Please turnthat backon, I’m stillhere.Please don’thug me, I’mnotcomfortablewith that.Please stopyelling,you’rehurting myears.No thankyou, I’m notcomfortabledoing that.Please don’tcall me that,it hurts myfeelings.Please pickup your coat,I’m scared I'lltrip on it.Please giveme somespace, I can’tbe with youright now.Please don’tpet my dogwithout askingme. It’simportant tome.Please don’tsay that, myfeelings domatter.Please don’tscare me, Idon’t like tobe scared.Please don’ttake mythings, theyare importantto me.Please askbefore you eatthat, I’m notcomfortablesharing.Please don’tlaugh at me,it hurts myfeelingsNo thankyou, Idon’t likethat game.Please singsomewhereelse, I’mtrying to rest.Please don’tignore me,I’m importanttoo.Please stoptalking. Ican’t listenanymore.Please giveme a break,I’m gettingupset.Please turnyour moviedown, it’sbotheringme.Pleasedon’t touchthat, I’m notdone with it.Please stepaway, you’rein mypersonalspace.Please stop,I”muncomfortabletalking aboutthat. Please waituntil I’mdone talkingto say whatyou need to.Do not touchme, my bodydoesn’tbelong toyou.Please turnthat backon, I’m stillhere.Please don’thug me, I’mnotcomfortablewith that.Please stopyelling,you’rehurting myears.No thankyou, I’m notcomfortabledoing that.Please don’tcall me that,it hurts myfeelings.Please pickup your coat,I’m scared I'lltrip on it.Please giveme somespace, I can’tbe with youright now.Please don’tpet my dogwithout askingme. It’simportant tome.Please don’tsay that, myfeelings domatter.Please don’tscare me, Idon’t like tobe scared.Please don’ttake mythings, theyare importantto me.Please askbefore you eatthat, I’m notcomfortablesharing.Please don’tlaugh at me,it hurts myfeelingsNo thankyou, Idon’t likethat game.Please singsomewhereelse, I’mtrying to rest.Please don’tignore me,I’m importanttoo.Please stoptalking. Ican’t listenanymore.Please giveme a break,I’m gettingupset.Please turnyour moviedown, it’sbotheringme.Pleasedon’t touchthat, I’m notdone with it.Please stepaway, you’rein mypersonalspace.Please stop,I”muncomfortabletalking aboutthat. Please waituntil I’mdone talkingto say whatyou need to.Do not touchme, my bodydoesn’tbelong toyou.

&LS Dev Final Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Please turn that back on, I’m still here.
  2. Please don’t hug me, I’m not comfortable with that.
  3. Please stop yelling, you’re hurting my ears.
  4. No thank you, I’m not comfortable doing that.
  5. Please don’t call me that, it hurts my feelings.
  6. Please pick up your coat, I’m scared I'll trip on it.
  7. Please give me some space, I can’t be with you right now.
  8. Please don’t pet my dog without asking me. It’s important to me.
  9. Please don’t say that, my feelings do matter.
  10. Please don’t scare me, I don’t like to be scared.
  11. Please don’t take my things, they are important to me.
  12. Please ask before you eat that, I’m not comfortable sharing.
  13. Please don’t laugh at me, it hurts my feelings
  14. No thank you, I don’t like that game.
  15. Please sing somewhere else, I’m trying to rest.
  16. Please don’t ignore me, I’m important too.
  17. Please stop talking. I can’t listen anymore.
  18. Please give me a break, I’m getting upset.
  19. Please turn your movie down, it’s bothering me.
  20. Please don’t touch that, I’m not done with it.
  21. Please step away, you’re in my personal space.
  22. Please stop, I”m uncomfortable talking about that.
  23. Please wait until I’m done talking to say what you need to.
  24. Do not touch me, my body doesn’t belong to you.