"While a child'searthly situationmay not be ideal,a child's spiritualDNA is perfect."Andersen"The irony ofbeing parents isthat we tend toreally get good atit after our childrenare grown."Ballard"To believe, weneed to get thegospel from ourheads into ourhearts."Oscarson"The more distractionsthat surround us, theeasier it is to treatcasually, then ignore,and then forget ourconnection with God."Hallstrom"If we chooseChrist, we willhave made theright choice."Pres. Monson"Rememberwho you areand what Godexpects you tobecome." Pres.Monson"God lookethnot upon thecolor of thejersey or thepolitical party."Duncan"It is a choicewe make daily--to choose faithover doubt."Oscarson"As a church,we believe inFathers."Christofferson"Receiving the HolyGhost creates thepossibility of anongoing cleansing ofour soul from sin."Bednar"Living righteousprinciples willbring you and yourfamily happiness,fulfillment, andpeace." CookJesus did not sayIF rain descends,IF floods comeand IF winds blow,but WHEN."Renlund"May we everchoose theharder right,instead of theeasier wrong."Pres. Monson"Childrendesperatelyneed parentswilling to listento them."Ballard"We must notdelay goingto therescue."Arnold"However far wemay wander fromthe path, theSavior invites usto return and walkwith Him."Waddell"Conversioncomes when wesearch thescriptures ratherthan theinternet."Oscarson"Reach out to theyouth who feelalone, left behind,or outside thefence." Andersen"Though we havebeen weigheddown with guilt,we shall obtainpeace." Waddell"God sees usas we truly are--and He seesus worthy ofrescue."Uchtdorf"The choiceswe makedetermine ourdestiny." PresMonson"Challenges areat times anindication of theLord's trust inyou."Christofferson"Baptism is apoint ofdeparture in ourmortal, spiritualjourney."Bednar"His plan is to buildus into somethingFAR greater than wewere--FAR greaterthan we can everimagine." Uchtdorf"While a child'searthly situationmay not be ideal,a child's spiritualDNA is perfect."Andersen"The irony ofbeing parents isthat we tend toreally get good atit after our childrenare grown."Ballard"To believe, weneed to get thegospel from ourheads into ourhearts."Oscarson"The more distractionsthat surround us, theeasier it is to treatcasually, then ignore,and then forget ourconnection with God."Hallstrom"If we chooseChrist, we willhave made theright choice."Pres. Monson"Rememberwho you areand what Godexpects you tobecome." Pres.Monson"God lookethnot upon thecolor of thejersey or thepolitical party."Duncan"It is a choicewe make daily--to choose faithover doubt."Oscarson"As a church,we believe inFathers."Christofferson"Receiving the HolyGhost creates thepossibility of anongoing cleansing ofour soul from sin."Bednar"Living righteousprinciples willbring you and yourfamily happiness,fulfillment, andpeace." CookJesus did not sayIF rain descends,IF floods comeand IF winds blow,but WHEN."Renlund"May we everchoose theharder right,instead of theeasier wrong."Pres. Monson"Childrendesperatelyneed parentswilling to listento them."Ballard"We must notdelay goingto therescue."Arnold"However far wemay wander fromthe path, theSavior invites usto return and walkwith Him."Waddell"Conversioncomes when wesearch thescriptures ratherthan theinternet."Oscarson"Reach out to theyouth who feelalone, left behind,or outside thefence." Andersen"Though we havebeen weigheddown with guilt,we shall obtainpeace." Waddell"God sees usas we truly are--and He seesus worthy ofrescue."Uchtdorf"The choiceswe makedetermine ourdestiny." PresMonson"Challenges areat times anindication of theLord's trust inyou."Christofferson"Baptism is apoint ofdeparture in ourmortal, spiritualjourney."Bednar"His plan is to buildus into somethingFAR greater than wewere--FAR greaterthan we can everimagine." Uchtdorf


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. "While a child's earthly situation may not be ideal, a child's spiritual DNA is perfect." Andersen
  2. "The irony of being parents is that we tend to really get good at it after our children are grown." Ballard
  3. "To believe, we need to get the gospel from our heads into our hearts." Oscarson
  4. "The more distractions that surround us, the easier it is to treat casually, then ignore, and then forget our connection with God." Hallstrom
  5. "If we choose Christ, we will have made the right choice." Pres. Monson
  6. "Remember who you are and what God expects you to become." Pres. Monson
  7. "God looketh not upon the color of the jersey or the political party." Duncan
  8. "It is a choice we make daily--to choose faith over doubt." Oscarson
  9. "As a church, we believe in Fathers." Christofferson
  10. "Receiving the Holy Ghost creates the possibility of an ongoing cleansing of our soul from sin." Bednar
  11. "Living righteous principles will bring you and your family happiness, fulfillment, and peace." Cook
  12. Jesus did not say IF rain descends, IF floods come and IF winds blow, but WHEN." Renlund
  13. "May we ever choose the harder right, instead of the easier wrong." Pres. Monson
  14. "Children desperately need parents willing to listen to them." Ballard
  15. "We must not delay going to the rescue." Arnold
  16. "However far we may wander from the path, the Savior invites us to return and walk with Him." Waddell
  17. "Conversion comes when we search the scriptures rather than the internet."Oscarson
  18. "Reach out to the youth who feel alone, left behind, or outside the fence." Andersen
  19. "Though we have been weighed down with guilt, we shall obtain peace." Waddell
  20. "God sees us as we truly are--and He sees us worthy of rescue." Uchtdorf
  21. "The choices we make determine our destiny." Pres Monson
  22. "Challenges are at times an indication of the Lord's trust in you." Christofferson
  23. "Baptism is a point of departure in our mortal, spiritual journey." Bednar
  24. "His plan is to build us into something FAR greater than we were--FAR greater than we can ever imagine." Uchtdorf