78PlantinumPt195.08The electronicsindustry usesplatinum forcomputer harddisks andthermocouples.45RhodiumRh102.91 It is used to coatoptic fibres andoptical mirrors, andfor crucibles,thermocoupleelements andheadlight reflectors.48CadmiumCd112.41 Cadmium is used inmany products,including batteries,pigments, metalcoatings, andplastics, and it isfound in cigarettesmoke.106SeaborgiumSg269At present, it isonly used inresearch.Seaborgiumhas no knownbiological role.72HafniumHf178.49Hafnium is a goodabsorber of neutronsand is used to makecontrol rods, such asthose found innuclear submarines.46PalladiumPd106.42Most palladium isused in catalyticconverters for cars.It is also used injewellery and somedental fillings andcrowns.75RheniumRe186.21Rhenium is usedas an additive totungsten- andmolybdenum-based alloys togive usefulproperties.77IridiumIr192.22It is used inspecial alloys andforms an alloy withosmium, which isused for pen tipsand compassbearings.79GoldAu196.97we use it to make ourmost prized objects:wedding rings,Olympic medals,money, jewellery,Oscars, Grammys,crucifixes, art andmany more.73TantaiumTa180.95These alloysare mainly usedin aircraft,spacecraft andmissiles80MercuryHg200.59Mercury is alsoused in dentalfillings, paints,soaps, batteries,and fluorescentlighting.104RutherfordiumRf267At presentit is onlyused inresearch.47SilverAg107.87Silver is used tomake mirrors, as itis the bestreflector of visiblelight known,although it doestarnish with time.105DubniumDb262At present, it is onlyused in research.Dubnium has noknown biologicalrole. Dubnium doesnot occur naturally.74TungstenW183.84Tungsten iscommonly used inheavy metal alloyssuch as highspeed steel, fromwhich cutting toolsare manufactured.76OsmiumOs190.23Osmium has only afew uses. It is used toproduce very hardalloys for fountainpen tips, instrumentpivots, needles andelectrical contacts.78PlantinumPt195.08The electronicsindustry usesplatinum forcomputer harddisks andthermocouples.45RhodiumRh102.91It is used to coatoptic fibres andoptical mirrors, andfor crucibles,thermocoupleelements andheadlight reflectors.48CadmiumCd112.41Cadmium is used inmany products,including batteries,pigments, metalcoatings, andplastics, and it isfound in cigarettesmoke.106SeaborgiumSg269At present, it isonly used inresearch.Seaborgiumhas no knownbiological role.72HafniumHf178.49Hafnium is a goodabsorber of neutronsand is used to makecontrol rods, such asthose found innuclear submarines.46PalladiumPd106.42Most palladium isused in catalyticconverters for cars.It is also used injewellery and somedental fillings andcrowns.75RheniumRe186.21Rhenium is usedas an additive totungsten- andmolybdenum-based alloys togive usefulproperties.77IridiumIr192.22It is used inspecial alloys andforms an alloy withosmium, which isused for pen tipsand compassbearings.79GoldAu196.97we use it to make ourmost prized objects:wedding rings,Olympic medals,money, jewellery,Oscars, Grammys,crucifixes, art andmany more.73TantaiumTa180.95These alloysare mainly usedin aircraft,spacecraft andmissiles80MercuryHg200.59Mercury is alsoused in dentalfillings, paints,soaps, batteries,and fluorescentlighting.104RutherfordiumRf267At presentit is onlyused inresearch.47SilverAg107.87Silver is used tomake mirrors, as itis the bestreflector of visiblelight known,although it doestarnish with time.105DubniumDb262At present, it is onlyused in research.Dubnium has noknown biologicalrole. Dubnium doesnot occur naturally.74TungstenW183.84Tungsten iscommonly used inheavy metal alloyssuch as highspeed steel, fromwhich cutting toolsare manufactured.76OsmiumOs190.23Osmium has only afew uses. It is used toproduce very hardalloys for fountainpen tips, instrumentpivots, needles andelectrical contacts.

Board part 3 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. The electronics industry uses platinum for computer hard disks and thermocouples.
    78 Plantinum Pt 195.08
  2. It is used to coat optic fibres and optical mirrors, and for crucibles, thermocouple elements and headlight reflectors.
    45 Rhodium Rh 102.91
  3. Cadmium is used in many products, including batteries, pigments, metal coatings, and plastics, and it is found in cigarette smoke.
    48 Cadmium Cd 112.41
  4. At present, it is only used in research. Seaborgium has no known biological role.
    106 Seaborgium Sg 269
  5. Hafnium is a good absorber of neutrons and is used to make control rods, such as those found in nuclear submarines.
    72 Hafnium Hf 178.49
  6. Most palladium is used in catalytic converters for cars. It is also used in jewellery and some dental fillings and crowns.
    46 Palladium Pd 106.42
  7. Rhenium is used as an additive to tungsten- and molybdenum-based alloys to give useful properties.
    75 Rhenium Re 186.21
  8. It is used in special alloys and forms an alloy with osmium, which is used for pen tips and compass bearings.
    77 Iridium Ir 192.22
  9. we use it to make our most prized objects: wedding rings, Olympic medals, money, jewellery, Oscars, Grammys, crucifixes, art and many more.
    79 Gold Au 196.97
  10. These alloys are mainly used in aircraft, spacecraft and missiles
    73 Tantaium Ta 180.95
  11. Mercury is also used in dental fillings, paints, soaps, batteries, and fluorescent lighting.
    80 Mercury Hg 200.59
  12. At present it is only used in research.
    104 Rutherfordium Rf 267
  13. Silver is used to make mirrors, as it is the best reflector of visible light known, although it does tarnish with time.
    47 Silver Ag 107.87
  14. At present, it is only used in research. Dubnium has no known biological role. Dubnium does not occur naturally.
    105 Dubnium Db 262
  15. Tungsten is commonly used in heavy metal alloys such as high speed steel, from which cutting tools are manufactured.
    74 Tungsten W 183.84
  16. Osmium has only a few uses. It is used to produce very hard alloys for fountain pen tips, instrument pivots, needles and electrical contacts.
    76 Osmium Os 190.23