StripMiningthe process orindustry ofobtaining ore orcoal by open-pitminingGravidpregnant;carryingeggs oryoungAcidMineDrainagethe formationand movementof highly acidicwater rich inheavy metalsAlbedofraction of light that isreflected by a body orsurface. It is commonlyused in astronomy todescribe the reflectiveproperties of planets,satellites, andasteroidsCovercropsregenerative agpractice that providesone of the best waysto improve soilhealth, reduceerosion and increasebiodiversity.GreenRevolutionIncreased cropproduction due tomechanization,synthetic fertilizersand pesticides, useof GMOs,monoculture andincreased iirrigationUrbanRunoffbecasue of all theimpervious surfacesit Leads to pollutedwater enterering localwater ways and lessgroundwaterrechargeSlashandBurnBurning downforests to createfarmland that istemporarilyfertilized by theashes of theburned trees.GreenRoofHelps to solveurban runoffby absorbingand storingrainwaterGMOgolden rice isrice that hasbeen modifiedto contain morenutients suchas vitamin AHeatIslandStructures such asbuildings, roads, andother infrastructureabsorb and re-emit thesun's heat more thannatural landscapessuch as forests andwater bodiesMountaintopremovalA type of coalmining that hasbeen referredto as stripmining onsteroids.MonocultureThecultivation ofa single cropin one areaSustainablethe ability tomaintain orsupport aprocesscontinuouslyover timeCAFOContribute to landand water pollution,and also increasethe need for the useof antibiotics inlivestock. Notsustainable.MechanizationPlow, plant andharvest withoutever gettingtired, but burnsfossil fuels forpowerTragedyof thecommonsa situation in whichindividuals withaccess to a publicresource act in theirown interest and, indoing so, ultimatelydeplete the resource.Tailingsthe residueofsomething,especiallyoreMaximumSustainableYieldThe maximumcatch (in numbersor mass) that canbe removed from apopulation over anindefinite period. IntegratedPestManagementThe use of beepheromones todeter elephantsfrom eatingcrops is anexample of...CombinedsewersystemThese systemscontribute to massivepollution of localwaterways afterheavy rain eventsparticularly in urbanareas such as NewYork CityTEDTurtleEscapeDeviceCoalresourcesin the USWyoming,West Virginia,Kentucky,Pennsylvania,and IllinoisGrassfinishedCows spendeveryday of theirlives eatinggrass. Usuallyutilizes rotationalgrazing.Urbanizationthe increase inthe proportionof people livingin towns andcitiesEcologicalFootprintthe amount ofenvironmentalresources necessaryto produce the goodsand services thatsupport anindividual's lifestyleCommonsFisheries,aquifers, theatmosphere,and opengrasslands areexamples ofClearcuttingCuttingdown everytree in agiven areaPesticideTreadmilla term indicating asituation in which itbecomes necessary fora farmer to continueusing pesticidesregularly because theyhave become anindispensable part ofan agricultural cycleESAEndangeredSpecies ActArablelandsuitable forgrowingcropsBycatchFishermensometimes catchand discardanimals they donot want, cannotsell, or are notallowed to keepImperviousSurfacesParking lots,sidewalks, andstreets areusually coveredin themTreesIncreaseevapotranspiration,water infiltration,and property valuewhile decreasingsoil erosionSustainableforestrypruning timber insteadof felling entire trees,cutting down oldertrees to encouragediversity and growth,and thinning treepopulations in someareas to promotehealthier growth.Bottomtrawlinga fishing practicethat herds andcaptures the targetspecies, like groundfish or crabs, bytowing a net alongthe ocean floorAquaculturebreeding,raising, andharvesting fish,shellfish, andaquatic plantsSaltWaterIntrusionthe incursion ofsaline water intothe freshwateraquifer caused bynatural processesor human activitiesCITESConvention onInternationalTrade inEndangeredSpecies of WildFauna and FloraStripMiningthe process orindustry ofobtaining ore orcoal by open-pitminingGravidpregnant;carryingeggs oryoungAcidMineDrainagethe formationand movementof highly acidicwater rich inheavy metalsAlbedofraction of light that isreflected by a body orsurface. It is commonlyused in astronomy todescribe the reflectiveproperties of planets,satellites, andasteroidsCovercropsregenerative agpractice that providesone of the best waysto improve soilhealth, reduceerosion and increasebiodiversity.GreenRevolutionIncreased cropproduction due tomechanization,synthetic fertilizersand pesticides, useof GMOs,monoculture andincreased iirrigationUrbanRunoffbecasue of all theimpervious surfacesit Leads to pollutedwater enterering localwater ways and lessgroundwaterrechargeSlashandBurnBurning downforests to createfarmland that istemporarilyfertilized by theashes of theburned trees.GreenRoofHelps to solveurban runoffby absorbingand storingrainwaterGMOgolden rice isrice that hasbeen modifiedto contain morenutients suchas vitamin AHeatIslandStructures such asbuildings, roads, andother infrastructureabsorb and re-emit thesun's heat more thannatural landscapessuch as forests andwater bodiesMountaintopremovalA type of coalmining that hasbeen referredto as stripmining onsteroids.MonocultureThecultivation ofa single cropin one areaSustainablethe ability tomaintain orsupport aprocesscontinuouslyover timeCAFOContribute to landand water pollution,and also increasethe need for the useof antibiotics inlivestock. Notsustainable.MechanizationPlow, plant andharvest withoutever gettingtired, but burnsfossil fuels forpowerTragedyof thecommonsa situation in whichindividuals withaccess to a publicresource act in theirown interest and, indoing so, ultimatelydeplete the resource.Tailingsthe residueofsomething,especiallyoreMaximumSustainableYieldThe maximumcatch (in numbersor mass) that canbe removed from apopulation over anindefinite period. IntegratedPestManagementThe use of beepheromones todeter elephantsfrom eatingcrops is anexample of...CombinedsewersystemThese systemscontribute to massivepollution of localwaterways afterheavy rain eventsparticularly in urbanareas such as NewYork CityTEDTurtleEscapeDeviceCoalresourcesin the USWyoming,West Virginia,Kentucky,Pennsylvania,and IllinoisGrassfinishedCows spendeveryday of theirlives eatinggrass. Usuallyutilizes rotationalgrazing.Urbanizationthe increase inthe proportionof people livingin towns andcitiesEcologicalFootprintthe amount ofenvironmentalresources necessaryto produce the goodsand services thatsupport anindividual's lifestyleCommonsFisheries,aquifers, theatmosphere,and opengrasslands areexamples ofClearcuttingCuttingdown everytree in agiven areaPesticideTreadmilla term indicating asituation in which itbecomes necessary fora farmer to continueusing pesticidesregularly because theyhave become anindispensable part ofan agricultural cycleESAEndangeredSpecies ActArablelandsuitable forgrowingcropsBycatchFishermensometimes catchand discardanimals they donot want, cannotsell, or are notallowed to keepImperviousSurfacesParking lots,sidewalks, andstreets areusually coveredin themTreesIncreaseevapotranspiration,water infiltration,and property valuewhile decreasingsoil erosionSustainableforestrypruning timber insteadof felling entire trees,cutting down oldertrees to encouragediversity and growth,and thinning treepopulations in someareas to promotehealthier growth.Bottomtrawlinga fishing practicethat herds andcaptures the targetspecies, like groundfish or crabs, bytowing a net alongthe ocean floorAquaculturebreeding,raising, andharvesting fish,shellfish, andaquatic plantsSaltWaterIntrusionthe incursion ofsaline water intothe freshwateraquifer caused bynatural processesor human activitiesCITESConvention onInternationalTrade inEndangeredSpecies of WildFauna and Flora

Unit 5: Land & Water Use - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. the process or industry of obtaining ore or coal by open-pit mining
    Strip Mining
  2. pregnant; carrying eggs or young
  3. the formation and movement of highly acidic water rich in heavy metals
    Acid Mine Drainage
  4. fraction of light that is reflected by a body or surface. It is commonly used in astronomy to describe the reflective properties of planets, satellites, and asteroids
  5. regenerative ag practice that provides one of the best ways to improve soil health, reduce erosion and increase biodiversity.
    Cover crops
  6. Increased crop production due to mechanization, synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, use of GMOs, monoculture and increased iirrigation
    Green Revolution
  7. becasue of all the impervious surfaces it Leads to polluted water enterering local water ways and less groundwater recharge
    Urban Runoff
  8. Burning down forests to create farmland that is temporarily fertilized by the ashes of the burned trees.
    Slash and Burn
  9. Helps to solve urban runoff by absorbing and storing rainwater
    Green Roof
  10. golden rice is rice that has been modified to contain more nutients such as vitamin A
  11. Structures such as buildings, roads, and other infrastructure absorb and re-emit the sun's heat more than natural landscapes such as forests and water bodies
    Heat Island
  12. A type of coal mining that has been referred to as strip mining on steroids.
    Mountain top removal
  13. The cultivation of a single crop in one area
  14. the ability to maintain or support a process continuously over time
  15. Contribute to land and water pollution, and also increase the need for the use of antibiotics in livestock. Not sustainable.
  16. Plow, plant and harvest without ever getting tired, but burns fossil fuels for power
  17. a situation in which individuals with access to a public resource act in their own interest and, in doing so, ultimately deplete the resource.
    Tragedy of the commons
  18. the residue of something, especially ore
  19. The maximum catch (in numbers or mass) that can be removed from a population over an indefinite period.
    Maximum Sustainable Yield
  20. The use of bee pheromones to deter elephants from eating crops is an example of...
    Integrated Pest Management
  21. These systems contribute to massive pollution of local waterways after heavy rain events particularly in urban areas such as New York City
    Combined sewer system
  22. Turtle Escape Device
  23. Wyoming, West Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Illinois
    Coal resources in the US
  24. Cows spend everyday of their lives eating grass. Usually utilizes rotational grazing.
    Grass finished
  25. the increase in the proportion of people living in towns and cities
  26. the amount of environmental resources necessary to produce the goods and services that support an individual's lifestyle
    Ecological Footprint
  27. Fisheries, aquifers, the atmosphere, and open grasslands are examples of
  28. Cutting down every tree in a given area
  29. a term indicating a situation in which it becomes necessary for a farmer to continue using pesticides regularly because they have become an indispensable part of an agricultural cycle
    Pesticide Treadmill
  30. Endangered Species Act
  31. land suitable for growing crops
  32. Fishermen sometimes catch and discard animals they do not want, cannot sell, or are not allowed to keep
  33. Parking lots, sidewalks, and streets are usually covered in them
    Impervious Surfaces
  34. Increase evapotranspiration, water infiltration, and property value while decreasing soil erosion
  35. pruning timber instead of felling entire trees, cutting down older trees to encourage diversity and growth, and thinning tree populations in some areas to promote healthier growth.
    Sustainable forestry
  36. a fishing practice that herds and captures the target species, like ground fish or crabs, by towing a net along the ocean floor
    Bottom trawling
  37. breeding, raising, and harvesting fish, shellfish, and aquatic plants
  38. the incursion of saline water into the freshwater aquifer caused by natural processes or human activities
    Salt Water Intrusion
  39. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora