SonicScrewdriverdoes somerandom bullshitit shouldn't beable toThe Toymaker'scharacter/legacyis tampered within some wayIncrediblysexist feministcomment fromsomecharacterWilfsuddenlydisappearsfrom theepisodeOne of thegames theDoctor plays isakin to a boardgame, chess orhopscotchWilf turnsout to betheToymakerThe Doctor doessomethingincredibly stupidthat he absolutelywould not havedone in an earlierseasonDonna Noblegets out withno majorrepercussionsThe plot getsresolved witha Deus ExMachinaThe Doctor's3D glassesget broughtbackWilfdiesRose Nobleappears andremains as thecharacter thatexists to betransThe cause ofthe Doctor'sregeneration isthat he has tosacrificehimselfThe DoctormisgenderssomethingTheDoctorsays"Allon-sy!"Return of previouscompanion orDoctor fornostalgiabait(Donna Noble andWilf don't count)The Doctorrepeats "I don'twant to go" or hassomevariation/call-backof that line uponregeneratingNcuticontinues thetradition of theDoctor wantingto be gingerDonna Nobleis the one tosave the dayat the endPoliticalcommentsregardingpeople inwheelchairsVillain actscartoonishlyhammySylviaappearsReferenceto ChibnallEra DoctorWhoThe Doctorangsts atsome pointSonicScrewdriverdoes somerandom bullshitit shouldn't beable toThe Toymaker'scharacter/legacyis tampered within some wayIncrediblysexist feministcomment fromsomecharacterWilfsuddenlydisappearsfrom theepisodeOne of thegames theDoctor plays isakin to a boardgame, chess orhopscotchWilf turnsout to betheToymakerThe Doctor doessomethingincredibly stupidthat he absolutelywould not havedone in an earlierseasonDonna Noblegets out withno majorrepercussionsThe plot getsresolved witha Deus ExMachinaThe Doctor's3D glassesget broughtbackWilfdiesRose Nobleappears andremains as thecharacter thatexists to betransThe cause ofthe Doctor'sregeneration isthat he has tosacrificehimselfThe DoctormisgenderssomethingTheDoctorsays"Allon-sy!"Return of previouscompanion orDoctor fornostalgiabait(Donna Noble andWilf don't count)The Doctorrepeats "I don'twant to go" or hassomevariation/call-backof that line uponregeneratingNcuticontinues thetradition of theDoctor wantingto be gingerDonna Nobleis the one tosave the dayat the endPoliticalcommentsregardingpeople inwheelchairsVillain actscartoonishlyhammySylviaappearsReferenceto ChibnallEra DoctorWhoThe Doctorangsts atsome point

Predictions for Doctor Who Special - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Sonic Screwdriver does some random bullshit it shouldn't be able to
  2. The Toymaker's character/legacy is tampered with in some way
  3. Incredibly sexist feminist comment from some character
  4. Wilf suddenly disappears from the episode
  5. One of the games the Doctor plays is akin to a board game, chess or hopscotch
  6. Wilf turns out to be the Toymaker
  7. The Doctor does something incredibly stupid that he absolutely would not have done in an earlier season
  8. Donna Noble gets out with no major repercussions
  9. The plot gets resolved with a Deus Ex Machina
  10. The Doctor's 3D glasses get brought back
  11. Wilf dies
  12. Rose Noble appears and remains as the character that exists to be trans
  13. The cause of the Doctor's regeneration is that he has to sacrifice himself
  14. The Doctor misgenders something
  15. The Doctor says "Allon-sy!"
  16. Return of previous companion or Doctor for nostalgiabait (Donna Noble and Wilf don't count)
  17. The Doctor repeats "I don't want to go" or has some variation/call-back of that line upon regenerating
  18. Ncuti continues the tradition of the Doctor wanting to be ginger
  19. Donna Noble is the one to save the day at the end
  20. Political comments regarding people in wheelchairs
  21. Villain acts cartoonishly hammy
  22. Sylvia appears
  23. Reference to Chibnall Era Doctor Who
  24. The Doctor angsts at some point