isused inelectricalequipment suchas wiring andmotors.42MolybdenumMo95.95It is used in steelalloys to increasestrength, hardness,electricalconductivity andresistance tocorrosion and wear.

Board part 2 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.