HardworkingCaringConsistentLakotawomen areexpectedto be...PteSanWinThe womanwho broughtthe people thecannupa andceremonies.FeudalismA mode ofproduction inwhich land isprivate propertyand labor isbought and soldby the elite.Hunting andGathering;Land;Buffalo;KnivesThe forces ofproduction intraditionalLakotasociety.HinhanKagaThe wicincalasakowin constellationis above this place.The welcoming backof the thunder beingstakes place here.InyanThe eldest of allbeings,according toLakota oralhistory andscience.TokaheA young manwho confidentlyleft wind caveto follow Iktomito the surfaceof the earth.HanblechaA ceremony inwhich menreceiveguidancethrough isolationand prayer.EmergenceStoryThe story ofhow the Lakotapeople arrivedto the earth'ssurface.MatoTipilaWhere thelittle girlsmanaged toescape theangry bears.WiwanyangWachipiA 4 dayceremony thatincludes fastingand sacrifice tooffer thanks tocreation.MdewakantonwanThe eldest ofall of thebands of theOceti Sakowinpeople.TheRockyMountainsThese mountainsmark thesouthern mostpoint of theoriginal OcetiSakowin territory.ImperialismA system ofdomination in whichnations gain controlover others usingmilitary force toobtain moreresources andwealth.RelationsofProductionHow a societyrelates to oneanother throughgovernance,social classes,and social norms.WinterHistorically,Lakota peoplespent most oftheir daily livespreparing for...Land,resources,wealth,dominanceWhyEuropeanexpansionbegan.WicahpiHinhpayaA boy whosefather is astar. He helpsthe people intimes of need.HunkapiA ceremony inwhich kinshiprelations aremade withothers.IshnatiA ceremonythat preparesyoungwomen forwomanhood.InipiA ceremony inwhich ourminds, bodies,and spirits arepurified.Forces ofProductionLabor,land,resources,toolsTheGreatRaceThe story ofhow the twoleggeds andfour leggedsagreed to livetogether.CommunalismThe originalmode ofproduction ofthe OcetiSakowinPeople. WinterCountA method of oralhistory in whichpictographs aredrawn on a hideand their storiesare recited a loud.HardworkingObedientLoyalLakotamen areexpectedto be...ConflictThis is whatcreateschange inhistory.SettlerColonialismA method ofimperialism inwhich a settlersociety seeks toreplace theoriginal people ofa territory.TitowanThe band ofthe OcetiSakowin thatthe Oglalabelong to.HardworkingCaringConsistentLakotawomen areexpectedto be...PteSanWinThe womanwho broughtthe people thecannupa andceremonies.FeudalismA mode ofproduction inwhich land isprivate propertyand labor isbought and soldby the elite.Hunting andGathering;Land;Buffalo;KnivesThe forces ofproduction intraditionalLakotasociety.HinhanKagaThe wicincalasakowin constellationis above this place.The welcoming backof the thunder beingstakes place here.InyanThe eldest of allbeings,according toLakota oralhistory andscience.TokaheA young manwho confidentlyleft wind caveto follow Iktomito the surfaceof the earth.HanblechaA ceremony inwhich menreceiveguidancethrough isolationand prayer.EmergenceStoryThe story ofhow the Lakotapeople arrivedto the earth'ssurface.MatoTipilaWhere thelittle girlsmanaged toescape theangry bears.WiwanyangWachipiA 4 dayceremony thatincludes fastingand sacrifice tooffer thanks tocreation.MdewakantonwanThe eldest ofall of thebands of theOceti Sakowinpeople.TheRockyMountainsThese mountainsmark thesouthern mostpoint of theoriginal OcetiSakowin territory.ImperialismA system ofdomination in whichnations gain controlover others usingmilitary force toobtain moreresources andwealth.RelationsofProductionHow a societyrelates to oneanother throughgovernance,social classes,and social norms.WinterHistorically,Lakota peoplespent most oftheir daily livespreparing for...Land,resources,wealth,dominanceWhyEuropeanexpansionbegan.WicahpiHinhpayaA boy whosefather is astar. He helpsthe people intimes of need.HunkapiA ceremony inwhich kinshiprelations aremade withothers.IshnatiA ceremonythat preparesyoungwomen forwomanhood.InipiA ceremony inwhich ourminds, bodies,and spirits arepurified.Forces ofProductionLabor,land,resources,toolsTheGreatRaceThe story ofhow the twoleggeds andfour leggedsagreed to livetogether.CommunalismThe originalmode ofproduction ofthe OcetiSakowinPeople.WinterCountA method of oralhistory in whichpictographs aredrawn on a hideand their storiesare recited a loud.HardworkingObedientLoyalLakotamen areexpectedto be...ConflictThis is whatcreateschange inhistory.SettlerColonialismA method ofimperialism inwhich a settlersociety seeks toreplace theoriginal people ofa territory.TitowanThe band ofthe OcetiSakowin thatthe Oglalabelong to.

Oceti Sakowin History - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Lakota women are expected to be...
    Hardworking Caring Consistent
  2. The woman who brought the people the cannupa and ceremonies.
  3. A mode of production in which land is private property and labor is bought and sold by the elite.
  4. The forces of production in traditional Lakota society.
    Hunting and Gathering; Land; Buffalo; Knives
  5. The wicincala sakowin constellation is above this place. The welcoming back of the thunder beings takes place here.
    Hinhan Kaga
  6. The eldest of all beings, according to Lakota oral history and science.
  7. A young man who confidently left wind cave to follow Iktomi to the surface of the earth.
  8. A ceremony in which men receive guidance through isolation and prayer.
  9. The story of how the Lakota people arrived to the earth's surface.
    Emergence Story
  10. Where the little girls managed to escape the angry bears.
    Mato Tipila
  11. A 4 day ceremony that includes fasting and sacrifice to offer thanks to creation.
    Wiwanyang Wachipi
  12. The eldest of all of the bands of the Oceti Sakowin people.
  13. These mountains mark the southern most point of the original Oceti Sakowin territory.
    The Rocky Mountains
  14. A system of domination in which nations gain control over others using military force to obtain more resources and wealth.
  15. How a society relates to one another through governance, social classes, and social norms.
    Relations of Production
  16. Historically, Lakota people spent most of their daily lives preparing for...
  17. Why European expansion began.
    Land, resources, wealth, dominance
  18. A boy whose father is a star. He helps the people in times of need.
    Wicahpi Hinhpaya
  19. A ceremony in which kinship relations are made with others.
  20. A ceremony that prepares young women for womanhood.
  21. A ceremony in which our minds, bodies, and spirits are purified.
  22. Labor, land, resources, tools
    Forces of Production
  23. The story of how the two leggeds and four leggeds agreed to live together.
    The Great Race
  24. The original mode of production of the Oceti Sakowin People.
  25. A method of oral history in which pictographs are drawn on a hide and their stories are recited a loud.
    Winter Count
  26. Lakota men are expected to be...
    Hardworking Obedient Loyal
  27. This is what creates change in history.
  28. A method of imperialism in which a settler society seeks to replace the original people of a territory.
    Settler Colonialism
  29. The band of the Oceti Sakowin that the Oglala belong to.