I'm acontortionistI was once ina balletproduction oftheNutcrackerI wasborn inIowaI was brieflya performingballroomdancerI onceperformedin CarnegieHallI studiedclassicalpianostarting atage 8I had a blacklab namedMurdock afterthe TV Showthe A TeamI named mycats afterclassicalliteraryauthorsI've excavateda Late BronzeAge palacefrom a HittitekingdomI'vetraveled to37 of 50US statesI went swingdancingonce amonth duringhigh schoolMyfavoritesound issilenceI played Louisain a townperformance ofthe Sound ofMusicI was anNCAADivision 1athleteI have beeninside theNYPD's 5thPrecinct morethan onceIimpersonatedMichaelJackson inhigh school.I grew up nearYorktownwhere theRevolutionaryWar endedI once livedon AmyWinehouse'sold street inLondonI'm a half-heartedknitterI'mstudyingSwedishI read 150books lastyearI havedirectedplays in bothSpanish andEnglishI'msurprisinglygood atdoingcartwheelsI helped takecare of twobeavers at alocal naturesanctuaryI can ridehorses butcan't ride abike or drivea carI share abirthdaywith mygrandmaI have nothad a TVfor the past20 yearsI grew upspeakingFrench inelementaryschoolI'veinterviewedMethodManAs a child, Ismuggled ababy rabbitinto churchservicesI had a longtenure as abartender atRed LobsterI went tohigh schoolin Rome,Italy (1 yearonly sadly)My family treewas tracedback to aSwedishwoman born in1620I'm acontortionistI was once ina balletproduction oftheNutcrackerI wasborn inIowaI was brieflya performingballroomdancerI onceperformedin CarnegieHallI studiedclassicalpianostarting atage 8I had a blacklab namedMurdock afterthe TV Showthe A TeamI named mycats afterclassicalliteraryauthorsI've excavateda Late BronzeAge palacefrom a HittitekingdomI'vetraveled to37 of 50US statesI went swingdancingonce amonth duringhigh schoolMyfavoritesound issilenceI played Louisain a townperformance ofthe Sound ofMusicI was anNCAADivision 1athleteI have beeninside theNYPD's 5thPrecinct morethan onceIimpersonatedMichaelJackson inhigh school.I grew up nearYorktownwhere theRevolutionaryWar endedI once livedon AmyWinehouse'sold street inLondonI'm a half-heartedknitterI'mstudyingSwedishI read 150books lastyearI havedirectedplays in bothSpanish andEnglishI'msurprisinglygood atdoingcartwheelsI helped takecare of twobeavers at alocal naturesanctuaryI can ridehorses butcan't ride abike or drivea carI share abirthdaywith mygrandmaI have nothad a TVfor the past20 yearsI grew upspeakingFrench inelementaryschoolI'veinterviewedMethodManAs a child, Ismuggled ababy rabbitinto churchservicesI had a longtenure as abartender atRed LobsterI went tohigh schoolin Rome,Italy (1 yearonly sadly)My family treewas tracedback to aSwedishwoman born in1620

Holiday Party Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I'm a contortionist
  2. I was once in a ballet production of the Nutcracker
  3. I was born in Iowa
  4. I was briefly a performing ballroom dancer
  5. I once performed in Carnegie Hall
  6. I studied classical piano starting at age 8
  7. I had a black lab named Murdock after the TV Show the A Team
  8. I named my cats after classical literary authors
  9. I've excavated a Late Bronze Age palace from a Hittite kingdom
  10. I've traveled to 37 of 50 US states
  11. I went swing dancing once a month during high school
  12. My favorite sound is silence
  13. I played Louisa in a town performance of the Sound of Music
  14. I was an NCAA Division 1 athlete
  15. I have been inside the NYPD's 5th Precinct more than once
  16. I impersonated Michael Jackson in high school.
  17. I grew up near Yorktown where the Revolutionary War ended
  18. I once lived on Amy Winehouse's old street in London
  19. I'm a half-hearted knitter
  20. I'm studying Swedish
  21. I read 150 books last year
  22. I have directed plays in both Spanish and English
  23. I'm surprisingly good at doing cartwheels
  24. I helped take care of two beavers at a local nature sanctuary
  25. I can ride horses but can't ride a bike or drive a car
  26. I share a birthday with my grandma
  27. I have not had a TV for the past 20 years
  28. I grew up speaking French in elementary school
  29. I've interviewed Method Man
  30. As a child, I smuggled a baby rabbit into church services
  31. I had a long tenure as a bartender at Red Lobster
  32. I went to high school in Rome, Italy (1 year only sadly)
  33. My family tree was traced back to a Swedish woman born in 1620