Shoutat yourfriends.Breakyourfriend'stoy.Parents shouldset examples ofpersonal spaceandcommunication.When talking tosomeone thereshould be anarm's lengthdistance.Parentsshould shoutand argue infront of theirchildrenTicklesomeoneeven if theysay no.Place yourhands onsome's waistwithoutpermission.It is good toclearly say NOif you'reuncomfortable.Bullying andbeing racistdoesn't violatepersonal spaceof others.Wrap your armsaroundsomeone else'sshoulder w/otheir consent.Touch someoneelse'sbelongingswithout theirknowledge.Free!Tease yourclassmate infront of otherpeople.One tap on ashoulder isacceptable andthere should bea distance.Ask forpermissionbefore takingsomethingyou want.Stopimmediatelywhen you seesomeone isbeing offendedby your actions.It is good toraise your voicewhen talking orarguing withsomeone.Hugeveryonewhen yousee them.Despite raceand culture,we shouldcommunicateproperly.You canalwayssay yes tosomeone.It is okay to useyour phonewhen you are inthe middle of aconversation.It is polite tojust greet andwave to yourcompanyinstead ofhugging them.Take yourclassmatesbelongingswithout askingthem first.You can Huga personwithout theirconsent.Pullsomeone'shand andplay with it.Shoutat yourfriends.Breakyourfriend'stoy.Parents shouldset examples ofpersonal spaceandcommunication.When talking tosomeone thereshould be anarm's lengthdistance.Parentsshould shoutand argue infront of theirchildrenTicklesomeoneeven if theysay no.Place yourhands onsome's waistwithoutpermission.It is good toclearly say NOif you'reuncomfortable.Bullying andbeing racistdoesn't violatepersonal spaceof others.Wrap your armsaroundsomeone else'sshoulder w/otheir consent.Touch someoneelse'sbelongingswithout theirknowledge.Free!Tease yourclassmate infront of otherpeople.One tap on ashoulder isacceptable andthere should bea distance.Ask forpermissionbefore takingsomethingyou want.Stopimmediatelywhen you seesomeone isbeing offendedby your actions.It is good toraise your voicewhen talking orarguing withsomeone.Hugeveryonewhen yousee them.Despite raceand culture,we shouldcommunicateproperly.You canalwayssay yes tosomeone.It is okay to useyour phonewhen you are inthe middle of aconversation.It is polite tojust greet andwave to yourcompanyinstead ofhugging them.Take yourclassmatesbelongingswithout askingthem first.You can Huga personwithout theirconsent.Pullsomeone'shand andplay with it.

Personal Boundaries Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Shout at your friends.
  2. Break your friend's toy.
  3. Parents should set examples of personal space and communication.
  4. When talking to someone there should be an arm's length distance.
  5. Parents should shout and argue in front of their children
  6. Tickle someone even if they say no.
  7. Place your hands on some's waist without permission.
  8. It is good to clearly say NO if you're uncomfortable.
  9. Bullying and being racist doesn't violate personal space of others.
  10. Wrap your arms around someone else's shoulder w/o their consent.
  11. Touch someone else's belongings without their knowledge.
  12. Free!
  13. Tease your classmate in front of other people.
  14. One tap on a shoulder is acceptable and there should be a distance.
  15. Ask for permission before taking something you want.
  16. Stop immediately when you see someone is being offended by your actions.
  17. It is good to raise your voice when talking or arguing with someone.
  18. Hug everyone when you see them.
  19. Despite race and culture, we should communicate properly.
  20. You can always say yes to someone.
  21. It is okay to use your phone when you are in the middle of a conversation.
  22. It is polite to just greet and wave to your company instead of hugging them.
  23. Take your classmates belongings without asking them first.
  24. You can Hug a person without their consent.
  25. Pull someone's hand and play with it.