14SiliconSi28.086 Most is used tomake alloysincludingaluminium-silicon andferro-silicon6CarbonC12.011These are usedin many modernproductsincluding inks,rubber, steel,pencils15PhosphorusP30.974Today most of ourphosphorus comesfrom phosphaterock that is minedaround the world,and then convertedto phosphoric acid.8OxygenO15.999Oxygen helpsorganismsgrow,reproduce, andturn food intoenergy.10NeonNe20.18The reddish-orange colouredneon lights areused in makingadvertisingsigns.107BohriumBh264bohrium is ofresearchinterest only.Bohrium has noknownbiological role.112CopemiciumCn285At present, it is onlyused in research. Ithas no knownbiological role.Copernicium is a man-made element of whichonly a few atoms haveever been made.109MaitneriumMt278At present it isonly used inresearch.Meitnerium hasno knownbiological role.108HassiumHs269A highly radioactivemetal, of which only afew atoms have everbeen made. Atpresent it is onlyused in research.Hassium has noknown biological role.13AluminiumAl26.982Aluminium is used ina huge variety ofproducts includingcans, foils, kitchenutensils, windowframes, beer kegsand aeroplane parts.110DarmstadtiumDs281At present, it isonly used inresearch.Darmstadtiumhas no knownbiological role.9FluorineF18.998Molecular fluorine andAtomic fluorine areused in semiconductormanufacturing forplasma etching, MEMsfabrication, and flatpanel displayproduction.111RoentgeniumRg282At present, it isonly used inresearch.Roentgeniumhas no knownbiological role.5BoronB10.811Modern uses of borate-mineral concentrates,borax, boric acid, and otherrefined products includeglass, fiberglass, washingproducts, alloys andmetals, fertilizers, woodtreatments, insecticides,and microbiocides.7NitrogenN14.007Acolourless,odourlessgas.2HeliumHe4.0026Perhaps the mostfamiliar use ofhelium is as asafe, non-flammable gas tofill party andparade balloons.14SiliconSi28.086Most is used tomake alloysincludingaluminium-silicon andferro-silicon6CarbonC12.011These are usedin many modernproductsincluding inks,rubber, steel,pencils15PhosphorusP30.974Today most of ourphosphorus comesfrom phosphaterock that is minedaround the world,and then convertedto phosphoric acid.8OxygenO15.999Oxygen helpsorganismsgrow,reproduce, andturn food intoenergy.10NeonNe20.18The reddish-orange colouredneon lights areused in makingadvertisingsigns.107BohriumBh264bohrium is ofresearchinterest only.Bohrium has noknownbiological role.112CopemiciumCn285At present, it is onlyused in research. Ithas no knownbiological role.Copernicium is a man-made element of whichonly a few atoms haveever been made.109MaitneriumMt278At present it isonly used inresearch.Meitnerium hasno knownbiological role.108HassiumHs269A highly radioactivemetal, of which only afew atoms have everbeen made. Atpresent it is onlyused in research.Hassium has noknown biological role.13AluminiumAl26.982Aluminium is used ina huge variety ofproducts includingcans, foils, kitchenutensils, windowframes, beer kegsand aeroplane parts.110DarmstadtiumDs281At present, it isonly used inresearch.Darmstadtiumhas no knownbiological role.9FluorineF18.998Molecular fluorine andAtomic fluorine areused in semiconductormanufacturing forplasma etching, MEMsfabrication, and flatpanel displayproduction.111RoentgeniumRg282At present, it isonly used inresearch.Roentgeniumhas no knownbiological role.5BoronB10.811Modern uses of borate-mineral concentrates,borax, boric acid, and otherrefined products includeglass, fiberglass, washingproducts, alloys andmetals, fertilizers, woodtreatments, insecticides,and microbiocides.7NitrogenN14.007Acolourless,odourlessgas.2HeliumHe4.0026Perhaps the mostfamiliar use ofhelium is as asafe, non-flammable gas tofill party andparade balloons.

Board part 4 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Most is used to make alloys including aluminium-silicon and ferro-silicon
    14 Silicon Si 28.086
  2. These are used in many modern products including inks, rubber, steel, pencils
    6 Carbon C 12.011
  3. Today most of our phosphorus comes from phosphate rock that is mined around the world, and then converted to phosphoric acid.
    15 Phosphorus P 30.974
  4. Oxygen helps organisms grow, reproduce, and turn food into energy.
    8 Oxygen O 15.999
  5. The reddish-orange coloured neon lights are used in making advertising signs.
    10 Neon Ne 20.18
  6. bohrium is of research interest only. Bohrium has no known biological role.
    107 Bohrium Bh 264
  7. At present, it is only used in research. It has no known biological role. Copernicium is a man-made element of which only a few atoms have ever been made.
    112 Copemicium Cn 285
  8. At present it is only used in research. Meitnerium has no known biological role.
    109 Maitnerium Mt 278
  9. A highly radioactive metal, of which only a few atoms have ever been made. At present it is only used in research. Hassium has no known biological role.
    108 Hassium Hs 269
  10. Aluminium is used in a huge variety of products including cans, foils, kitchen utensils, window frames, beer kegs and aeroplane parts.
    13 Aluminium Al 26.982
  11. At present, it is only used in research. Darmstadtium has no known biological role.
    110 Darmstadtium Ds 281
  12. Molecular fluorine and Atomic fluorine are used in semiconductor manufacturing for plasma etching, MEMs fabrication, and flat panel display production.
    9 Fluorine F 18.998
  13. At present, it is only used in research. Roentgenium has no known biological role.
    111 Roentgenium Rg 282
  14. Modern uses of borate-mineral concentrates, borax, boric acid, and other refined products include glass, fiberglass, washing products, alloys and metals, fertilizers, wood treatments, insecticides, and microbiocides.
    5 Boron B 10.811
  15. A colourless, odourless gas.
    7 Nitrogen N 14.007
  16. Perhaps the most familiar use of helium is as a safe, non-flammable gas to fill party and parade balloons.
    2 Helium He 4.0026