I had neverseen snowfalling in reallife until I was29 years old.Dressedat comiccon as asuperhero.Growing up we didnot have giftsunder theChristmas tree onChristmas, insteadwe received themon New Years.I believethe earthis flat.Fond memory as akid was watchingLawerence Welkwhen we went toGrandma’s houseon the weekends.For adecade Iwould onlywear tweed.I’ve workedat CCACover 22years.I once owneda thriving dogwalkingbusiness inNYC.When I was achild, I participatedin a ballet/jazz/tapdance troupe allthroughelementary school.For Christmaswe makegrandma’stangerinesalad.I got marriedon New YearsEve, just likemygrandparents.I am huge intorockhounding.My favoriteChristmasdessert issour creamcookies.I once livedin thePhilippines.Has 2 six-month oldpuppies.Pianoplayer.The beachis myfavoriteplace to be.I originallywanted to go toculinary schooland become apastry chef.My dream jobwould beworking withorganizationand interiordesign.Beforeworking here,I was alandscaper atGraceland.My children’sbirthdays areone dayapart.I have narrowlyavoided gettingtrampled atBlack Fridaysales fourtimes.I was a threesport varsityLetterman athleteall through highschool with allstate honors.In anotherlife, I wasAttila theHun.I decorateforChristmasNov 1stevery year.I’ve neverperformedbrainsurgery.Enjoysplayingbar trivia.MarthaStewart stole“It’s a goodthing” fromme.My fatherwould bakeMoraviancookies forthe holidays.Every year onChristmas Eve myfamily watches “AMuppet ChristmasCarol” – we’vedone this for thelast 20 years!I watched It’sa WonderfulLife for thefirst time only3 years ago.During winterseason I enjoyexperiencesmore thangifts.I had ababy witha deadman.I like to paintpictures ofbuffalo inFrenchcaves.Myfavoritecolor isorange.I startedwatchingHallmarkChristmasmovies beforeHalloween.I once participatedin a challenge toonly eat seasonalholiday food for anentire week… Ilost.I collectcertaindolls.I love thecampervanlifestyle.I knowKFC’s 11herbs andspices.I decorate anoutdoorChristmastree, nothinginside.In the early 70’sI jumped out of aplane with a bagof cash and amilitary gradeparachute.Hot tea ismyfavoritebeverage.My father-in-law wasMortonDowney Jr.I share mybirthdaywith aholiday.Myancestorscame overon theMayflower.I was thesixth SpiceGirl – OldSpice.My mom andI makecandy everyyear forChristmas.I got invited toperform in Japanafter my skirt felldown in the middleof a dancecompetition and Ijust kept going.I am apublishedpoet.Climbed theStatue ofLiberty as akid bymyself.Every ChristmasEve my entirefamily getstogether in our pjsto read 'Twas thenight beforeChristmas.As a child, Iwas notallowed toplay withBarbies.My parentsneverencouraged meto believe inSanta Claus.I wrote a letter toConan O’Brien,basically declaringmy love for him,and he sent backan 8x10 glossyphoto, signed.My all timefavoritemovie isSecretariat.It’s our traditionto watchBridget Jones’sDiary everyNew Year’sDay.One year whilefishing I hookeda rock it wasthe heaviestcatch of theday.I prefer theHawaiian Santawearing boardshorts and givingthe “shaka” handgesture.Completedbicycle ridesacrossOregon andWashington.I am my family’sresident baker – Imake everyone’sbirthday cakes, allthe Christmas treats,and desserts forfamily gatherings.I wrap most allmy Christmaspresents onChristmas Evenight.I was the tallestperson in myclass up untilsenior year ofhigh school.I datedElon Muskin highschool.I was part ofthe team thatcreated therecipe forNew Coke.I never got to do it,but sitting in thefront row at a TomPetty concert wasdefinitely on mybucket list.Doublejointed.I couldabeen acontender.I have neverseen NationalLampoonsChristmasVacation.I wish Icould seethe back ofthe moon.Family membersdraw names forChristmas secretly,but we all end upknowing who gotwhom within a fewminutes of drawingnames.I rideHarleys.I have 4biologicalchildren and 2stepchildren,ages one through12 years old.I believed inSanta until Iwas 13years old.I’m in thewitnessprotectionprogram.I ran withbulls in asmall town inSpain when Iwas 17.I have ahuge crushon JohnStossel.With my children, wecelebrate The 12Days of Christmas,spreading activities &gift exchanges overtwo weeks of fun.I had neverseen snowfalling in reallife until I was29 years old.Dressedat comiccon as asuperhero.Growing up we didnot have giftsunder theChristmas tree onChristmas, insteadwe received themon New Years.I believethe earthis flat.Fond memory as akid was watchingLawerence Welkwhen we went toGrandma’s houseon the weekends.For adecade Iwould onlywear tweed.I’ve workedat CCACover 22years.I once owneda thriving dogwalkingbusiness inNYC.When I was achild, I participatedin a ballet/jazz/tapdance troupe allthroughelementary school.For Christmaswe makegrandma’stangerinesalad.I got marriedon New YearsEve, just likemygrandparents.I am huge intorockhounding.My favoriteChristmasdessert issour creamcookies.I once livedin thePhilippines.Has 2 six-month oldpuppies.Pianoplayer.The beachis myfavoriteplace to be.I originallywanted to go toculinary schooland become apastry chef.My dream jobwould beworking withorganizationand interiordesign.Beforeworking here,I was alandscaper atGraceland.My children’sbirthdays areone dayapart.I have narrowlyavoided gettingtrampled atBlack Fridaysales fourtimes.I was a threesport varsityLetterman athleteall through highschool with allstate honors.In anotherlife, I wasAttila theHun.I decorateforChristmasNov 1stevery year.I’ve neverperformedbrainsurgery.Enjoysplayingbar trivia.MarthaStewart stole“It’s a goodthing” fromme.My fatherwould bakeMoraviancookies forthe holidays.Every year onChristmas Eve myfamily watches “AMuppet ChristmasCarol” – we’vedone this for thelast 20 years!I watched It’sa WonderfulLife for thefirst time only3 years ago.During winterseason I enjoyexperiencesmore thangifts.I had ababy witha deadman.I like to paintpictures ofbuffalo inFrenchcaves.Myfavoritecolor isorange.I startedwatchingHallmarkChristmasmovies beforeHalloween.I once participatedin a challenge toonly eat seasonalholiday food for anentire week… Ilost.I collectcertaindolls.I love thecampervanlifestyle.I knowKFC’s 11herbs andspices.I decorate anoutdoorChristmastree, nothinginside.In the early 70’sI jumped out of aplane with a bagof cash and amilitary gradeparachute.Hot tea ismyfavoritebeverage.My father-in-law wasMortonDowney Jr.I share mybirthdaywith aholiday.Myancestorscame overon theMayflower.I was thesixth SpiceGirl – OldSpice.My mom andI makecandy everyyear forChristmas.I got invited toperform in Japanafter my skirt felldown in the middleof a dancecompetition and Ijust kept going.I am apublishedpoet.Climbed theStatue ofLiberty as akid bymyself.Every ChristmasEve my entirefamily getstogether in our pjsto read 'Twas thenight beforeChristmas.As a child, Iwas notallowed toplay withBarbies.My parentsneverencouraged meto believe inSanta Claus.I wrote a letter toConan O’Brien,basically declaringmy love for him,and he sent backan 8x10 glossyphoto, signed.My all timefavoritemovie isSecretariat.It’s our traditionto watchBridget Jones’sDiary everyNew Year’sDay.One year whilefishing I hookeda rock it wasthe heaviestcatch of theday.I prefer theHawaiian Santawearing boardshorts and givingthe “shaka” handgesture.Completedbicycle ridesacrossOregon andWashington.I am my family’sresident baker – Imake everyone’sbirthday cakes, allthe Christmas treats,and desserts forfamily gatherings.I wrap most allmy Christmaspresents onChristmas Evenight.I was the tallestperson in myclass up untilsenior year ofhigh school.I datedElon Muskin highschool.I was part ofthe team thatcreated therecipe forNew Coke.I never got to do it,but sitting in thefront row at a TomPetty concert wasdefinitely on mybucket list.Doublejointed.I couldabeen acontender.I have neverseen NationalLampoonsChristmasVacation.I wish Icould seethe back ofthe moon.Family membersdraw names forChristmas secretly,but we all end upknowing who gotwhom within a fewminutes of drawingnames.I rideHarleys.I have 4biologicalchildren and 2stepchildren,ages one through12 years old.I believed inSanta until Iwas 13years old.I’m in thewitnessprotectionprogram.I ran withbulls in asmall town inSpain when Iwas 17.I have ahuge crushon JohnStossel.With my children, wecelebrate The 12Days of Christmas,spreading activities &gift exchanges overtwo weeks of fun.

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I had never seen snow falling in real life until I was 29 years old.
  2. Dressed at comic con as a superhero.
  3. Growing up we did not have gifts under the Christmas tree on Christmas, instead we received them on New Years.
  4. I believe the earth is flat.
  5. Fond memory as a kid was watching Lawerence Welk when we went to Grandma’s house on the weekends.
  6. For a decade I would only wear tweed.
  7. I’ve worked at CCAC over 22 years.
  8. I once owned a thriving dog walking business in NYC.
  9. When I was a child, I participated in a ballet/jazz/tap dance troupe all through elementary school.
  10. For Christmas we make grandma’s tangerine salad.
  11. I got married on New Years Eve, just like my grandparents.
  12. I am huge into rockhounding.
  13. My favorite Christmas dessert is sour cream cookies.
  14. I once lived in the Philippines.
  15. Has 2 six-month old puppies.
  16. Piano player.
  17. The beach is my favorite place to be.
  18. I originally wanted to go to culinary school and become a pastry chef.
  19. My dream job would be working with organization and interior design.
  20. Before working here, I was a landscaper at Graceland.
  21. My children’s birthdays are one day apart.
  22. I have narrowly avoided getting trampled at Black Friday sales four times.
  23. I was a three sport varsity Letterman athlete all through high school with all state honors.
  24. In another life, I was Attila the Hun.
  25. I decorate for Christmas Nov 1st every year.
  26. I’ve never performed brain surgery.
  27. Enjoys playing bar trivia.
  28. Martha Stewart stole “It’s a good thing” from me.
  29. My father would bake Moravian cookies for the holidays.
  30. Every year on Christmas Eve my family watches “A Muppet Christmas Carol” – we’ve done this for the last 20 years!
  31. I watched It’s a Wonderful Life for the first time only 3 years ago.
  32. During winter season I enjoy experiences more than gifts.
  33. I had a baby with a dead man.
  34. I like to paint pictures of buffalo in French caves.
  35. My favorite color is orange.
  36. I started watching Hallmark Christmas movies before Halloween.
  37. I once participated in a challenge to only eat seasonal holiday food for an entire week… I lost.
  38. I collect certain dolls.
  39. I love the camper van lifestyle.
  40. I know KFC’s 11 herbs and spices.
  41. I decorate an outdoor Christmas tree, nothing inside.
  42. In the early 70’s I jumped out of a plane with a bag of cash and a military grade parachute.
  43. Hot tea is my favorite beverage.
  44. My father-in-law was Morton Downey Jr.
  45. I share my birthday with a holiday.
  46. My ancestors came over on the Mayflower.
  47. I was the sixth Spice Girl – Old Spice.
  48. My mom and I make candy every year for Christmas.
  49. I got invited to perform in Japan after my skirt fell down in the middle of a dance competition and I just kept going.
  50. I am a published poet.
  51. Climbed the Statue of Liberty as a kid by myself.
  52. Every Christmas Eve my entire family gets together in our pjs to read 'Twas the night before Christmas.
  53. As a child, I was not allowed to play with Barbies.
  54. My parents never encouraged me to believe in Santa Claus.
  55. I wrote a letter to Conan O’Brien, basically declaring my love for him, and he sent back an 8x10 glossy photo, signed.
  56. My all time favorite movie is Secretariat.
  57. It’s our tradition to watch Bridget Jones’s Diary every New Year’s Day.
  58. One year while fishing I hooked a rock it was the heaviest catch of the day.
  59. I prefer the Hawaiian Santa wearing board shorts and giving the “shaka” hand gesture.
  60. Completed bicycle rides across Oregon and Washington.
  61. I am my family’s resident baker – I make everyone’s birthday cakes, all the Christmas treats, and desserts for family gatherings.
  62. I wrap most all my Christmas presents on Christmas Eve night.
  63. I was the tallest person in my class up until senior year of high school.
  64. I dated Elon Musk in high school.
  65. I was part of the team that created the recipe for New Coke.
  66. I never got to do it, but sitting in the front row at a Tom Petty concert was definitely on my bucket list.
  67. Double jointed.
  68. I coulda been a contender.
  69. I have never seen National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.
  70. I wish I could see the back of the moon.
  71. Family members draw names for Christmas secretly, but we all end up knowing who got whom within a few minutes of drawing names.
  72. I ride Harleys.
  73. I have 4 biological children and 2 stepchildren, ages one through 12 years old.
  74. I believed in Santa until I was 13 years old.
  75. I’m in the witness protection program.
  76. I ran with bulls in a small town in Spain when I was 17.
  77. I have a huge crush on John Stossel.
  78. With my children, we celebrate The 12 Days of Christmas, spreading activities & gift exchanges over two weeks of fun.