"My beloved brethren,may I remind you, ifthere were a perfectwomen, do you reallythink that she would bethat interested in you?"Uchtdorf"The irony ofbeing parents isthat we tend toreally get good atit after our childrenare grown."Ballard"The great thingabout the gospelis we get credit fortrying, even if wedon't alwayssucceed." Holland"Challenges areat times anindication of theLord's trust inyou."Christofferson"To beworthy doesnot mean tobe perfect."Gong"Love ismaking spacein your life forsomeoneelse." Marriott"If we chooseChrist, we willhave made theright choice."Pres. Monson"What ifTHEIR storywere MYstory?"Burton"We take some solacein the fact that if Godwere to reward onlythe perfectly faithful,He wouldn't havemuch of a distributionlist." Holland"The first Child ofGod we must buildup in the restoredGospel isourselves."Marriott"Be someone whoreaches out to knowand serve others--throw away themirrors and lookthrough the window."MarriottJesus did not sayIF rain descends,IF floods comeand IF winds blow,but WHEN."Renlund"God lookethnot upon thecolor of thejersey or thepolitical party."Duncan"Never doubtthe assistancefrom those onthe other sideof the veil."Cook"While a child'searthly situationmay not be ideal,a child's spiritualDNA is perfect."Andersen"None of usshould bedefined by theworst thing wehave everdone." Duncan"May we everchoose theharder right,instead of theeasier wrong."Pres. Monson"God didn'tdesign us to besad, he createdus to haveJOY." Uchtdorf"Many things aregood, many areimportant, but onlya few areESSENTIAL."Christofferson"Great marriagesare built brick bybrick , day afterday, over alifetime." Uchtdorf"The more distractionsthat surround us, theeasier it is to treatcasually, then ignore,and then forget ourconnection with God."Hallstrom"His plan is to buildus into somethingFAR greater than wewere--FAR greaterthan we can everimagine." Uchtdorf"You can havewhat you want,or you can havesomethingbetter."Uchtdorf"It is a choicewe make daily--to choose faithover doubt."Oscarson"My beloved brethren,may I remind you, ifthere were a perfectwomen, do you reallythink that she would bethat interested in you?"Uchtdorf"The irony ofbeing parents isthat we tend toreally get good atit after our childrenare grown."Ballard"The great thingabout the gospelis we get credit fortrying, even if wedon't alwayssucceed." Holland"Challenges areat times anindication of theLord's trust inyou."Christofferson"To beworthy doesnot mean tobe perfect."Gong"Love ismaking spacein your life forsomeoneelse." Marriott"If we chooseChrist, we willhave made theright choice."Pres. Monson"What ifTHEIR storywere MYstory?"Burton"We take some solacein the fact that if Godwere to reward onlythe perfectly faithful,He wouldn't havemuch of a distributionlist." Holland"The first Child ofGod we must buildup in the restoredGospel isourselves."Marriott"Be someone whoreaches out to knowand serve others--throw away themirrors and lookthrough the window."MarriottJesus did not sayIF rain descends,IF floods comeand IF winds blow,but WHEN."Renlund"God lookethnot upon thecolor of thejersey or thepolitical party."Duncan"Never doubtthe assistancefrom those onthe other sideof the veil."Cook"While a child'searthly situationmay not be ideal,a child's spiritualDNA is perfect."Andersen"None of usshould bedefined by theworst thing wehave everdone." Duncan"May we everchoose theharder right,instead of theeasier wrong."Pres. Monson"God didn'tdesign us to besad, he createdus to haveJOY." Uchtdorf"Many things aregood, many areimportant, but onlya few areESSENTIAL."Christofferson"Great marriagesare built brick bybrick , day afterday, over alifetime." Uchtdorf"The more distractionsthat surround us, theeasier it is to treatcasually, then ignore,and then forget ourconnection with God."Hallstrom"His plan is to buildus into somethingFAR greater than wewere--FAR greaterthan we can everimagine." Uchtdorf"You can havewhat you want,or you can havesomethingbetter."Uchtdorf"It is a choicewe make daily--to choose faithover doubt."Oscarson


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. "My beloved brethren, may I remind you, if there were a perfect women, do you really think that she would be that interested in you?" Uchtdorf
  2. "The irony of being parents is that we tend to really get good at it after our children are grown." Ballard
  3. "The great thing about the gospel is we get credit for trying, even if we don't always succeed." Holland
  4. "Challenges are at times an indication of the Lord's trust in you." Christofferson
  5. "To be worthy does not mean to be perfect." Gong
  6. "Love is making space in your life for someone else." Marriott
  7. "If we choose Christ, we will have made the right choice." Pres. Monson
  8. "What if THEIR story were MY story?" Burton
  9. "We take some solace in the fact that if God were to reward only the perfectly faithful, He wouldn't have much of a distribution list." Holland
  10. "The first Child of God we must build up in the restored Gospel is ourselves." Marriott
  11. "Be someone who reaches out to know and serve others--throw away the mirrors and look through the window." Marriott
  12. Jesus did not say IF rain descends, IF floods come and IF winds blow, but WHEN." Renlund
  13. "God looketh not upon the color of the jersey or the political party." Duncan
  14. "Never doubt the assistance from those on the other side of the veil." Cook
  15. "While a child's earthly situation may not be ideal, a child's spiritual DNA is perfect." Andersen
  16. "None of us should be defined by the worst thing we have ever done." Duncan
  17. "May we ever choose the harder right, instead of the easier wrong." Pres. Monson
  18. "God didn't design us to be sad, he created us to have JOY." Uchtdorf
  19. "Many things are good, many are important, but only a few are ESSENTIAL." Christofferson
  20. "Great marriages are built brick by brick , day after day, over a lifetime." Uchtdorf
  21. "The more distractions that surround us, the easier it is to treat casually, then ignore, and then forget our connection with God." Hallstrom
  22. "His plan is to build us into something FAR greater than we were--FAR greater than we can ever imagine." Uchtdorf
  23. "You can have what you want, or you can have something better." Uchtdorf
  24. "It is a choice we make daily--to choose faith over doubt." Oscarson