A person who isfound guilty ofburning anothermans grain, orstealing those crops,will be whipped andthen burnt aliveA woman whois marriedshould beunder thecontrol of herhusband.The TwelveTables were aset of laws thatgoverned life inthe RomanRepublicA person cannotbe buried with goldof any sort, withthe exception if thecorpse had goldteethTheft should bepunished bybeing thrownfrom theTarpeian Rock.In case of adispute over theownership of land,the matter shouldbe settled by theboundary stones.Damage causedby a tree'sbranches or rootsshould be theresponsibility ofthe tree's ownerCompensationshould bepaid for injurycaused bycattle. A person whomarries a freeperson without theconsent of theirfather should beliable forpunishment.If the debtor'sgoods are sold,the moneyshould be givento the creditor.Any person whocommittedtreason, orviolence againstthe Republic ofRome, shall beexecutedHe whose witnesshas failed toappear maysummon him byloud calls beforehis house everythird dayA deadperson cannotbe buried orburned in thecity A notablydeformedchild shall bekilledimmediatelyA person whobreaksanother's limbshould pay 300coins of copperA judge orgovernmentofficial will beexecuted ifcaught taking abribeIf debt cannot bepaid within 60days, he shallbe delivered forsale across theTiber RiverWomen, evenwhen there areof full age, shallbe under maleguardianshipIf debt cannot bepaid within 60days, he shallbe delivered forsale across theTiber RiverIf a person mentallydeteriorates, he shallnot have power overhis goods and theyshall be given to hisnearest male relativeTheft should bepunished bybeing thrownfrom theTarpeian Rock.A father hasthe power oflife anddeath overhis children.There shall benointermarriagebetweenplebeians andpatriciansA homeowner hasthe right to removea neighbor’s tree ifthe weather hasmade that treelean onto hispropertyAny person whocommittedtreason, orviolence againstthe Republic ofRome, shall beexecutedIf a person makesa promise orcontract verbally, itshall beconsidered bindingand must befulfilledIf you arecalled tocourt, youmust goOne who hasconfessed a debt,or against whomjudgement hasbeen pronounced,shall have 30 daysto pay itLawsuitsshould not bedelayed formore thanthree days.A person whodamages abuilding by fireshould rebuild itat their ownexpense.A person who lies incourt shall be flungfrom a mountainsideA person who lies incourt shall be flungfrom a mountainsideA person whodamagesanother's propertyshould pay doublethe amount of thedamage caused.A personcannot bepunishedunless they arefound guilty incourtA personshould notpracticemagic. An adult son hasthe power to leavehis father's powerand becomeindependent.A person whoincites anotherperson tocommit a crimeshould bepunishedSome levels ofpunishment include:publicembarrassment,banishment,execution, orenslavementA person whocommits theft atnight should bekilled if caughtin the act.If an enslavedperson causesdamage, hisowner shall beheld liable forrepairsThe judgeshouldrenderjudgment inthe case. A person who isfound guilty ofburning anothermans grain, orstealing those crops,will be whipped andthen burnt aliveA woman whois marriedshould beunder thecontrol of herhusband.The TwelveTables were aset of laws thatgoverned life inthe RomanRepublicA person cannotbe buried with goldof any sort, withthe exception if thecorpse had goldteethTheft should bepunished bybeing thrownfrom theTarpeian Rock.In case of adispute over theownership of land,the matter shouldbe settled by theboundary stones.Damage causedby a tree'sbranches or rootsshould be theresponsibility ofthe tree's ownerCompensationshould bepaid for injurycaused bycattle. A person whomarries a freeperson without theconsent of theirfather should beliable forpunishment.If the debtor'sgoods are sold,the moneyshould be givento the creditor.Any person whocommittedtreason, orviolence againstthe Republic ofRome, shall beexecutedHe whose witnesshas failed toappear maysummon him byloud calls beforehis house everythird dayA deadperson cannotbe buried orburned in thecity A notablydeformedchild shall bekilledimmediatelyA person whobreaksanother's limbshould pay 300coins of copperA judge orgovernmentofficial will beexecuted ifcaught taking abribeIf debt cannot bepaid within 60days, he shallbe delivered forsale across theTiber RiverWomen, evenwhen there areof full age, shallbe under maleguardianshipIf debt cannot bepaid within 60days, he shallbe delivered forsale across theTiber RiverIf a person mentallydeteriorates, he shallnot have power overhis goods and theyshall be given to hisnearest male relativeTheft should bepunished bybeing thrownfrom theTarpeian Rock.A father hasthe power oflife anddeath overhis children.There shall benointermarriagebetweenplebeians andpatriciansA homeowner hasthe right to removea neighbor’s tree ifthe weather hasmade that treelean onto hispropertyAny person whocommittedtreason, orviolence againstthe Republic ofRome, shall beexecutedIf a person makesa promise orcontract verbally, itshall beconsidered bindingand must befulfilledIf you arecalled tocourt, youmust goOne who hasconfessed a debt,or against whomjudgement hasbeen pronounced,shall have 30 daysto pay itLawsuitsshould not bedelayed formore thanthree days.A person whodamages abuilding by fireshould rebuild itat their ownexpense.A person who lies incourt shall be flungfrom a mountainsideA person who lies incourt shall be flungfrom a mountainsideA person whodamagesanother's propertyshould pay doublethe amount of thedamage caused.A personcannot bepunishedunless they arefound guilty incourtA personshould notpracticemagic. An adult son hasthe power to leavehis father's powerand becomeindependent.A person whoincites anotherperson tocommit a crimeshould bepunishedSome levels ofpunishment include:publicembarrassment,banishment,execution, orenslavementA person whocommits theft atnight should bekilled if caughtin the act.If an enslavedperson causesdamage, hisowner shall beheld liable forrepairsThe judgeshouldrenderjudgment inthe case. 

12 Tables - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A person who is found guilty of burning another mans grain, or stealing those crops, will be whipped and then burnt alive
  2. A woman who is married should be under the control of her husband.
  3. The Twelve Tables were a set of laws that governed life in the Roman Republic
  4. A person cannot be buried with gold of any sort, with the exception if the corpse had gold teeth
  5. Theft should be punished by being thrown from the Tarpeian Rock.
  6. In case of a dispute over the ownership of land, the matter should be settled by the boundary stones.
  7. Damage caused by a tree's branches or roots should be the responsibility of the tree's owner
  8. Compensation should be paid for injury caused by cattle.
  9. A person who marries a free person without the consent of their father should be liable for punishment.
  10. If the debtor's goods are sold, the money should be given to the creditor.
  11. Any person who committed treason, or violence against the Republic of Rome, shall be executed
  12. He whose witness has failed to appear may summon him by loud calls before his house every third day
  13. A dead person cannot be buried or burned in the city
  14. A notably deformed child shall be killed immediately
  15. A person who breaks another's limb should pay 300 coins of copper
  16. A judge or government official will be executed if caught taking a bribe
  17. If debt cannot be paid within 60 days, he shall be delivered for sale across the Tiber River
  18. Women, even when there are of full age, shall be under male guardianship
  19. If debt cannot be paid within 60 days, he shall be delivered for sale across the Tiber River
  20. If a person mentally deteriorates, he shall not have power over his goods and they shall be given to his nearest male relative
  21. Theft should be punished by being thrown from the Tarpeian Rock.
  22. A father has the power of life and death over his children.
  23. There shall be no intermarriage between plebeians and patricians
  24. A homeowner has the right to remove a neighbor’s tree if the weather has made that tree lean onto his property
  25. Any person who committed treason, or violence against the Republic of Rome, shall be executed
  26. If a person makes a promise or contract verbally, it shall be considered binding and must be fulfilled
  27. If you are called to court, you must go
  28. One who has confessed a debt, or against whom judgement has been pronounced, shall have 30 days to pay it
  29. Lawsuits should not be delayed for more than three days.
  30. A person who damages a building by fire should rebuild it at their own expense.
  31. A person who lies in court shall be flung from a mountainside A person who lies in court shall be flung from a mountainside
  32. A person who damages another's property should pay double the amount of the damage caused.
  33. A person cannot be punished unless they are found guilty in court
  34. A person should not practice magic.
  35. An adult son has the power to leave his father's power and become independent.
  36. A person who incites another person to commit a crime should be punished
  37. Some levels of punishment include: public embarrassment, banishment, execution, or enslavement
  38. A person who commits theft at night should be killed if caught in the act.
  39. If an enslaved person causes damage, his owner shall be held liable for repairs
  40. The judge should render judgment in the case.